ESafety Survey for Pupils

Stay Anonymous - DO NOT write your name on this piece of paper.

BUT please answer the questions as accurately and truthfully as you can.

Tick the box / Leave a note…..
……if you want to say anything else in answer to a question
1 / Do you use the internet at home? / Yes NO
2 / Have you or do you use a social networking site such as My Space, MSN Messenger, Bebo, Xbox Live, Club Penguin or similar? / Yes NO
3 / Do you use an online game site such as Club Penguin or Runescape? / Yes NO
4 / Have you ever given out personal information online?
Eg your name, address,school / Yes NO
5 / Have you ever come across information on a website that made you feel uncomfortable or that your parents might not want you to see? / Yes NO
6 / Do you text your friends? / Never
7 / Have you or do you play video games with an older age group rating? / Yes NO
8 / Do your parents know what you do online? / Yes NO
9 / Has anyone ever helped you to keep safe online? / Yes NO
10 / Apart from school and home where else do you use the Internet? / Friends
Mobile phone
Somewhere else

Thank you very much for completing this survey