Societies Council
Societies Council exists to promote academic and social activities for students. For this purpose the Council provides funding for Tasmania University Union (TUU) affiliated student societies at the University of Tasmania (UTAS). The Council receives a funding allocation from the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) via the TUU budget which is jointly set by the Board of Management and the Students Representative Council (SRC) in consultation with the TUU Societies Council Executive. These funds are distributed amongst societies through grants intended to help in areas such as running expenses and activities (concerts, exhibitions, plays, travel to conferences, etc.)For the types of grants available and how to access these, please refer to the Societies Council Handbook available on the TUU website.
To receive funding a society must be affiliated with the TUU Societies Council. You need a minimum of 5 currently enrolled UTAS students to affiliate a society or a minimum of 15 currently enrolled UTAS students to be able to receive grants.
- Recruitment
Best recruitment opportunity is Clubs and Societies “O’Day” (information on the next page). Display posters on notice boards, Uni Department (if a faculty based society) and by word of mouth.
- Inaugural General Meeting
Once you feel you have sufficient interest you need to organise an Inaugural General Meeting (IGM) to launch your society. Notice of the meetingneeds to be advertised at least 7 days prior to holding the meeting. You can advertise the meeting using your interested member’s mailing list and by putting up notices on notice boards around campus.
At the IGM you need:
- Agree upon and formally adopt your constitution (sample constitution available at tuu.com.au- follow the clubs and societies link on the menu, societies resource portal).
- To elect office bearers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Delegate)
- Keep minutes (records of the proceedings and decisions of the meeting)
- Lodgement of forms
Complete theaffiliation form via the TUU website then attach copies of constitution (adopted at the IGM), membership list (also necessary for insurance purposes) and minutes of the IGM.
All these documents must be lodged online to be receivedby the Societies Officer a week prior to the next Societies Council Meeting, so it can be added to the agenda for discussion.
- Societies Council meeting attendance
You must have a delegate at the Council meeting; otherwise the motion for affiliation
will lapse.
When your affiliation is approved by Council please see the Sports and Societies Officer for specific instructions on how to apply for an Australian Business Number (ABN) (every society must have an ABN) and also how to open up a society bank account.
You need to fill in re-affiliation form and submit the form with membership list and last Annual General Meeting (AGM) minutes a week prior to the Societies Council Meeting.
Please note: In order to receive the running expense funding you have to affiliate the society no later than the second Societies Council meeting of the year.
Deadline for submissions including affiliations/re-affiliations is seven days prior to the Council meeting.
- Monday, 7 March
- Monday, 11April
- Monday, 9 May
- Monday, 11 July
- Monday, 8 August
- Monday, 5September
- Monday, 3 October
Societies’Council meetings are held in theUni Bar(TBC) at the Sandy Bay campus, commencing at 6:00pm.
All societies must have a delegate at Council meetings. If you are unable to attend please email the Societies Officer before the meeting as only written/email apologies will be accepted.
Bank Signatures/changeover information
Collect an authority to operate a business account (A153) form from the Commonwealth Bank (Uni Branch). The Societies Officer is required to write a letter to support the changeover and also sign the A153. For the Societies Officer to authorise the changeover, you must first provide a copy of your AGM minutes showing the new Executive and also email the names, addresses and phone numbers of the new executive and state who the actual signatories to the bank account will be so they can be added to the letter. The bank letter must also be signed by your new Society Executive when collected. Once the new signatories have filled in their details and signed the A153 then they all have to go to bank together and show their ID. Please email the Societies Officer a couple of days beforehand with your changeover details so that the letter can be prepared and ready for you to collect at an arranged time.
O’ Day (Clubs and Societies Day) information
“O” Day is on Wednesday 24thFebruary 2016 from 2.00 to 6:00 pm in the TUU carpark.
You can book a stall with the Sports and Societies Officer by Wednesday 17th February 2016. Current contacts will be notified about O’Day & stall bookings.
Liquor license for the whole area will be provided.
Contact details:
Sports and Societies Officer
Ingrid Lagerewskij
Phone:62262854 Email:
Societies Council Handbook/forms -