Aesculapian Society Elections for 2015-2016
Overview of Positions and Duties
- Watch over the general interests of the Society.
- Represent the interests and rights of the Society, in its relations with the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Health Sciences, the University authorities, student organizations, and all other bodies, and to represent the Society at any meeting or conference at which the Society deems fit to be represented. The President may delegate this responsibility as she/he deems fit.
- Make any decision which she/he feels to be in the best interests of the Society, subject to ratification by Council.
- Convene and preside over Council meetings
- Be an ex-officio member of committees within the Society.
- Sit as a member of the Peer Review Board, the Faculty Council to the Faculty of Medicine, the Advisory Board of the Faculty of Medicine, the Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS), and the Coalition of Ontario Medical Students (COMS).
- Serve as Past President following completion of her/his term as President.
VP Executive
- Watch over the general interests of the Society with respect to non-academic or extra-curricular activities.
- Supervise all non-academic or extra-curricular activities of the Society, where not specified as an assigned responsibility of another Council member.
- Ensure the operation of all committees and working bodies of the Society not supervised by the Vice-President(s) of Academic Affairs, Social Affairs, Athletic Affairs, External Affairs, Communications, Administration, or Finance.
- Sit as a member of, and chair the Peer Review Board, the Advisory Board of the Faculty of Medicine, and as needed the Assembly of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO).
- Maintain and update, in collaboration with the Vice-President of Administration, all records, files, and documents belonging to, or in the name of the Society.
- Assist the President in her/his duties.
- Represent the President in her/his absence and to chair meetings of the Council in her/his absence. Replace the President in the event of her/his resignation, disqualification, illness, or death, until a new election is held at the discretion of the Council.
VP Administration
- Note that the student holding this position is required to be BILINGUAL
- Act as Secretary for all Council meetings.
- To keep the minutes for Council meetings.
- To post notices of Council meetings.
- To prepare the agenda for Council meetings.
- Conduct the Society’s correspondences to deliver said correspondence to respective council members as soon as possible as appropriate.
- Maintain and update, with the Executive Vice-President, all records, files, and documents of the Society, as well as an up-to-date version of the Constitution of the Society.
- Ensure that documents be made available in either official language at the request of a member of the Society.
- The VP Administration shall act as the Election Convener. In the event that the VP Administration wishes to run for a position on Council for the following year, the Junior VP Information Technology shall act as the Election Convener.
- Coordinate maintenance of the Aesculapian office with respect to storage, supplies, and equipment.
VP Finance Junior
- Administer the finances of the Society, subject to the direction of the Council.
- Work with the senior VP Finance to submit the semi-annual budgetary reports in the months of October and February, and submit an end-of-year budgetary report and an Annual Forecast Budget for the upcoming year.
- Control expenditures and outlays made by committees or working bodies within the Society according to their budgets.
- Authorize any expenditure and outlays made by any committee, working body, or representative of the Society in the name of the Society, which was not accounted for in the budget.
VP of External Affairs Junior
- Oversee all External Affairs activities related to the Society.
- To communicate to Society members all relevant information from the Ontario Medical Students Association (OMSA), The Academy of Medicine Ottawa (AMO), the Professional Association of Interns and Residents of Ontario (PAIRO), and the Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS).
- Sit on student committees:
- Ontario Medical Students Association (OMSA)
- Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS)
- Academy of Medicine Ottawa (AMO)
- Professional Association of Interns and Residents of Ontario (PAIRO)
- Provide liaison between the students and the Assistant Dean of Postgraduate Education.
- To represent the interests and concerns of the students in regard to postgraduate and Canadian Residency Matching Service (CaRMS) issues.
- To promote the attendance of medical students at the University of Ottawa at the Ontario Medical Students’ Weekend (OMSW).
VP Academic Junior
- Watch over the interests of the Society with regard to academic affairs, and supervise all academic activities of the Society.
- Sit as a member of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC) of the Faculty of Medicine, the Curriculum Content Review Committee (CCRC), the Pre-clerkship Committee (PCC).
- Coordinate membership on committees such as the Admissions Committee, Library Committee, Health and Safety Committee, and Gender and Equality Committee.
- Provide liaison between the students and the Vice Dean of Medical Education, between the Council and the Mentor Program, and between the Council and the Bilingualism Committee.
- Communicate to Society members all relevant information from the other committees.
VP of Information Technology Junior
- Maintenance and continued expansion of the Aesculapian Way - website and community.
- Continue work with the faculty in the reconstruction of the Learning Management System and collaboration with Student Affairs
- Continue and increase assistance to other portfolios, interest groups and other committees in the Aesculapian Society and/or faculty in relevant projects including the following new endeavors:
- Collaboration with the revamp of the Faculty of Medicine image
- Increase communication with other medical schools & student bodies
- Creation of a communication media package- with focus towards prospective students andphilanthropy.
VP of Community Health
- To actively advance and facilitate all aspects of health promotion within the Faculty of Medicine.
- To act as a resource person and liaison for organized community health groups and events within the Faculty of Medicine.
- To act as a liaison between the Office of Student Affairs and the Medical Students in planning events promoting physical, mental, and emotional health.
VP Global Health Junior
- To act as the agent of all medical students collectively, rather than as a representative of her/his class and to consult the Society members of all classes to aid her/him in her/his function when necessary.
- To actively advance and facilitate all aspects of the promotion of Global health within the Faculty of Medicine and to act as a liaison between the students and Faculty Global Health Office, attending meetings as they arise.
- To act as a liaison between the Society and the International Health Office (Main Campus)and any other Global health organization based at RGN or main campus.
- To represent the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ottawa in the position of Global Health Liaison on the Canadian Federation of Medical Students Global Health Program (CFMS-GHP).
- To act as the student facilitator and organizer of Global health projects as they arise.
- To be responsible for the efficient turnover of the Local Exchange Officer (LEO) who acts as a link to the CFMS-GHP within the International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA). In the case where no one in all four years is willing to take on the positions, the Junior VP Global Health has the responsibility to assure that the exchanges are carried out at our school and hence takes on the role of LEO.
VP Social
- Oversee all social events held in the name of the Society.
- To oversee the organization of the Orientation activities for the incoming year and the Annual Medical Ball.
- To actively work with other councils to encourage interfaculty communication as the Society’s representative for interfaculty social events.
- To act as a liaison between the Society and the annual Medical Show organizers.
VP Social Clerkship
-To work closely with VP Social Pre-Clerkship to organize joint events that allow for the inclusion of clerkship students
-Mentor the Vice President Social Preclerkship in planning, organizing, and running O-Week
-Be available for all O-Week events (excluding time mandated by school) should your help be needed
-Work with other members of council and other students to organize creative/innovate events (eg. student wellness, SOS, Medshow social, resident socials)
-Attend Asoc events and meetings as an official Asoc representative. Act as a voting member at said meetings.
-Planning post-exam celebrations for clerkship and helping with the planning of first and second year post-exam celebrations
-Planning other exclusive clerkship events sporadically throughout the year including clerkship dinners, potluck events, holiday events, bowling, movie nights, etc.
-Helping with the planning of Medball formal, and continuing to make it an inclusive event for all years
-Note: this position is pending formal approval by Aesculapian Society, but will proceed with nominations and campaigning while awaiting approval
VP Philanthropy
- To be directly accountable to the Council in the performance of all her/his duties.
- To solicit potential sponsors on behalf of the Council.
- To raise funds in the name of the Society with all sponsorship generated being assigned to the Society.
- To keep a record of correspondence with real or potential sponsors, as well as a table of contributors, events sponsored, and amounts received.
- To assist VP Finance with management of reimbursements to student groups
- To provide support for charitable/philanthropic activities and events
VP Athletic Affairs
- To be responsible for the organization of all athletic activities in the name of the Society (intramural facilitation, Med Law Games, and Medgames).
- To be responsible for all athletic equipment and material owned by, or on loan to the Society, or to delegate this responsibility in the name of the Society.