Aerobics videos offer variety and value

by Ericka Kostka

Snowy winters, early morning meetings, brand new twins... There are lots of reasons why getting outside—or over to the gym—for a workout sometimes just can't happen. But without dropping a month's paycheck on a treadmill for your living room, you can keep up with your cardio fitness program at home. Aerobics videos are a fantastic way to burn calories in a small space (and with a small investment). In fact, many people from beginners to experienced exercisers find videos a motivating part of their routines.

Will aerobics videos work for me?

"Almost anyone can get benefits from aerobics videos, as long as they commit to doing the workouts," says Jill Ross, co-owner of Collage Video in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Her company's Complete Guide to Exercise Videos is the most respected catalog of exercise videos in the fitness industry.

Why does Ross think aerobics videos are great?

No excuses - Weather, time of day, or a packed schedule need not interfere with your workout. "When it's too hot or cold to run outside, they're great. I'll wake up, throw on workout shoes, and pop in a video," says Margaret Dunn, a nonprofit program director in Brookline, Massachusetts. "I even bring them on vacation."

Convenience - If you're caring for children, for example, you can exercise without hiring a sitter or taking them along.

Privacy - Unlike working out in a gym, a video gives you total privacy. Many people who are overweight or new to exercise appreciate getting started without a crowd.

Perfect timing - With a video, you can choose the length of your work out and you're not bound to the aerobics class schedule at your club.

Variety - Videos allow you to choose the choreography you like, from a basic routine to complex dance moves. "I enjoy videos more than walking or running. They never feel redundant or boring," says Lea Mills, a corporate events planner in Chicago.

Value - Most videos cost around $10-25 a piece, but you can also rent them from a video store or borrow them from a library. They're much cheaper than a gym membership or a home cardio machine.

What are the drawbacks to aerobics videos?

The primary reason aerobics videos don't work for some people is that they don't use them, says Ross. Other potential pitfalls:

Too easy or too hard - Beware of choosing a video that doesn't match your skill level. "Women especially tend to underrate their fitness levels and choose a tape that's too easy. But if the workout isn't effective, you'll become bored and won't stick with it," says Ross.

Poor instruction -> Many quality videos have excellent teachers and instruction, but steer clear of those that don't. "Six or seven years ago, there were a lot that were almost dangerous," warns Ross. "Now fitness knowledge has progressed so much, we just wouldn't see those videos now." Ross suggests sticking with videos with later copyright dates and reading reviews to help you make good choices.

Boredom - Too much of a good thing may hurt your motivation. Even if you've found a tape you swear by, find another and rotate. "I vary between two so I don't get bored," says Dunn. Another hint: choose a tape that holds your attention. "For me, lots of movement and changes of pace keep things interesting. I like instructors who talk all the time," Dunn adds.

All-or-nothing thinking - Trying to do too much at first is a major reason people give up on an exercise program. Far better to choose short workouts, or do part of a tape and finish the rest later, than attempt too much and give up.

No T.V. time- If you have roommates or a family, you may have trouble taking over the family room and the T.V. You'll need to find time when no one is around if you don't have a second room with a T.V. and VCR.

What are the best videos?

This question is difficult to answer. What's best varies from person to person, depending on an individual's skills and interests. But since many consumers are overwhelmed by the number of videos available, Ross suggests choosing tapes that are tried and true favorites and highly respected by experts in the field.

As for the best aerobics tapes, you can't go wrong with one of the staff favorites from Collage Video, says Ross (see sidebar). "These tapes are chosen because they not only provide an excellent workout, they're the ones with the most universal appeal. They're mainstream, fun, and they work."

The 300 or so videos that make it into Collage Video's highly respected catalog have been rated by ACE-certified instructors for workout effectiveness and teaching technique. In addition, regular people rate them for appeal and motivation. Remember, while each of these tapes is highly recommended by experts and regular video exercisers alike, they vary in style, complexity and skill level.

How do I find the right video for me?

1. Public libraries are a great, risk-free place to try out videos.

2. Renting from a video store is another way to check out what's available without committing to buy.

3.To read detailed reviews of hundreds of videos, visit a comprehensive site devoted to video fitness. The site features a personal video selector that matches your profile with reviewer favorites.

4. The specialists at Collage Video are experienced in making recommendations based on your needs. Call 1-800-433-6769 to order a catalog, or visit for complete reviews.

Collage Video staff favorites

1. Donna Richardson's Donna-Mite

2. Leslie Sansone's Weight Loss Walk

3. Culture Shock Hip Hop Workout

4. Kathy Smith's Peak Fat Burning

5. Gilad's Fat Burning Workout

6. Leslie Sansone's 2 Mile Walk

7. Reebok Rhythmic Power - Petra Kolber

8. Kathy Smith's March to Fitness

9. Kari Anderson's Great Moves: Hi/Lo H.I.T.S.

10. IDEA's Excellence in Aerobics - Kari A.

11. Freestyle Roping

12. Chuck Norris: Private Lessons

13. Richard Simmons Oldies Series

14. The New You with Linda Evans

15. G-Force Hi/Lo Challenge

16. Reebok Intense Moves Gin Miller

17. Step Revival with Jay Blahnik

18. Reebok AeroStep with Gin Miller

19.CIA 9804: All Star, All Step

20. Reebok Dance Step

21. Reebok Step, Rhythm and Moves

22. CIA 9701: The Step Workout


Collage Video

Home of The Complete Guide to Exercise Videos.

Video Fitness

A comprehensive site devoted to video fitness.

Active Videos

All types of exercise videos from aerobics to yoga.

Last reviewed February 2000 by HealthGate Medical Review Board

Please be aware that this information is provided to supplement the care provided by your physician. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. CALL YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER IMMEDIATELY IF YOU THINK YOU MAY HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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