Community Services Noticeboard–11 March 2016

Providing information to Service Providers on upcoming events, Community Services and Departmental information.

Multicap program information

CTC's proposed new venture - your feedback please!


CTC is flagging an innovative approach to the delivery of quality, trained staff to the hospitality sector in and around Rockhampton. We are seriously considering the establishment of a training café where young people will receive high quality training and support to become the best baristas, wait staff, concierge, kitchen hand and other associated hospitality staff. We are conscious of the demand for such staff also having fantastic customer service skills as well as knowledge of business marketing and promotion. Not only this, but we want to make this establishment one where trainees will become highly motivated, instilled with a strong work ethic and become reliable and valued assets to any business. In other words, we will be providing real life, on the job training whereby graduates will have been immersed in the realities of a busy hospitality environment and will be able to hit the ground running for any new employer who is seeking their honed skills.

If CTC were to pursue the establishment of a training café as a not-for-profit business enterprise that reinvests its profits back into the provision of quality training for the benefit of both the individual trainee AND prospective local employers, would you:

1.Support such a venture? YesNo

2. Patronise such an establishment? YesNo

3.Refer potential trainees for training at our training café?YesNo

NB: To mark your selection, please use the highlight tool






Any other comments:Please forward your responses to:

by Close of Business this Friday 11/03/2016.

Thank you in anticipation of your feedback regarding our proposed new venture!

“Young People and Drugs” (Y-Pad) Training

Darumbal Community Youth Service Inc. and Dovetail is pleased to offer our "Young People and Drugs" (Y-Pad) Training.
Date: 21st April 2016
Time:9am - 4.30pm
Venue:Dreamtime Cultural Centre (Nola James Building)
Cost: $100 per person
RSVP: 15th April, 2016
This full-day workshop is an introduction to youth AOD work. It targets practitioners who work directly withyoung people aged 10 - 25 years in a one-on-one capacity. For example, youth workers, alcohol and drugworkers / clinicians, child safety officers, youth justice officers, residential support workers, youth supportcoordinators, school-based youth health nurses, indigenous health workers, mental health professionals,guidance officers, employment and vocational staff and other similar professionals are likely to benefit mostfrom the course's content.
Places are limited. Bookings essential
Please complete the attached registration form and return it viaemail to . For more information, please contact our office on the number provided below.

Community Services Noticeboard 2016

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