AEE Administrator: Mrs. Blanca Cruz
AEE Leadership Teacher: Miss Diana Daltorio
Welcome to AEE Leadership for the 2017-2018 school year! As Leadership students you have a very important role to play on Roybal’s campus. You will be working with and guiding the entirety of the AEE student body, and exemplifying the qualities of an effective and fair leader. We will focus and tailor any lessons and field trips toward the areas of Medicine and Law, and these experiences will be reflected upon and utilized in such a way so as to better prepare you for the challenges of adult life after high school.
As Leadership Students, you will split your time between your headquarters in Room 230, and the various other AEE classrooms. Each month, you will spend select days in another AEE teacher’s class, and involving their students in the planning process for that month’s activity. This ensures that all of AEE is involved in the Leadership process, and can fully and fairly participate in all activities.
Student grades will be broken down as follows:
Participation: 50%
Leadership Assignments: 20%
Writing Assignments: 15%
Do Nows: 15%
Participation: This grade includes your participation in activities as agreed upon by the class. It also includes your performance while working with other students in other classrooms as you plan AEE events or activities. The various AEE teachers will all provide feedback as to how well you are serving the AEE community during your planning time with their particular class. Although not required, you may have the opportunity to gain participation points before or after school. Please make sure you are managing your other responsibilities effectively before committing to Leadership activities before or after school. The requirements are detailed in the AEE contract. If you cannot meet this criteria, you need to speak to Ms. Daltorio.
Leadership Assignments: We will complete various assignments throughout the year that involve calling, researching, or reaching out to various locations that relate to the fields of Medicine and Law. The requirements and allotted time for each assignment will vary, but you must be able to complete them by the given deadline.
Writing Assignments: Writing assignments will be given throughout the year as a way to reflect upon Leadership experiences, current events, how we can improve our society in terms of Medicine and Law, how we can improve the class, how we can improve as a school, etc. They must be completed by the given deadline.
Do Nows: Do Nows are journal prompts/warm ups that will on the board and required work for any day you spend in Room 230. You have 5-7 minutes to complete these. If you do not turn them in within the allotted time, you cannot turn them in at all.
Leadership is a select, small group of students who have been chosen by AEE’s administrators and teachers because they have proven they can fulfill the tasks and requirements at hand. This year, as designed by the Leadership students and approved by the AEE Administrator and Leadership teacher, you will be required to meet certain criteria throughout the year or risk being dropped from Leadership. There will be a Wait List in place for any students who wish to join Leadership. As people are dropped from the class, students on the Wait List may take their place.
Requirements and Expectations for the Class
I, ______, understand that in order to participate and remain in Leadership, I must agree to and fulfill the following obligations:
*Accumulate no more than THREE (3) tardies PER SEMESTER. If I accumulate more than three tardies per semester, I will be dropped from the class, at the end of the semester. If an emergency arises that necessitated my being tardy, I will address it immediately with my Leadership Advisor to ensure she is aware of any special issues I may be facing.
*Accumulate no more than TWO (2) unexcused absences PER SEMESZTER. I must speak with the teacher, any administrator, or a counselor if extreme circumstances will affect my attendance. If I accumulate more than two unexcused absences, I will be dropped from the class at the end of the semester.
*Participate in at least FOUR (4) of the planned FIVE (5) Leadership activities PER SEMESTER. My participation in these activities will be evaluated at the end of the semester, and if I did not meet the obligations, I will be dropped from the class. Participation includes planning, communication, etc. If I am enrolled in a sport, college class or an after school activity that prevents me from attending an event, I understand I need to communicate with my Leadership teacher throughout the semester to ensure I received support and am able to balance my different responsibilities.
*I understand that extenuating circumstances can arise, and class requirements may be altered. Activities may be added or removed. I understand that I will be given fair notice of any changes as they occur, and my grade will not be affected by circumstances beyond my control.
*I understand that I can direct any concerns or ideas for Leadership to any adult involved in Leadership, including Mrs. Cruz, Miss Daltorio, and any AEE teacher or staff member. I also have the right to reach out beyond AEE if I feel my concerns are not being dealt with fairly.
Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______
Leadership Teacher: ______
AEE Administrator: ______Date:______
AEE TEACHERS AND STAFF (as of August 18, 2017)
Mrs. Blana Cruz (AEE Administrator)
Ms. Diana Daltorio (AEE Lead Teacher and Leadership Teacher)
Mr. Piero Carlini
Mr. Juan Liebana-Mena
Mr. Moshe Molcho
Ms. Chrissie Chau
Mr. Oscar Letona
Mr. William Hayden
Ms. Karen Ho
Ms. Camille An
Ms. Gina Capobianco
Ms. Chunxiang Wan
Mr. Brian Keaney
Ms. Jenny Nguyen
Ms. Sarah Stockton