Office of the Sub-Project Manager
Advancement of Teaching and Learning
At Undergraduate & Masters Level in Chemistry
HEQEP (window-1) CP-3380
Department of Chemistry
Jagannath University, Dhaka-1100
Invitation for Tender (NCB)
1. / Ministry/Division / Ministry of Education2. / Agency / Jagannath University
3. / Procuring Entity Name / Department of Chemistry, Jagannath University
4. / Procuring Entity Code / N/A
5. / Procuring Entity District / Dhaka
6. / Invitation for / Supply of Laboratory Equipments
7. / Invitation Ref No. / HEQEP/JnU_Chem/CP-3380/OTM/G2
8. / Date / 18/06/2015
9. / Procurement method / Open Tendering Method (National)
10. / Budget and Source of Funds / Development Budget (Government and IDA Credit)
11. / Development Partners (if applicable) / International Development Association (IDA)
12. / Project/ Programme Code / N/A
13. / Project/ Programme Name / Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP)
14. / Tender Package No / G2
15. / Tender Package Name / Supply of Laboratory Equipments
16. / Tender Publication Date / 20/06/2015
17. / Tender Last Selling Date / 06/07/2015
18. / Tender Closing Date and Time / 07/07/2015 at 12.00 pm
19. / Tender Opening Date and Time / 07/07/2015 at 12:30 pm
Selling Tender Document / Department Of Chemistry, Jagannath University.
Receiving & Opening Tender Document / 4th Floor, Office of the Secretary, Bangladesh University Grants Commission, 29/1 Agargaon Sher-e-bangla Nagar, Dhaka 1207
21. / Place/ Time of Pre-Tender Meeting / None
22. / Eligibility of Tenderer / · The Tenderer shall have a minimum of 05 years of overall experience in the supply of goods and related services.
· The Tenderer shall have successfully completed minimum 03 numbers supply contract of similar goods and related services for each lot within last 05 (five) years. i.e years counting backward from the date of publication of IFT in the news paper.
· The satisfactory completion of supply of similar goods (Laboratory equipment) of minimum :
for Lot-1: Tk. 40,00,000.00 (Forty Lakhs),
for Lot -2: Tk. 12,00,000.00 (Twelve Lakhs),
for Lot -3: Tk. 7,00,000.00 (Seven Lakhs),
for Lot -4: Tk. 6,50,000.00 (Six Lakhs Fifty Thousand)
under maximum 03 contracts in the last 05 years. i.e.
years counting backward from the date of publication of
IFT in the news paper.
· The minimum amount of liquid asset or working capital or credit facility is
Lot-1: Tk. 41,00,000.00 (Forty One Lakhs),
Lot -2: Tk.13,00,000.00 (Thirteen Lakhs ),
Lot -3: Tk.7,00,000.00 (Seven Lakhs ),
Lot -4: Tk.6,50,000.00 (Six Lakhs Fifty Thousand)
· The maximum 02 number of arbitration against the Tenderer over a period of last 05 (five) years.
· Tenderer must have up to date and valid Trade license, TIN number, VAT certificate, Bank solvency certificate with liquid money.
· Tenderer from all countries except Israel to be offered.
· Must be enclosed user’s lists with their contact phone number against the previous supply experience.
23. / Brief Description of Goods / Supply of Laboratory Equipments.
24. / Brief Description of Related Services / Installation, commissioning and providing training of Lab equipments.
25. / Tender Document Price / BDT 1500/- (One Thousand Five Hundred) Only
26. / Lot no. / Identification of Lot / Location / Tender Security Amount in Taka / Completion Time
1 / UV-Vis(Single Beam), UV-Vis(Double Beam), FT-IR with ATR / Department of Chemistry / BDT 1,40,000.00 (Taka One Lac Forty Thousand ) / 12 Weeks
2 / Rotary Evaporator and Magnetic Susceptibility Balance / Department of Chemistry / BDT 45,000.00 (Taka Forty FiveThousand ) / 12 Weeks
3 / Pootentiometric titrator and pH Metter / Department of Chemistry / BDT 25,000.00 (Taka Twenty five Thousand ) / 12 Weeks
4 / Oven, Double Distillation plant, Hot plate magnetic stirrer etc. / Department of Chemistry / BDT 23,000.00 (Taka Twenty Three Thousand ) / 12 Weeks
27. / Name of Official Inviting Tender / Dr. Abul kalam Md. Lutfor Rahman
28. / Designation of Official Inviting Tender / Sub-Project Manager (CP-3380), HEQEP.
29 / Address of Official Inviting Tender / Sub Project Manager
ATL at Undergraduate & Masters Level in Chemistry ,HEQEP, CP-3380
Department of Chemistry, Jagannath University
9-10 Chittaranjan Avenue, Dhaka-1100, Bangladesh
30. / Contact details of Official Inviting Tender / Telephone No.: +88-02-9583794
Fax No.: ------
e-mail address:
31. / The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject all tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.
Dr. Abul Kalam Md. Lutfor Rahman
Sub Project Manager
ATL at Undergraduate & Masters Level in Chemistry
HEQEP, CP-3380
9-10 Chittaranjan Avenue, Dhaka-1100, Bangladesh
Department of Chemistry, Jagannath University
Phone No : +8802-9583794
Date :18/06/2015