What is intelligence?
Intelligence is the all-purpose ability to do well on cognitive tasks, to solve problems, and to learn from experience.
Measuring Intelligence
Psychologist measure intelligence using test that produce a score known as the persons intelligence quotient (I Q).
IQ= (MA/CA) x 100.
Gifted- IQ of 130 or higher.
Intellectual disability-70 or below.
In the realm of testing, validity refers to the extent to which a test measures what it is intended to measure.
Reliability is the extent to which a test yields a consistent, reproducible measure of performance.
Alfred Binet
He was the first person to construct the first IQ test after being asked to create a measure to determine which children would benefit from instructions in a French school.
Cultural Bias Testing
Many early IQ test were culturally bias. Many of the tests that were given to those who lived in the majority and lived in middle to upper-class neighbourhoods.
Culture-fair tests
Intelligence tests that are intended to be culturally unbiased, they tested PIQ (performance).
A Determinant of Intelligence can be linked to genetics. For intelligence, heritability tells us how much of the differences we observe in intelligence is attributable to differences in genes. Because heritability is a proportion, the highest degree of heritability is 100 percent.
Theories of Multiple Intelligences
· Verbal:The ability to think in words and use language to express meaning. Occupations: author, journalist, speaker.
· Mathematical:The ability to carry out mathematical operations. Occupations: scientist, engineer, accountant.
· Spatial:The ability to think three-dimensionally. Occupations: architect, artist, sailor.
· Bodily-kinesthetic:The ability to manipulate objects and to be physically adept. Occupations: surgeon, craftsperson, dancer, athlete.
· Musical:The ability to be sensitive to pitch, melody, rhythm, and tone. Occupations: composer, musician.
· Interpersonal:The ability to understand and interact effectively with others. Occupations: teacher, mental health professional.
· Intrapersonal:The ability to understand oneself. Occupations: theologian, psychologist.
· Naturalist:The ability to observe patterns in nature and understand natural and human-made systems. Occupations: farmer, botanist, ecologist, landscaper.
· Existentialist:The ability to grapple with the big questions of human existence, such as the meaning of life and death, with special sensitivity to issues of spirituality. Gardner has not identified an occupation for existential intelligence, but one career path would likely be philosopher.