Advanced Placement United States History (APUSH) Syllabus

Course Objectives

In this course, students will have the opportunity to:

-Develop an appreciation for the study of history;

-Develop a better understanding of the history of the United States – in political, economic, social and cultural terms

-Develop a better understanding of the great issues that are at the heart of American History

-Improve writing, research, and critical reading skills;

-Improve thinking skills – specifically to develop ability to analyze historical documents

-Take the AP exam May 5.

Course Overview

This year you are scheduled to take Advanced Placement United States History, a comprehensive survey of the history of the United States of America, its origins, development patterns, and interactions with the world. For all intents and purposes, this course will be divided in to two parts – before the War Between the States and after the War Between the States. We will focus on Social, Economic, Political and Cultural History. As a survey course we will be moving quickly.

Textbook and Materials

Primary Text:

Henretta, James A, Eric Hinderaker, Rebecca Edwards, and Robert O Self America’s History 8th ed Boston: Bedford/St Martin’s, 2014

Supplemental Resources:

Davis, Kenneth, Don’t Know Much About History: Everything You Need to Know about American History but Never Learned New York: Harper Collins, 2003 – Review materials for the 9 historical periods as defined in the College Board curriculum

Crash Course US History – YouTube review videos that cover subject-specific parts of American History. Be warned: John Green talks fast!

Adam Norris’ YouTube videos cover your chapters and periods from the book. Be sure that you are looking at the correct text. – Review materials for your AP exam.

Others TBA

Course Format

I teach this course primarily as a lecture. Material will be presented in lecture form, through readings, films and videos and through Q&A. Good notetaking is essential and is a skill that should be learned and developed early on. Textbook readings are to be completed by the date given for the quiz or exam, and supplemental readings are to be completed by the date given at the time of receipt.

Daily Assignments

The length of assignments may vary on a day-to-day basis, but students can expect that every evening they will have some form of homework (mostly reading). A test or short paper will be given at the end of the study of each period. A test or exam roughly half-way through the time period may be given as appropriate to concentrate the amount of material asked on occasion. Due to time constraints, any material not covered in class will always be the responsibility of the student.

Makeup-Missed Assignments/Tests

-If you are absent the day an assignment is due, it will be due the following class day!!

-Students have exactly one week from a missed test to make it up!!

-The only time available for students to meet with me is during lunch or after school!!


Students’ grades will be based upon their performance on tests, quizzes, short papers, essays, projects and daily class participation. There will not be any opportunities for extra credit, so students should put all of their energy into the required work.

Test/Projects = 60% All other graded items = 40%

Periods Taught (Please note: The time periods in our textbook DO NOT match this directly. Your tests will follow the periods as laid out in your textbook)

1. Transformations of North America (1450-1700)

2. British North America and the Atlantic World (1660-1763)

3. Revolution and Republican Culture (1763-1820)

4. Overlapping Revolutions (1800-1860)

5. Creating and Preserving a Continental Nation (1844-1877)

6. Industrializing America: Upheavals and Experiments (1877-1917)

7. Domestic and Global Challenges (1890-1945)

8. The Modern State and the Age of Liberalism (1945-1980)

9. Global Capitalism and the End of the American Century (1980-present)


-Class-work will consist of a minimum of 9 minor grades (quizzes, homework, writings) and a minimum of 4 major grades (tests, projects) each semester.

-Minor grades will count 40% and major grades will count 60%.

-The mid-term & final exam will count 20% of each semester grade.


-No late assignments will be taken!

-Exceptions will be made for absences as per established school guidelines.


-Tests will be given according to the schedule provided (calendar).

-Missed tests must be made-up within one week! The only time

available for make-up tests/quizzes is AFTER school or during your lunch in

room E101.


-Students may only re-test if the final grade on the test (i.e. the grade that goes in the

grade-book) is below a 70. (Example: Student makes a 65 on the test but gets 10 pts on

their notebook. THEREFORE the student's test grade placed in the grade-book is a

75therefore they DO NOT get a re-test.)

-Re-Test Process: Re-tests will be an essay that covers several areas of the unit.

Students will need to get this taken care of within ONE WEEK of the day they have been

made aware of their failing test grade.

-Times for Re-test: Students need to make an appointment with Mr. Ford to re-

test. Students CANNOT just show up and re-test. Mr. Ford must have prior notice

of a student re-testing. A minimum of 30 minutes will be required to take the re-

test. After school or during the day is the best time to do a re-test.

Course Calendar:

You will be given a calendar for the upcoming dates you need to remember. Keep this in your notebook and update it as per instructions in class. A copy will also be launched on my CISD website.

Classroom Management


  1. Be in class and in your desk ready to begin class when the tardy bell rings.

This includes having materials and assignments.

  1. No talking/interrupting/criticizing someone else who speaking.
  2. All rules stated in the Student Handbook.
  3. Mobile devices should not be out during lecture unless pre-approved as a note-taking device. Evidence may be required as to use.

Discipline Procedures

  1. Intervention/Verbal Warning/counsel by teacher & documentation
  2. Parent contact and teacher d-hall & documentation
  3. Additional parent contact and teacher d-hall & documentation
  4. Office referral for continued misbehavior or progression of misbehavior after all previous steps taken

I am glad you are in my class and I hope you will enjoy it while learning. If you need me for anything, let me know and I will try to help.


Bradley Ford, MA HIS


Notebook Option for AP US History

What you will need:

  • 1 PLAIN 1 inch Binders/Notebooks (White is preferred)
  • 10 Notebook Dividers (1 for each period; 1 for Essay Writing materials; a few extra just in case)
  • Notebook paper for taking notes (placed in the back)

How it will be graded:

  • You will turn in your notebook each test day.
  • I will assign a score each time based upon completeness and neatness.
  • Up to 5 pts will be added to yourtest grade.
  • If you are absent for a test, the notebook will be due when you make up the test.
  • Notebooks will not be accepted late. When you take the test (on time or a make-up) if you do not have your notebook no bonus points will be given.

Other Items for your consideration:

  • Completeness means-
  • STUDY GUIDES, any work you have done and I have returned; any item that is handed out to you, the review sheet and material researched and all the notes you take for a given era will be placed in that section of your folder. Missing items will cause your score to be lowered. Items in the wrong section will cause your score to drop.
  • Neatness means-
  • Your notebook doesn’t appear to live in the back of your pickup truck; under your piles of clothing at home; in your little brother/sister’s room; anyplace the cat/dog can turn it into a toy; or that you treat it like it has no value, etc.
  • Please decorate your notebook to fit your character. Be creative and fun. Use bright colors. Do not at any time have anything on the notebook that is inappropriate for school. This includes any logos, slogans, sayings that would violate common decency. This also includes pictures of you or your friends in clothing or lack of clothing that is not appropriate at school.

This notebook is not to be used for any other class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Student Name: ______

As a student, I will be responsible for keeping up with my class-work and getting any help I need with class from an appropriate source and in a timely manner. I will also be a responsible citizen by following the rules and procedures as outlined by the student handbook and Mr. Ford.


Student Signature


Student e-mail address

As a parent, I will be responsible to help my child be successful in AP US History by encouraging my child to always use his/her time wisely, by stressing learning as its own reward and by communicating with Mr. Ford whenever necessary.


Parent Name (print)


Parent Signature


E-mail address


Cell Phone #


Home Phone #


Work Phone #