Every calendar year, each graduate program may nominate one master’s thesis student and one dissertation student. The students will have already successfully defend their thesis or dissertation, submitted it, had it cleared by the Graduate College, and officially graduated. For the 2017 cycle, eligible students are those whose degree was awarded by UIC in Fall 2016, Spring 2017, or Summer 2017.
Type information in the gray boxes.
Applicant’s NameUIN:Click here to enter text.
Family/Last:Click here to enter text.
Given/First:Click here to enter text.
Middle:Click here to enter text.
Email address: Click here to enter text.
Telephone # Click here to enter text.Alternate telephone #: Click here to enter text.
Current Address
Street/Line 1: Click here to enter text.
Apt/Line 2:Click here to enter text.
City:Click here to enter text.State: Click here to enter text.Zip: Click here to enter text. Country: Click here to enter text.
Program: Click here to enter text.
Check the appropriate box:
Master’s Degree:Click here to enter text. OR Doctoral Degree: Click here to enter text.
Master’s Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Title: Click here to enter text.
Month/Year of Defense:Click here to enter text.Term/Year of Graduation: Click here to enter text.
Primary Advisor:Click here to enter text.
Advisor Telephone:Click here to enter text.Email: :Click here to enter text.
This application must be combined into a single PDF file the program of nomination, with the rest of the items that follow and in the order presented:
- A completed Annual Gardaute College Outstanding Thesis and Dissertation Award Application
- A letter of nomination from the Director of Graduate Studies or Department Head describing the impact of this research on the field.
- A letter of support from the primary advisor (i.e., the advisor responsible for the research for the thesis or dissertation).
- A copy of the abstract (refer to the Graduate College Thesis Manual for format).
- A concise (300-word maximum) description of the significance of the research presented in the dissertation or thesis. This may be based on the abstract, but written in language suitable for faculty from allied disciplines.
- A current curriculum vitae that includes a list of awards, honors, publications, and presentations.
Department/Program must submit all of the above as a single PDF via the secure link by 4 p.m. CDT, October 25, 2017:
Naming convention: OTA_YearofCompetition_DepartmentName_NomineeLastNameFirstInitial.pdf