Name ______Period ______

Advanced Math 7 - Unit 4Mid Unit Reflection

  1. At any point during the unit, did you come in early for extra help or tutoring, check RESOURCES FOR UNIT 4 on my blog, or makeup/redo any missing assignments? ______
  2. If you answered YES, describe what you did.
  1. If you answered NO, why did you choose not to do so?
  1. In your opinion, is your grade on this test a direct reflection of the work that youhave done for this unit on angles, triangles, and circles (area/circumference)? ______
  2. If you answered NO, how can you improve your work habits and study skills before the next unit and summative test?
  1. If you answered YES, what can you continue to do in order to maintain mastery on the next summative test?

In order to retake the unit 5 summative test, you must complete the remediation work and return this reflection signed. The retake will be administeredbefore school at 8:00am on February 1 with Dr. Townsend or 4:30pm on February 1 with Mrs. Straka. Please return this sheet and the remediation work to Mrs. Walker prior to the date of the retest.

Student Name ______

Parent Signature ______


The Math summative assessment retest process is being adjusted for the 2ndQuarter as follows:

1)To be eligible to retake a summative assessment, the student must complete the remediation assignment. This assignment includes a student reflection component that requires signatures by both the student and the parent.

2)The summative retestwill be offered at least once before school (from 8:00am to 8:50am) within a 5-day period once the original summative assessment is returned to students. Special accommodations for other retest times will be made on a case-by-case basis. A student who needs to take the summative retestduring class time is responsible for making up any work that is missed during that period.