Below are two example messages that can be edited and copied into an email to send to your Congressional Representative and Senators. Please feel free to tailor these messages by adding any statistics or impact information you may have. You can get the staff member’s name and email address from the links on the Virtual Hill Day webpage.

  1. Example Email Message to your Congressional Representative:

Dear (Insert Name of Education Staffer):

I am writing on behalf of (Insert your institution or organization name) in support of The Perkins Loan Extension Act, H.R. 2482. This bill would extend the Federal Perkins Loan Program for two additional years while Congress works toward reauthorizing the Higher Education Act. I am asking for Representative______to cosponsor this legislation; or, if already a cosponsor, to please continue to support the efforts for its successful passage.

TheFederal Perkins Loan Program is a unique program that combines federal funds with college contributions to provide a low-interest financing option to students demonstrating financial need. Last year, approximately 500,000 students received roughly $1 billion in new Perkins Loans. These awards were made from the Perkins revolving fund, which has remained viable even without any government investment for the past 12 years.

Without Congressional action, billions of dollars in student aid will be eliminated from colleges’ revolving fundsalong with the flexibility that allows aid administrators to assist students with financial need. In the current higher education environment, which is focused on improving access and completion and reducing student loan debt, the loss of the Perkins Loan Program will negatively impact those students who rely on Perkins to fulfill their dream of earning a college degree.

(Insert institution or organization name) is proud to support the Federal Perkins Loan Program and urges Congress to do the same. If Representative ______hasnot yet cosponsored this bill, please contact Alicia Molt-West at n Representative Pocan’s office or Patrick Hester at in Representative Stefanik’s office.

If already a cosponsor, thank you for your support and continued efforts toward the successful passage of the Perkins Loan Extension Act!


Insert your Name, Title and College or Organization

  1. Example Email Message to your Senator:

Dear (Insert Name of Education Staffer):

I am writing on behalf of (Insert your institution or organization name) in support of The Perkins Loan Extension Act, S.1808. This bill would extend the Federal Perkins Loan Program for two additional years while Congress works toward reauthorizing the Higher Education Act. I am asking for Senator______to cosponsor this legislation; or, if already a cosponsor, to please continue to support the efforts for its successful passage.

The Federal Perkins Loan Program is a unique program that combines federal funds with college contributions to provide a low-interest financing option to students demonstrating financial need. Last year, approximately 500,000 students received roughly $1 billion in new Perkins Loans. These awards were made from the Perkins revolving fund, which has remained viable even without any government investment for the past 12 years.

Without Congressional action, billions of dollars in student aid will be eliminated from colleges’ revolving funds along with the flexibility that allows aid administrators to assist students with financial need. In the current higher education environment, which is focused on improving access and completion and reducing student loan debt, the loss of the Perkins Loan Program will negatively impact those students who rely on Perkins to fulfill their dream of earning a college degree.

(Insert institution or organization name) is proud to support the Federal Perkins Loan Program and urges Congress to do the same. If Senator ______hasnot yet cosponsored this bill, please contact Brian Moulton ()in Senator Tammy Baldwin’soffice.

If already a cosponsor, thank you for your support and continued efforts toward the successful passage of the Perkins Loan Extension Act!


Insert your Name, Title and College or Organization