MARCH 15, 2011
9:50 A.M.
Members Present: Present were Mayor William Henfey, President of Council Patrick Rosenello, Councilpersons Edwin Koehler, Margaret Bishop, Richard Ogen, and Salvatore Zampirri. Councilpersons Robert McCullion and Kellyann Tolomeo were not present. Also present were City Administrator Raymond Townsend, Solicitor William Kaufmann and Engineer Ralph Petrella.
ADMINISTRATOR TOWNSEND reviewed the resolutions on the agenda.
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that caucus be adjourned. Carried. 9:55 AM
MARCH 15, 2011
10:00 A.M.
A regular meeting of the North Wildwood City Council was held on the morning of the above date in the City Hall. The President of Council stated, “The meeting is now open. Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting a copy of the notice of the time and place of this meeting on the City Clerk’s bulletin board and by mailing a copy of the same to The Herald, The Press and Wildwood Leader on January 5, 2011.”
ROLL CALL: Present were Mayor William Henfey, President of Council Patrick Rosenello, Councilpersons Edwin Koehler, Margaret Bishop, Richard Ogen, and Salvatore Zampirri. Councilpersons Robert McCullion and Kellyann Tolomeo were not present. Also present were City Administrator Raymond Townsend, Solicitor William Kaufmann and Engineer Ralph Petrella.
PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO introduced Mr. Ted Pugliese, Dean of Academics at Wildwood Catholic High School, who accompanied the WCHS Glee Club to the meeting. The Glee Club then sang the National Anthem. Mr. Pugliese addressed Council regarding the status of school programs and thanked the community for its support.
MINUTES: On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that the minutes of the regular meeting of March 1, 2011 be approved as read. Carried.
RE:Zoning Ordinance Amendments, Notice of Public Hearing, April 5, 2011
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Zampirri, that the above correspondence be received and filed. Carried.
RE:Notice of Public Hearing, March 17, 2011
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Zampirri, that the above correspondence be received and filed. Carried.
RE:Water Quality Management Meeting, March 16, 2011
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Zampirri, that the above correspondence be received and filed. Carried.
RE:Greek Independence Day, March 19, 2011
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.
MARCH 15, 2011
RE:Ocean Drive Marathon, March 27, 2011
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.
RE:Application for Social Affair Permit, April 16, 2011
On a motion by Zampirri, seconded by Koehler, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.
RE:Application for Social Affair Permit, April 29, 2011
On a motion by Zampirri, seconded by Koehler, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.
RE:Application for Raffle License, Draw Raffle, May 29, 2011
On a motion by Zampirri, seconded by Koehler, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.
RE:Application for Raffle License, Penny Party, November 20, 2011
On a motion by Zampirri, seconded by Koehler, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.
RE:Application for Raffle License, Draw Raffle, November 20, 2011
On a motion by Zampirri, seconded by Koehler, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.
Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer………………………….$ 36,568.97
Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer………………………….$ 564.00
Totals in NW for Month: Deaths -2- Marriages -0- Births -0-
Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer………………………..…….$ 9,006.16
Total Incidents Handled by the Department for the Month……………… 154
Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer…………………………….$ 3,325.00
Total Inspections for Month……………………………………………. 67
MARCH 15, 2011
Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer……………….….…….$ 32,701,629.88
Total monies turned over to the City Clerk’s Office…………………. ………$ 192.75
Total Incidents Handled by the Department for the Month…………….. 2,376
Total monies turned over to the City Clerk’s Office………………. …………$ 409.75
Total Incidents Handled by the Department for the Month…………….. 2,356
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that the above reports be received and filed as presented. Carried.
The President of Council stated this is the time and place to hold a public hearing on the adoption of the 2011 Budget for the Wildwoods Boardwalk SID and asked if anyone present had any objections for the approval of the SID Budget. Hearing none, he then asked the Deputy City Clerk if he had received any objections in writing, the Deputy City Clerk stated none. On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Ogen, that the public hearing be closed. Carried. The President of Council declared the hearing closed. The President of Council then stated that the Resolution adopting the 2011 Wildwoods Boardwalk SID will be on the agenda of the April 5, 2011 Council Meeting.
# 57-11
RE:Authorizing The Sale Of Surplus Property No Longer Needed For Public Use On An Online Auction Website
The above resolution was offered by Bishop, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 58-10
RE:Authorizing City Clerk To Re-Advertise A Contract For Bids For Lacrosse Camp
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 59-11
RE:Awarding A Professional Services Contract To Jersey Professional Management For Interim Administrator Services
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Zampirri, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted. Administrator Townsend explained that the contract is being awarded for an interim administrator for approximately four months to help transition to a permanent administrator.
# 60-11
RE:Authorizing City Clerk To Advertise For Bids For Custodial Services
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Ogen, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
MARCH 15, 2011
# 61-11
RE:Authorizing City Clerk To Advertise For Bids For Boardwalk Bathroom Maintenance & Cleaning Services
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Ogen, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 62-11
RE:Issuance Of Amusement Game Licenses
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 63-11
RE:Issuance Of Amusement Game Licenses
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 64-11
RE:Issuance Of Amusement Game Licenses
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 65-11
RE:Authorizing Approval Of Change Order #2 – Final & Engineer’s Estimate #19 – Final 2006 Street & Utility Reconstruction, Various Streets
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Zampirri, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 66-11
RE:Awarding Professional Services Contract To The Richard Stockton College Coastal Research Center For Beach Monitoring Services
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted. Administrator Townsend and Mayor Henfey provided explanations as to the necessity of having the beaches monitored regularly.
# 67-11
RE:Transfer Of Financial And Operation Responsibility For The Administration Of General Public Assistance To The County Of Cape May
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Ogen, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
MARCH 15, 2011
# 68-11
RE:Appointing Fund Commissioner And Alternate Fund Commissioner For The Atlantic County Joint Insurance Fund
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 69-11
RE:Authorizing 2011 Municipal Budget Be Read By Title Only
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Ogen, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
# 70-11
RE:Authorizing Refund Of Parking Fund Payment Made By Michelle O’Brien and Joseph O’Brien
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Ogen, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
CITY AUDITOR LEON COSTELLO stated that Ordinance #1592 allows the City to bank the $2,000,000 that is under the spending cap for future use in the next two years. The passage of this ordinance provides a measure of protection for the City if future spending is necessary. This year’s budget contains no increase in the tax levy and the budget is in fact $846,000 under the tax levy cap. This levy may now be banked for three years. The City of North Wildwood has been ahead of the curve on the CAP laws and has controlled salaries, personnel and spending over the past few years. The City has met the dates for introduction and can adopt the budget at the April 19 meeting.
MAYOR HENFEY stated that Leon Costello not only works as the Auditor but is also a trusted financial consultant for the City. There are 17 fewer employees in the City since 2006. The City will continue to control expenses without damaging the quality of life that our residents enjoy.
ORDINANCE NO. 1592 - On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Ogen, that Ordinance No. 1592 be placed on its first reading. Carried.
The Deputy City Clerk read Ordinance No. 1592 by its title, known as “An Ordinance To Exceed The Municipal Budget Appropriation Limits And To Establish A Cap Bank (N.J.S.A. 40a: 4-45.14)“.
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that Ordinance No. 1592 be passed on its first reading and published according to Law, the Deputy City Clerk called the roll, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared Ordinance No. 1592 passed on its first reading.
# 71-11
RE:Introduction Of 2011 Municipal Budget
The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.
MARCH 15, 2011
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, authorizing payment of all approved vouchers. Carried. As per Resolution #09-10, all bills listed below be paid and warrants drawn by the proper officers for the stated amounts.
Check # / Check Date / Amount Paid29069 / 3/15/2011 / AVAYA FINANCIAL SERVICES / $ 1,213.41
29070 / 3/15/2011 / BROADVIEW NETWORKS / $ 1,317.30
29071 / 3/15/2011 / AVAYA INC / $ 2,564.03
29072 / 3/15/2011 / ATLAS FLASHER SUPPLY CO INC / $ 67.60
29073 / 3/15/2011 / ATLANTIC TELCOM / $ 420.75
29074 / 3/15/2011 / AT&T / $ 33.66
29075 / 3/15/2011 / TOM ANTICO / $ 60.00
29076 / 3/15/2011 / ALLEN ASSOCIATES / $ 1,680.83
29077 / 3/15/2011 / V.H. BLACKINTON & CO., INC. / $ 98.50
29078 / 3/15/2011 / CRYSTAL SPRINGS / $ 198.26
29079 / 3/15/2011 / BAYCOMM, INC. / $ 605.00
29080 / 3/15/2011 / ANGIE BUCCELLA / $ 90.00
29081 / 3/15/2011 / H B CHRISTMAN & SON / $ 589.94
29082 / 3/15/2011 / T.C.T.A. OF CAPE MAY COUNTY / $ 700.00
29083 / 3/15/2011 / CAPE POWER EQUIPMENT, INC / $ 323.53
29084 / 3/15/2011 / CMC MUN CRT JUDGES' ASSOC / $ 75.00
29085 / 3/15/2011 / C.M.C.M.U.A. / $ 9,026.27
29086 / 3/15/2011 / CAPE MEDIATION SERVICES, INC. / $ 578.64
29087 / 3/15/2011 / CAFIERO AND BALLIETTE / $ 999.00
29088 / 3/15/2011 / RAYMOND TOWNSEND / $ 87.38
29089 / 3/15/2011 / CAROLYN COLLIER / $ 60.00
29090 / 3/15/2011 / ATLANTIC CITY ELECTRIC / $ 26,219.65
29091 / 3/15/2011 / COMCAST / $ 198.88
29092 / 3/15/2011 / CHILDREN'S FRESH AIR HOME / $ 50.00
29093 / 3/15/2011 / DIV OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE / $ 100.00
29094 / 3/15/2011 / DINARDO COPY & PRINTING SVC / $ 300.00
29095 / 3/15/2011 / DUFFIELD ASSOCIATES INC / $ 1,331.27
29096 / 3/15/2011 / WATER ENVIORNMENTAL FEDERATION / $ 158.00
29097 / 3/15/2011 / ENFORSYS POLICE SYSTEMS INC. / $ 300.00
29098 / 3/15/2011 / ERNEST WEISS / $ 760.00
29099 / 3/15/2011 / FIRE APPARATUS REPAIR / $ 238.25
29100 / 3/15/2011 / GALL'S INC. (CITY ACCT) / $ 100.00
29101 / 3/15/2011 / GARDEN GREENHOUSE & NURSERY / $ 4,800.00
29102 / 3/15/2011 / HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES / $ 269.70
29103 / 3/15/2011 / HESS CORPORATION / $ 5,206.49
29104 / 3/15/2011 / INST. FOR FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY / $ 750.00
29105 / 3/15/2011 / JOHNSTONE SUPPLY / $ 153.50
29106 / 3/15/2011 / JOYCEMEDIA / $ 1,350.65
29107 / 3/15/2011 / JAX LLC / $ 173.75
29108 / 3/15/2011 / LAWMEN SUPPLY CO. OF NJ / $ 780.00
29109 / 3/15/2011 / LIGHTHOUSE DIGEST / $ 29.95
29110 / 3/15/2011 / SHERWIN WILLIAMS / $ 503.75
29111 / 3/15/2011 / MGL PRINTING SOLUTIONS / $ 107.00
29112 / 3/15/2011 / OFFICE OF NATHAN VAN EMBDEN / $ 880.00
29113 / 3/15/2011 / MOBILE MINI, INC. / $ 200.00
29114 / 3/15/2011 / MUNICIPAL CODE INSPECTION, INC / $ 13,153.20
29115 / 3/15/2011 / NW FIRE CO. #1 / $ 1,000.00
29116 / 3/15/2011 / NORTH WILDWOOD BD OF EDUCATION / $ 559,389.00
29117 / 3/15/2011 / NEW JERSEY STATE LEAGUE OF MUN / $ 493.00
29118 / 3/15/2011 / NEXTEL / $ 238.23
29119 / 3/15/2011 / NJPO / $ 210.00
29120 / 3/15/2011 / NEW JERSEY FIRE EQUIPMENT CO / $ 35.00
29121 / 3/15/2011 / NJPN / $ 50.00
29122 / 3/15/2011 / NJ DEPT OF COMM. AFFAIRS / $ 50.00
29123 / 3/15/2011 / MARY OTT / $ 750.00
29124 / 3/15/2011 / OCS PRINTING / $ 196.00
29125 / 3/15/2011 / GRUCCIO,PEPPER,DESANTO & RUTH / $ 2,394.00
29126 / 3/15/2011 / PARAMOUNT SANITARY CHEMICAL CO / $ 169.59
29127 / 3/15/2011 / P & D CONSTRUCTION CO. / $ 63,062.02
29128 / 3/15/2011 / PAUL'S PEST CONTROL / $ 1,810.00
29129 / 3/15/2011 / PIRO'S PIZZA / $ 64.00
29130 / 3/15/2011 / PERNA FINNEGAN, INC / $ 589,888.26
29131 / 3/15/2011 / JOSEPH QUATTRONE / $ 4,350.00
29132 / 3/15/2011 / REEL FIRE PROTECTION, INC. / $ 116.00
29133 / 3/15/2011 / RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR, INC. / $ 89.95
29134 / 3/15/2011 / V.E. RALPH & SON, INC. / $ 193.46
29135 / 3/15/2011 / RADIO SHACK / $ 71.13
29136 / 3/15/2011 / RAWDEN'S OFFICE SERVICE LLC / $ 47.36
29137 / 3/15/2011 / REMINGTON,VERNICK & WALBERG / $ 562.50
29138 / 3/15/2011 / RICHARD STOCKTON COLLEGE / $ 35,798.72
29139 / 3/15/2011 / SOUTH JERSEY WELDING / $ 54.27
29140 / 3/15/2011 / SJ COURT ADM ASSOC / $ 80.00
29141 / 3/15/2011 / SEASHORE SIGN / $ 280.00
29142 / 3/15/2011 / SOUTH JERSEY AUTO SUPPLY / $ 575.52
29143 / 3/15/2011 / SOUTH JERSEY GAS CO / $ 18,351.06
29144 / 3/15/2011 / STAGLIANO, DeWEESE AND / $ 192.50
29145 / 3/15/2011 / STAPLES / $ 1,249.95
29146 / 3/15/2011 / CHIEF ROBERT MATTEUCCI / $ 82.74
29147 / 3/15/2011 / SAFE GUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS / $ 179.76
29148 / 3/15/2011 / STEWART BUSINESS SYSTEMS LLC / $ 1,511.94
29149 / 3/15/2011 / STATE TREASURER / $ 50.00
29150 / 3/15/2011 / SPICA STEEL INC / $ 2,100.00
29151 / 3/15/2011 / SHROP'S SHOP / $ 73.00
29152 / 3/15/2011 / STAPLES ADVANTAGE / $ 168.37
29153 / 3/15/2011 / TEE'S PLUS / $ 441.48
29154 / 3/15/2011 / TRI-CITY PRODUCTS / $ 1,198.00
29155 / 3/15/2011 / TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. / $ 13,560.00
29156 / 3/15/2011 / TREASURER, STATE OF NEW JERSEY / $ 200.00
29157 / 3/15/2011 / TAYLOR OIL COMPANY / $ 5,611.28
29158 / 3/15/2011 / VESPIA TIRE CENTER / $ 79.00
29159 / 3/15/2011 / VAN NOTE-HARVEY ASSOCIATES / $ 38,514.53
29160 / 3/15/2011 / VERIZON WIRELESS / $ 2,964.61
29161 / 3/15/2011 / VERIZON / $ 2,118.83
29162 / 3/15/2011 / VERIZON CABS / $ 1,134.30
29163 / 3/15/2011 / WEST PAYMENT CENTER / $ 449.94
29164 / 3/15/2011 / WESTERN PEST CONTROL / $ 263.50
29165 / 3/15/2011 / TED KINGSTON, INC. / $ 600.00
29166 / 3/15/2011 / WASTE MANAGEMENT / $ 866.70
29167 / 3/15/2011 / XEROX CORPORATION / $ 194.97
29168 / 3/15/2011 / XEROX CORPORATION / $ 474.76
29169 / 3/15/2011 / NJ STATE HEALTH BENEFITS PRGRM / $ 168,083.37
COUNCILMAN KOEHLER recognized Ray Townsend’s service to the City. Townsend was an outstanding administrator and a good friend.
COUNCILWOMAN BISHOP wished Ray Townsend well and congratulated the financial team that has kept the City in good standing.
SOLICITOR KAUFMANN thanked Ray Townsend for his good work as the City Administrator.
MAYOR HENFEY explained that the flag in front of City Hall is at half-mast today in memory of the last veteran of World War I who passed away last week. Henfey stated that Ray Townsend will be missed as he was a great administrator and a good friend. Henfey presented Townsend with an encased flag that has been flown over various buildings in the city. President of Council Rosenello read the flag certification. Henfey stated that the Greek Independence Day Celebration will begin at Noon on Saturday in front of the Recreation Center.
MARCH 15, 2011
ADMINISTRATOR TOWNSEND stated that he hopes he is leaving on good terms with all, but with changes in the pension system, etc, he feels the need to retire at this time. Townsend leaves with sadness because the time working in North Wildwood has been very rewarding. It has been a pleasure working with department heads and the city employees. There is a good, proactive team in place in the City. The time here has been challenging and rewarding. The professionals working for the City are very dedicated and have always provided good information. An administrator can only do what Council allows and this Council has been a pleasure to work with. There has not been bickering as in some other towns. Council President Rosenello has much to offer and the future looks bright for the City. Mayor Henfey is a great friend who has worked very hard. To all department heads, thank you very much for your hard work and support.
JIM KOCH, 1301 Surf Avenue, stated that Ray Townsend has been a good administrator. Koch asked what is the difference between Resolutions #5 and #6, with Townsend providing explanation. Koch asked about Resolution #12, with Townsend providing explanation. Koch stated that the beach at 2nd & Kennedy has a steep drop-off and there should be a fence there because the drop-off is dangerous. Koch stated that the water is coming right up to the pavilion at 3rd & the beach and perhaps barriers can be put on the beach to protect it. Mayor Henfey stated that there have been discussions about what to do to protect the pavilion, including bringing the seawall around Kennedy to 3rd Avenue. Koch stated that the population has dropped by almost one thousand people. The Mayor should be trying to get people to move here permanently. Mayor Henfey stated that there are not year-round jobs to attract people here. Koch stated that the City should be reducing its workforce, with Mayor Henfey replying that the City has cut 15% of its workforce since 2006. Mayor Henfey encouraged Koch to be more positive.
EVERETT MCCORKELL, 410 E. 13th Avenue, asked about the assessments of various apartments on 15th Avenue, and was directed to discuss the situation with Tax Assessor Lou Belasco. McCorkell asked about standing water on the beach, with Rosenello explaining that it is usually raked out in the summer. McCorkell stated that people don’t come here because taxes are too high.
On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that there being no further business before Council, we do now adjourn. Carried. 10:54 A.M.
William J. Henfey - Mayor
W. Scott Jett - Deputy City Clerk
This is a generalization of the meeting of March 15, 2011 and not a verbatim transcript.