Modernization of PZL-M28 Flight Data Recording System
ATM PP Ltd. offers modernization set for replacement of Flight Data Recording System BUR-1 originally installed on a board of PZL M-28 plane.BUR-1 recorder is an old style Russian production system created many disadvantages in operation. Main of them are as follows:
-Onerous and unreliable procedure of data entering (date, time and pilot identification number)
-Lack of Quick Access Recorder
-Old style, tape crash recorder
The modernization set consistsof:
-Control Panel Unit - ATM-EP5. The panel is foreseen for cooperation with BSPI-4 units. A basic design idea of this unit is a full electrical and mechanical compatibility with an original PU-25 unit, which is included in BUR-1 recording system. The main advantage of ATM-EP5 is an easy operation. All entry data (incl. time and date)which are entered manually before each flight in existing system are generated automatically in a new solution. The entered data are stored in a unit memory and can not be cancelled even when a power supply system is failed. The control panel and a display have the same brightness levels. The panel is compatible with Night Vision Goggles (NVG) equipment.
-Miniature Solid State Quick Access Recorder (QAR) – ATM-QR7. ATM-QR7 can register till 6 flight hours (the same parameters, which are recorded by crash recorder). The unit is installed in test connector of BSPI block. Read-out time of 6 flight hours is appx. 2 minutes.
-Solid State Flight Data Recorder (SSFDR) manufactured by American company Honeywell Aerospace togetherwith aviation rack- ATM-AR3. The aviation rackincludesall necessary mechanical and electrical adapters. The basic idea of this modernization is a quick and easy replacement of an old ZBN-1-3 tape recorder, which is a part of BUR-1 system, by a modern solid state recorder. A special mechanical adapter of ATM-AR3 rack enables to use already existing fixing points on a board of aircraft (assembling holes). A special electrical adapter enables already to use existing cable system. The complete modernization can be carried out within a few minutes in field conditions. Three types of SSFDR (for recording of 25, 50, or 100 flight hours) are available.
Additionally we offer portable system for read-out of recorded data (icl. customized software for data analysis) foreseen for field operation. /