Administrative Services Staff Meeting

April 6, 2004


__x_Rocky Bonura ____Janice Ely __x_Alex Kelley ____Lynnda Nelson

__x_Janet Clarke __x_Pam Fees __x_Donna Manno ____Allene Quarles

____Mike D’Amico __x_Bob Gann __x_David Miller __x_Marcy Wade

__x_Maurice Elmore __x_Vic Hanson ____Andy Nasatir __x_Satish Warrier

Minutes: Correction: Under High School Graduation, take out sentence beginning “However, based on political issues…”. The minutes of March 30 were then approved.

Next Meeting: The meeting scheduled for next week is cancelled.

Resolution: The resolution being prepared for Dr. Hata was shared with the group. The instructions for signing the resolution and plans for circulating it were discussed. Facilities can fill a whole sheet, so they will receive one of their own. The other sheet will be circulated to the rest of the divisions in Administrative Services. The signed resolution will be presented to Cindy Constantino, Ann Colette and Julie Stewart (who will accept it on Dr. Hata’s behalf) at the April Board meeting.

Q-builder: Donna reported that there are still a few kinks in the Q-builder report. She is working with the vendor on some software problems with the more detailed reports. She also noted that until last week, it was unclear that the “tombstone list” was not in the budget.

In response to Alex’s statement that, for planning purposes, he needs to know what the VP or campus priorities are, Vic noted that there is no new money. The college has already drawn down on the ending balance it was projecting, and there is an $800,000 overstatement of revenue for 2003-04. The ECC Preliminary Budget published in December had less than 6% in reserves, and with the $800,000 factored in, it becomes a lot less. Also, the 10 % reserves in the 2003-04 budget has been reduced to less than 5% in the 2004-05 budget, and health benefits, workers’ comp, utilities, supplies, etc. will all be increasing. Pam will bring a revised version of the budget to a future meeting.

Committee Reports/Division Issues

§  Donna Manno

Ø  Omni Update training will be held on Wednesday.

Ø  A decision is needed on a date for Faculty and Staff Appreciation Day.

§  Satish Warrier

Ø  Del Bergin has six working days left before retirement.

Ø  He is working with Natural Sciences and will meet with them tomorrow to discuss issues.

§  Maurice Elmore

Ø  They received the new 11-passenger van. It was noted that the Certificate of Insurance packet should be kept in the glove compartment. There was discussion on the issue of where pink slips for vehicles are kept. It was determined that there is no single repository for these, and the college usually has to request duplicates to sell vehicles. It was felt that these items need a centralized location and one area to take responsibility for them.

Ø  The annual report summary on waste management was submitted on time, and he will provide a copy for Vic. At 62.5%, ECC is exceeding the 50% requirement, largely due to construction and disposal of green waste. 1,869,69 tons were diverted. He trained Joe Soldana to do the report last year, and Joe did the report himself this year.

§  Alex Kelley

Ø  Academic Salaries are online, and the March salaries should be online in two weeks.

Ø  ECC hosted 100 people on campus (the CCC applied group). He and Bill Mulrooney co-hosted, and the Chancellor’s Office picked up the food tab in the cafeteria.

Food Services Task Force: As a member of the Food Services Task Force, Donna requested input for the meeting tomorrow at 2 p.m. Lynnda Nelson is the chair of the committee. Comments:

Ø  It doesn’t look clean.

Ø  The deli has a good teriyaki bowl.

Ø  The tables near the MCS building are filthy. It was noted that S & B Foods is supposed to clean the MCS tables.

Ø  The tables by the Art patio are ECC’s responsibility, and they also need to be cleaned.

Ø  They claim that they put out survey cards, but no one has seen them.

Ø  They change their hours of operations without notifying anyone. For example, they are no longer open on Fridays at all.

Ø  S & B Foods is running off the pest control people. This issue needs to be discussed with Lynnda.

Ø  Why don’t they sell milk?

Ø  S & B Foods is really not that professional. It seems like they are in over their heads.

Calendar Committee: Donna reported that the Calendar Committee is wrestling with the issue of whether or not to reinstate a final exam week. There is also concern about moving the spring semester up if there won’t be a winter session. Alex noted that he just sent the fall schedule to the printer.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 a.m.
