12 November 2014


Administrative Assessment Report – Application A1104

Voluntary Addition of Vitamins & Minerals to Nut- & Seed-based Beverages

Date received: 15 September 2014
Date due for completion of administrative assessment: 8 October 2014
Date completed: 8 October 2014
Applicant: Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing / Potentially affected Standards:
Standard 1.3.2
Standard 1.2.3
Brief description of Application:
To seek permission for the voluntary addition of a range of vitamins and minerals to nut- and seed-based beverages that provides a milk alternative for consumers with allergic / intolerant conditions.
General / Estimated total hours:
Max 1000 hours
Reasons why:
Risk management of public health issues are likely to be time consuming. / Estimated start work:


Application accepted
Date: 8 October 2014
Has the Applicant requestedconfidential commercial information status?
What documents are affected?Appendix CCI I, II, III
Has the Applicant provided justification for confidential commercial information request?


Does FSANZ consider that the application confers an exclusive capturable commercial benefit on the Applicant?
YesNo ✔
Does the Applicant want to expedite consideration of this Application?
YesNoNot known ✔

Application Handbook requirements

Which Guidelines within the Part 3 of the Application Handbook apply to this Application?
3.1.1, 3.2.2, 3.3.3
Is the checklist completed?
Does the Application meet the requirements of the relevant Guidelines?
Does the Application relate to a matter that may be developed as a food regulatory measure, or that warrants a variation of a food regulatory measure?
Is the Application so similar to a previous application or proposal for the development or variation of a food regulatory measure that it ought not to be accepted?
If no, why not?
Application is requesting permission to add vitamins and minerals to nut- and seed-based beverages.
Did the Applicant identify the Procedure that, in their view, applies to the consideration of this Application?
If yes, indicate which Procedure:
Other Comments or Relevant Matters:

Consultation assessment timeframe

Proposed length of public consultation period:
6 weeks
Proposed timeframe for assessment: 9 months
‘Early Bird Notification’ due: 13 November 2014
Commence assessment (clock start)Early July 2015
Completion of assessment & preparation of draft food reg measureMid-Sept 2015
Public commentLate Sept–early Nov2015
Board to complete approvalEarly March 2016
Notification to ForumMid-March 2016
Anticipated gazettal if no review requestedLate May 2016