Worksheet: Administrative #3
Administrative and Support Units
Assessment Report
Worksheet #3a
Health Service / FY 2006-FY2007Unit/Office/Program / Assessment Period Covered
( ) Formative Assessment
( x ) Summative Assessment / Date Submitted: 8/8/08
Administrative Evaluation Question (Use a different form for each evaluation question):
Are students & Staff aware of the wide variety of basic health care services provided at the dispensary?
First Means of Assessment for Evaluation Question Identified Above (from your approved assessment plan):
1a. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success: The nursing daily log of visits is used todetermine the various kinds of basic health care services provided by the dispensary and the number of students and staff using these services.
FY 2006 FY 2007
Types of Visits / Category / Total / Category / Total
# of Student visits / # of Staff visits / # of Student visits / # of Staff visits
Viral Syndrome/URI / 270 / 209 / 479 / 281 / 173 / 454
Minor injuries / 223 / 74 / 297 / 181 / 84 / 265
Body aches/pains / 328 / 270 / 598 / 282 / 226 / 508
Eye/ear/nose / 108 / 58 / 166 / 65 / 41 / 106
Skin disease/infection / 245 / 146 / 391 / 160 / 92 / 252
Gastro-intestinal / 79 / 64 / 143 / 51 / 50 / 101
F/P /other health-related counseling & IEC / 320 / 49 / 369 / 373 / 47 / 420
STIs problem & counseling / 21 / 5 / 26 / 16 / 0 / 16
Preg testing Pos / 9 / 0 / 9 / 14 / 0 / 14
Preg testing Neg / 47 / 6 / 53 / 43 / 11 / 54
F/P Methods User / 130 / 28 / 158 / 117 / 79 / 196
Immunization/immunization update / 210 / 45 / 255 / 93 / 32 / 125
Screening for communicable / 4 / 2 / 6 / 113 / 1 / 114
Screening for non-
communicable disease / 379 / 137 / 516 / 447 / 133 / 580
Health care maintenance / 150 / 156 / 306 / 118 / 113 / 231
Referral / 73 / 79 / 152 / 67 / 12 / 79
Others / 245 / 120 / 365 / 249 / 83 / 332
2,364 / 1,367 / FY 2006
GT=4,289 / 2,292 / 1084 / FY 2007
1a. Summary of Assessment Data Collected: The use of the nursing daily log, family planning log, health maintenance log book, immunization log book, and individual student and employee health records provided the needed information to determine whether students and staff are aware of the wide variety of health care services provided by the dispensary.
1a: Use of Results to Improve Unit Services: 1.The dispensary plans to improve awareness activities to increase the students’ and staff’s level of awareness of existing services provided by the dispensary. 2. The dispensary also plans to conduct an awareness survey to be able to measure student’s and staff’s awareness level of existing services provided by the dispensary.
Worksheet #3b
Health Service / FY 2006-FY2007Unit/Office/Program / Assessment Period Covered
( ) Formative Assessment
( x ) Summative Assessment / Date Submitted
Administrative Evaluation Question (Use a different form for each evaluation question):
Does the dispensary provide a wide variety of educational activities that promote awareness on health issues/problems?
First Means of Assessment for Evaluation Question Identified Above (from your approved assessment plan):
1a. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success: The Student Service calendar of activities is used to determine the various kinds of education awareness activities that the dispensary organize & implement on an annual basis.Calendar of Activity
Date/Month / Activity
Jan / Leprosy Awareness Day
February / TB Awareness Day
April / Health Fair
October / Individual Health-related Presentation
November / Diabetes/Hypertension Awareness Wk
December / World Aids Day
1a. Summary of Assessment. The use of the calendar of activities, the nursing daily log of visits, the preventive/health maintenance log book &family planning log book provided the needed information to determine whether the dispensary provides a wide variety of educational materials/activities that promote awareness on health issues/problems?
1a: Use of Results to Improve Unit Services: The dispensary plans to increase awareness in Family planning by conducting individual presentation on the theme, mainly in the dormitories
Second Means of Assessment for Evaluation Question Identified Above (from your approved assessment plan):
1b. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success: The nursing daily log of visits and the FP log book provide documentation of the kinds of health education awareness/IEC materials provided for students and staff.FY 2006 FY 2007
Types of visits / Category / Total / Category / Total
# of Student visits / # of Staff visits / # of Student visits / # of Staff visits
Family Planning Counseling/Consultation & IEC materials / 247 / 20 / 267 / 332 / 13 / 345
Other health –related Counseling/Consultation & IEC material / 145 / 49 / 194 / 104 / 42 / 146
392 / 69 / FY 2006 GT=461 / 436 / 55 / FY 2007
1b. Summary of Assessment Data Collected: The nursing daily log of visits, , the preventive/health maintenance log book &family planning log book provided the needed information to determine whether the dispensary provides a wide variety of educational materials/activities that promote awareness on health issues/problems?
1b: Use of Results to Improve Unit Services: The dispensary plans to increase and improve its education awareness activities in Family Planning/contraceptive methods. This will be addressed in the next years objective( REFER TO OBJ.1)
Worksheet # 3C
Health Service / FY 2006-FY2007Unit/Office/Program / Assessment Period Covered
( ) Formative Assessment
( x ) Summative Assessment / Date Submitted
Administrative Evaluation Question (Use a different form for each evaluation question):
3. What is the level of student and staff satisfaction with services and activities provided by the dispensary?
First Means of Assessment for Evaluation Question Identified Above (from your approved assessment plan):
1a. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success: Client Satisfaction Survey not conducted during reporting period.1a. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
1a: Use of Results to Improve Unit Services: Client Satisfaction Survey and results will be reported in FY 2008