Vocabulary Terms for Of Mice and Men

  1. Scourge – a person or thing that causes great trouble (curse)
  1. Pugnacious – eager or quick to argue, quarrel or fight (aggressive)
  1. Skeptical – not easily convinced, having doubts or reservations (doubtful)
  1. Ominous – giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen (threatening)
  1. Derogatory – showing a critical or disrespectful attitude (insulting)
  1. Contorted – twist or bent out of its normal shape (warp)
  1. Apprehensive – anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen (scared)
  1. Profound – demanding deep study or thought (deep-seated)
  1. Complacent – showing smug or uncritical satisfaction for oneself or one’s achievements (gloating)
  1. Derision – contemptuous ridicule or mockery (insults)
  1. Reprehensible – to deserve scolding (despicable)
  1. Solemn – not cheerful or smiling, serious (formal)
  1. Aloof – not friendly or forthcoming (detached)
  1. Sullen – bad-tempered, sulky, moody (gloomy)
  1. Contempt – the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration (disrespect)
  1. Indignation – anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment
  1. Console –to comfort someone at a time of grief
  1. Earnest – resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction (sincere)
  1. Belligerent – hostile and aggressive
  1. Dutiful – conscientiously or obediently fulfilling one’s duty (obedient)

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·  Part of speech:

·  Synonyms:

·  Derivatives:

·  Antonyms:

·  Definition:

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