1. Check to make sure all materials containing content, strategies, or processes have been covered or removed from the testing environment.
  2. Be sure to distribute rulers and reference sheets provided with current testing materials. Do not use versions from previous administrations. Rulers may not be altered by staff or students.
  3. Dictionaries are only allowed for on-demand writing.
  4. Staff may not review test booklets to glean information to influence future instruction.
  5. Regular instruction, including reviews, should continue during the testing window. The reviews shall not be developed or modified based on information gained from secure test booklets.
  6. Reference the current calculator policy and make preparations prior to testing sessions. Be mindful of when calculators are not allowed—K-PREP Mathematics Part C (non-calculator portion).
  7. Do not coach, edit, point out errors or missing answers in any way to students.
  8. School staff shall not alter in any way student responses.
  9. Be sure seating charts reflect the room arrangement and seating assignment. For makeup sessions, be sure to include the room location, as it may be different than what is recorded on the Student Response Booklet (SRB).
  10. Notify the BAC immediately if a student has answered the items in the test booklet, but failed to get the answers recorded in the SRB.
  11. Double check to make sure every student’s materials, test booklets and SRBs, are collected before leaving the room at the end of every test session.
  12. Embed test-taking strategies into regular instruction throughout the year.
  13. Test materials shall never be left unattended in any unsecure areas.
  14. Alternate Assessment materials are considered secure and shall be treated as such.
  15. Test materials stored in classrooms require a double lock—a closet, desk, cabinet, etc. and the classroom door.
  16. Students are never to be left alone with test materials whether in a school or a home/hospital setting.
  17. General encouraging remarks such as “Do your best,” or “Stay on task” are acceptable. Evaluative comments such as “You can do better,” or “You write more” are not acceptable.
  18. Good Faith Effort Checklist results shall not be revealed to students until testing is complete and materials are returned to the BAC. Follow school policy for when results and rewards are to be distributed.
  19. Students may have non-content related materials at their workstation after they have completed testing and their test materials have been collected.


  1. Interpreters for deaf or hearing-impaired students are allowed when the hearing loss is to the degree that development of language is significantly impacted or when a student uses sign language as their normal mode of communication due to hearing loss. The interpreter shall not indicate correct answers, define words, provide content or teach vocabulary or concepts.
  2. Calculator accommodation: Calculators are allowed for ALL subjects and parts of the state-required assessment including the non-calculator portion for students with this accommodation on their current IEP/504. An adequate number of calculators should be available for all students.
  3. One 3X5 text free notecard with graphic organizers is allowable. Visually impaired students may have the card enlarged. This should not be confused with using a larger card in order to create additional space for more organizers which is not acceptable. The notecard should not be considered the only manipulative allowed. Others may be acceptable per the IEP/504 and test administration rules.
  4. Oral native language support accommodation: Oral native language support may assist with specific vocabulary or up to the entire assessment, include prompts, passages and stories as written. (The same form of the test may be purposefully assigned to students in the case of a shortage of available interpreters.)
  5. Simplified language accommodation: Simplified language is limited to restating printed text or oral communications using simpler words without changing content, breaking directions into parts or segments, using similar words or phrases in directions, or repeating or rephrasing directions. Simplified language may not be used to define words or concepts, teach vocabulary, tell students what to do 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
  6. Students selected for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) must follow NAEP testing accommodation guidelines which will not allow for all accommodations.
  7. Accommodations or staff providing the accommodations should in no way lead students to answers.
  8. Alternate Assessment students: Not all accommodations used for instruction are appropriate for use on state-required assessments. Approved accommodations: assistive technology, manipulatives, reader, scribe, calculator, paraphrasing, extended time, reinforcement and behavior modification strategies, deaf and hard of hearing interpreters. Accommodators are required to follow the script provided with the assessment.
  9. Scribing accommodation: Scribes are to record word for word what the student says. Scribes shall format, capitalize and punctuate as directed by student. The finished product is to be reviewed by the student and edits made as directed.
  10. Changes to an IEP/504 Plan go into effect immediately upon signing the paperwork even if that is during the testing window. The appropriate accommodations shall be provided for the student during the next testing session.
  11. Accommodations should not be a substitute for high-quality instruction.
  12. Check to make sure accommodations listed for a student are accurate before beginning a testing session.
  13. Accommodations are transitional strategies that should be faded as appropriate.
  14. Students in hospital or homebound settings who are physically able to test without endangering health are to participate in the assessment.
  15. Reinforcement and behavior modification strategies: The strategies may include verbal, tangible or tactile reinforcements for on-task behavior, use of technology to focus attention or reduce stress, and testing in a separate location. A strategy may not influence the performance of another student.
  16. Extended time accommodation: The student must have used regular time appropriately and made progress in order to be allowed extended time. Extended time is limited to time and a half or double time. Examples: 30 minute test X 1 ½ = 45 minutes OR 30 minute test X 2 = 60 minutes. Extended time should immediately follow the testing session and shall not go beyond the end of the school day.