Hart County Recreation Department
Recreation Advisory Board Minutes
August 5, 2010
Called Meeting ( DRAFT)
Present: Marshall Sayer, Steve Wehunt, Anthony Lee, Jeff Tallent, Bob Frye, Scott Berrong & Mark White
Staff Present: Jim Owens
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:08 PM by Marshall Sayer, Chairman.
A motion was made by Jeff Tallent to approve the minutes from the last meeting and second provided by Mark White. The motion carried 7-0.
The Director’s report was given by Jim Owens. He discussed the registration numbers for cheerleading and football. The RAB discussed the age cut-off date to be eligible to play in a specific age group. The date is September 1. Jeff Tallent made a motion to allow a child who has a birthday before November 1 to participate in the next age group if that child’s birthday would make them eligible for that group. A second was provided by Mark White. The motion passed 7-0.
No Board Member reports
A motion was made by Bob Frye and seconded by Scott Berrong to accept these Cheerleading coaches for the current season: Dana Pastor, Stephanie Rhinehart, and Krista Seawright. Approved 7-0.
A motion was made by Jeff Tallent and seconded by Scott Berrong to go to 4 teams in the 7-8 age group for football. Carried 7-0.
Motion by Bob Frye and 2nd by Mark White to accept Chad Sanford, Jeff Tallent, Wesley Powell, and Scott Berrong as coaches in the 7-8 Year Old group. Passed 7-0.
A motion to accept Robby Johnson, Chad Martin, and Adam Myers as 12 & Under football coaches by Anthony Lee and 2nd by Mark White. Approved 7-0.
A motion to approve Barry Craft, Perries Rucker, Reginald Teasley, and Thaddues Durrett as 9-10 year old coaches by Anthony Lee and 2nd by Jeff Tallent. Carried 7-0
Youth Football games will be on 2 Saturdays and 4 weekdays
New Business: None
No Public Comment
A motion to adjourn was made by Bob Frye and seconded by Mark White.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for August 16 at 6:00.
Minutes by James A. Owens, CPRP
Recreation Director
Cc: Board of Commissioners
Jon Caime, County Administrator