Adjunct faculty information, English Department

Welcome to the English Department at TritonCollege. We value our adjunct instructors and hope to make you as comfortable as possible in your new teaching position. For this reason, you will be assigned a full-time faculty as a faculty mentor during your first semester teaching at Triton. You will receive information regarding that assignment in a few weeks. For now, here is some crucial information:

The college phone number: 708-456-0300

Chair – Virginia Brackett, ext. 3250, L102

Dean – Dr. Ed Forst, L317

You must complete a quick interview with Dean Forst prior to officially receiving course assignments. Please contact either number below to make that appointment:

Dean’s Office – L317, ext 3565 or 3566

Only after your interview with the Dean, may you be assigned:

e-mail account: The Department Chair will procure account information for you

phone extension: See the department secretary for assistance in setting up your phone message box

Lead instructor, developmental writing – Lesa Hildebrand, L102, ext. 3293

Should you be assigned a developmental writing course, you should contact Ms. Hildebrand to meet with her prior to the beginning of the semester.

Lead instructor, developmental reading – Maggie Hahn Wade, L103H, ext. 3260

Should you be assigned a developmental reading course, you should contact Ms. Wade to meet with her prior to the beginning of the semester.

Library reference desk: (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3698 or 3154

You should schedule a library tour for all RHT101 & 102 sections by calling this number. The librarians will demonstrate use of the on-line data base, which students will use for assignments requiring sources.

Duplication services:

Please order duplication through the secretaries; they will instruct you how to do so. You may also e-mail to the chair as attachments your syllabi and schedules for duplication for your first class meeting.

Faculty ID: After all paper work has been processed, you must bring a photo ID to the police station to receive your faculty ID. You will also be assigned an e-mail account and a phone extension following processing of all paperwork. Please complete that paperwork and your interview with Dean Forst as quickly as possible. Your faculty ID will allow free admission to major Chicago museums.

Parking: Parking is unrestricted except for the gated area at the front of the campus

Please notify the chair and dean’s office early on days you must be absent. No payment is issued for sick days.


Each course requires a distinct syllabus. You will be given a sample syllabus. Your syllabus should indicate your name, the correct course and section numbers, room numbers, days and time met, texts required, and it must contain contact information for you. Inform students that while you do not have an office, they may drop off papers in your mailbox in L102. You may also feel free to meet with students in the conference room in L102. Be sure your syllabus addresses clearly academic honesty, attendance, and your policy regarding the acceptance of late work. You may take a college catalog with you for your first class meeting to explain academic honesty. Read through your syllabus aloud on the first day. You should also bring your text to class to show students. If you teach a 50 minute class, you will not do much more than answer questions following your syllabus presentation. If you teach a 75 minute class, use the second half of the class to have students perform an in-class writing for you. Offer them several prompts, and assure them the writing will not be graded; that is for your information only. If you teach a 50 minute class, schedule the in-class writing for the second session of class. If after reading the essay you feel a student has been misplaced, please inform the chair immediately.

Please supply the English Department secretary with a copy of a syllabus and schedule for each section that you teach. During your initial semester at Triton, please supply her also with a written copy of each writing assignment you give in RHT101 & 102.


This is the first in our two-class for-credit essay writing sequence. Five typed essays are required. Please make one essay a position/argument paper, and one essay must require the use of outside sources, used in compliance with MLA requirements. We recommend that the only electronic sources you allow be ones from the library’s electronic database, which will be demonstrated during your library tour. You must meet with students during your final exam period, whether that is to have them write a final paper, hand-in a take home final, or receive their final graded paper with conferences. Grades are A,B,C,D, and F. A student must score a C or better in order for the class to transfer for credit and in order to enroll in RHT102.


This is the second in our two-class for-credit essay writing sequence. Five typed essays are required, each one focusing on fiction, poetry or drama and using outside sources, in compliance with MLA requirements. We recommend that the only electronic sources you allow be ones from the library’s electronic database, which will be demonstrated during your library tour. The library has several excellent printed collections on literary criticism. Please make plans to visit the library ahead of time to locate those, with the help of a reference librarian. You must meet with students during your final exam period, whether that is to have them write a final paper, hand-in a take home final, or receive their final graded paper with conferences.

Developmental Writing

Please plan to meet with Ms. Hildebrand prior to the beginning of classes to learn necessary details regarding the developmental level courses.

Developmental Reading

Please plan to meet with Ms. Wade prior to the beginning of classes to learn necessary details regarding the developmental level courses.