Adelle Dickie was married for 19 years when the Lord called her husband home. She shares six years as a single mother before remarrying along with more of her testimony. She is our featured speaker at the retreat at the Due to remodeling delays at the First Reformed Church of Sioux Center, IA., our retreat will be held at the Carmel Reformed Church of Carmel, Iowa on September 13 hosted by Bible League International Volunteers. Invite some friends, and send in your registrations today. Be sure to invite some men! Don’t forget to plan on staying for the dinner and concert later in the day which are open to everyone. You are encouraged to hear the talented Captivating Keyboards. You can make an eternal difference in the lives of people in Africa, by taking part in this retreat and providing Bibles through the special offering. This unique event is designed to glorify God through great music and speakers, and to renew and uplift all who attend. The deadline for registering is August 26, and there is a late fee if booking after this date. Don’t wait – register now!
Hope Haven will be having their annual Tractor Ride on Thursday, August 18. Registration for this event will be held at Town and Country Implement in Rock Valley. Registration times are from 4-5:00 PM. Tractors will depart at 5:00 PM for Rock River Jersey east of Inwood. Supper will be provided at Town and Country Implement after the ride. There will be a freewill donation for this event. For more information, contact Scott Koedam at 712-476-2820 or email .
FAMILY FIRE - is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.
GOD LISTENS AND WHISPERS - When we feel overwhelmed or depressed or unjustly attacked and beaten down by the world, God is ready to listen to our complaints. Join Groundwork as we study 1 Kings 19 to discover our God who listens in our pain; then comforts and challenges us with a whisper. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.
HACK ATTACK - Who is planning the biggest prank in Reptarium Middle School History? The new kid Kenan Leon seems to have all the answers, but does he know right from wrong? How far can this prank go before someone has to draw the line? Follow the adventures of Liz and his pals every week: subscribe for free at Check out KC's new sketchbook with sneak peek information about our new, upcoming episodes. New episodes started July 30th and run throughout the fall on! CHURCH CALENDAR
Serving, Sunday, August 14, 2016
Coffee Servers: Bill & Marge VDH --- Corwin & Amy R
Greeters: Rodger & Rhoda B --- Rick & Michelle VH
Ushers: Lee V / Harold D / Mike B
Nursery: Phyllis V & Karen D
Evening Nursery: Sue Z & Greg V
Offering: Ministry Shares
Librarian: Phyllis V
Sunday, August 14, 2016
9:30 AM Morning Worship
6:00 PM Evening Worship
Monday, August 15, 2016
6:00 PM All Church Potluck at Ocheyedan City Park
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Thursday, August 18, 2016
7:00 PM Prayer & Share time at Pete R‘s home
Advanced Notice
August 31- 6:30 PM- GEMS leaders meet at church to plan the 2016-17 year
Serving, Sunday, August 21, 2016
Coffee Servers: Corwin & Amy R --- Mark & Crystal V
Greeters: Ron & Linda B --- Gerald & Jo VM
Ushers: Lee V / Harold D / Mike B
Nursery: Barb B & Ashley H
Evening Nursery:
Offering: Bethany Christian Services
Librarian: Phyllis V
Congregational Announcements
On Monday, August 15 at 6:00 PM there will be an All Church Potluck at the Ocheyedan City Park. Table service, drink, and desert will be provided.
Pastor’s Vacation – Pastor Bill and Marge anticipate leaving this week Wednesday for two weeks of vacation. They hope to leave earl Wednesday morning and anticipate returning on Wednesday, August 31. They will, D.V., be spending this time in Michigan where they hope to spend time with family and to join with a former congregation in celebrating that church’s 150th anniversary.
Guest Pastors Next Weeks – While Pastor Bill and Marge are on vacation we will welcome to our services of Worship next week August 21, 2016 Mr. David Mohlenkamp and Rev. Ron Lammers. On Sunday, August 28, 2016 we anticipate having with us Mr. Leroy Eggink and Rev. Ron Lammers.
Mr. Mohlenkamp is from the Edgerton, Minnesota area and has been used by God to bring His Word to a variety of churches especially in the southwest Minnesota area.
Rev. Ron Lammers is our Missionary to the Asian-American Church of Bigelow, Minnesota as Pastor Emeritus.
Mr. Leroy Eggink is a layman who operates a Dairy Farm in our area and whom our Elders have authorized to exhort us form God’s Word for this service of worship.
Please keep these brothers in your prayers as they prepare to bring us God’s Word and to lead us in worship.
The Western Christian High School Board of Directors will be hosting their semi-annual Society meeting on Monday, August 15 at 7 PM in the Western Christian High School cafeteria. Parents, grandparents, and friends of Western are invited to attend.
With the start of school at Western Christian High School scheduled on Monday, August 29 and with the Renovation/Remodeling work being done right up to the first day of school, Western Christian High School is in need of volunteers to help with cleaning and dusting of our school before we start school. We need students, parents, grandparents, and friends to help. We have scheduled cleaning for Thursday, August 25 from 3-8 PM, Friday, August 26 from 2-4 PM, and Saturday, August 27 from 8:30AM-noon. If you can help please email Western at and indicate when you can help. If you can only help for an hour or two that would be great. Western will provide refreshments for anyone who helps.
If you would like to help in the sound booth please contact Corwin Slagter.
The Cadets will need some more counselors for the coming year. Please give this matter prayerful consideration. If you feel led to help with the Cadet program please contact Corwin Slagter
Rapidly approaching is the 2016 Clay County Fair in Spencer, Iowa. We are once again asking for volunteers to work the Midwest Evangelism League booth. If you have never worked the Booth prior, you will absolutely walk away feeling as if you and Jesus and God touched the lives of others. You can share how they are working in your life! We are needing assistance on the following dates: September 11, 13, 15 and the 17th. The sign-up sheet will be up and ready for your signature on Sunday, August 7th. We thank you for considering this work and promise that you will not regret your efforts! If you would like to find out more or have questions, please call Larry Post at 712-758-3250.
The Evangelism Committee is looking for Inspirational Books and other material. They may be geared to any age level, boys or girls, men or women and be Gently-Used or Never-Been-Used. Devotionals, booklets of encouragement, Bible Story Books, seasonal books, etc., will be used to supplement our FREE Basket inventory at the Clay County Fair. Please place them in the basket in the Fellowship Hall by Sept 4. Questions? Talk to Ellen. We appreciate your help with this need! Thank You!
Worthington Christian School is looking to hire a part-time paraprofessional for the 2016-2017 school year. Unfortunately, Sara Weeldreyer will not be returning, as she [and her expanding family!] will now be moving to Sioux Falls. This is sad news for our school, but we certainly wish Sara and Brock the best. The hours for this position will again be 8:00AM-11:30AM, and this individual will be working with a variety of ages, primarily K-4th. If you or someone you know is interested in this position, we encourage you to contact the school for an application and/or more information. And please help us spread the word on this opening, as we need to try to fill this position before school starts on Sept. 6!
Just a friendly reminder of how you can get me your bulletin announcements.
You can email them to me at , put them in my mail box, call or text me at 605-261-7112. You have until Thursday at noon to get them to me. Thanks Audrey Runia- Bulletin Sec.