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6001, 6002, 6003. Special Topics Seminar (1,2,3) May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. P: Consent of instructor.Focused study in selected topics in adult education.

6240. Effective College Teaching (3) Basic principles and practice of effective teaching at college level. Conceptualunderstanding and experiential skills in planning, implementing, and evaluating college instruction.

6307. Proposal Writing for Grants and Contracts (3) Sources of support of sponsored programs. Design ofproposals for research, training/education, public service, development, and other types of grants and contracts. Emphasis onpractical application of knowledge and techniques for proposal preparation.

6379. Issues and Strategies in Adult Literacy (3) Educational, psychological, social, cultural, and political problemsthat may be present for adults with low levels of literacy. Strategies and practical applications developed for understanding,motivating, and teaching under-educated adult.

6445. Introduction to Adult and Community Education (3) P: Baccalaureate degree. Overview of adulteducation to aid student in conceptualizing social, historical, and philosophical nature of the field.

6446. Community Education and Community Development (3) P: ADED 6445. Relationship betweencommunity education and community development and agencies and institutions in community. Techniques for assessing,coordinating, and delivering services through persons trained as community education specialists.

6450. Community, Junior, and Technical Colleges (3) Philosophy, roles, organization, and historical foundationsof community, junior, and technical colleges as specific institutions designed to meet educational needs of a rapidly changingsociety.

6453. The Adult Learner (3) Uniqueness of adult as learner. Development and changes in adulthood that affectlearning process.

6454. Educational Gerontology (3) Developmental process of aging through sociological, physiological, andpsychological aspects. Emphasis on overall educational implications, particularly resources and program planning related toall areas of older adult population.

6461. Introduction to Training and Development (3) Current writings and research, models of training anddevelopment, and relationship between training and development and other human resource specialty areas.

6462. Seminar in Training and Development (3) P: ADED 6461. Advanced understanding of current problems,issues, and trends in training and development in business, industry, health care, and governmental agencies.

6481. Development of Adult Education Programs (3) Concepts, theories, processes, and practices essentialto developing programs for adult learners.

6484. Organization and Administration of Adult Education (3) Organizational practices, principles, andtheories as applicable to adult education organizations. Emphasis on specific administrative policies and functions.

6487. Instructional Strategies in Adult Education (3) Methods and techniques for effective instruction ofadults in a variety of settings. Emphasis on concepts, theories, and principles relevant to the selection, use, and evaluation ofinstructional strategies.

6490. Issues and Trends in Adult Education (3) May be repeated for a maximum of 6 s.h. P: Consent of instructor.Current issues, trends, and controversies that affect adult and continuing education practice, including emerging technological,sociocultural, economic, demographic, and ethical issues.

6491. Research Problems in Adult Education (3) Advanced study on use, understanding, and critique of existingeducational research, including methodologies, ethics of research, thesis, and manuscript preparation.

6492, 6493. Directed Readings in Adult and Community Education (1,2) P: 12 s.h. ADED. Advancedexploration of literature in adult and community education under direction of adult education faculty.

6550. Leadership and Communication Skills in Education (3) Same as ELEM 6550 Teacher leadership,communication, and reflective practice in schools. Skill development enhances communication and collaboration with families,students, and educational professionals. Addresses organizational challenges and facilitates positive change.

6600. Introduction to International Higher Education Administration (3) Administrative aspects of international education on university campuses in the United States and abroad.

6690. Current Topics in International Higher Education Adminstration (3) P: EDUC 6690 Applied case study to addressing contemporary issues in international education.

6989, 6990. Internship in Adult Education (3,3) Full-time or part-time experience under the supervision of anexpert adult education practitioner.

7000. Thesis (3) May be repeated for a maximum of 6 s.h.

7001. Thesis: Summer Research (1) May be repeated. No credit may count toward degree. Students conductingthesis research may only register for this course during the summer

7580. Introduction to Medical Education (3) Review of the historical roots and continuum of medical education, instructional methods, accreditation requirements, and research of medical education.