Distance to Next Valve Clearance Check

ALPHA Test report

Doc ver 1.2

·  This is a NON-public ALPHA release... it may NOT be distributed or discussed with any outside party.

·  The GUI (Graphical User Interface) is new, and still has some issues - feel free to comment on them, but this is not what we are testing here..

·  This test pertains to two specific categories - models with Service Reminders, and the K1200GT with its Brake Pad Wear Indicator (all models - with or without service reminders)

·  ALL feedback should be addressed to and pls add "alpha" or "alpha test" in the subject line (we get a lot of mail and that will make life a lot easier for us.

·  feel free to add screenshots - a picture tells a thousand words

·  pls include the .log latest log file(s) found under your GS-911 install folder (default is C:\Program Files\GS-911 Beta ) – before starting, have a look at the folder and determine the latest (newest) log that already exists – we are only interested in the ones that follow this one…

·  for these specific tests, pls refrain from testing anything else (other functions or other control units) – we’re trying to isolate the tests in the logs and the more “other” tests you run, the more data we need to work through in the logs…

Change Log:

Ver1.1 : For 812.3ALPHA and amended procedure to identify logs

Ver1.2 : Updated test procedure

Distance to Next Valve Clearance Check Test

We appreciate you taking the time to help us create a better product for the BMW community!

Please complete ALL tables and return the document to

Section A: General feedback:

1. / Your name pls
2. / Your email address pls (in case we need to clarify something)
3. / What is the version number of the version you are testing?
4. / Your country
5. / The VIN of the motorcycle under test
6. / What year is your motorcycle?
7. / What is the odo reading of your motorcycle (as shown on the instrument cluster) (as well as units km/mi)?
8. / Are any of your service reminders on at present?
9. / Pls paste a screenshot of the ECU info for the Engine controller (copy-paste of the values is not yet available for this version of the GUI). Done?
10. / Pls look in the application folder (C:\Program Files\GS-911 Beta\) and note down the latest .log file… we only need the ones of the tests you’re about to run – otherwise there is just too much data for us to work through

Section B: Valve clearance check:

This test is intended for K-Series and F-Series motorcycles only

We know that this function is no longer used by BMW (as of May 2007) as they have moved to the fixed interval periods (of 18 000 mi) for checking valve clearance, but we would still like some feedback on it pls… (to determine whether it is still used internally to the ECU)

1. / Make sure you have selected the correct setting “Imperial” or “Metric” from Measurements in the Tools -> Setup section (“Imperial for UK and US and Metric for the rest). Done?
2. / Navigate to your model and select “Special functions” and click on “Distance to valve check”
3. / Without setting any values (not possible anyway with 812.4), pls supply the read value for “remaining distance to valve check”:
4. / If you have any information on how the Distance to Valve Clearance Check used to work, pls pass it along…
5. / Pls note down the odometer reading of your motorcycle.

Once you have ridden your motorcycle, pls update us with its odo and valvecheck distance (that way we can see whether it is in fact still counting down)

Section C: Concluding the test results

1. / Pls close the GS-911 ALPHA application
2. / Brows to the install folder and mail us the latest .log files (all those newer than the one you noted in Section A, point 9.
3. / Any comments on the function and layout of the New GUI?
4. / Any comments specifically on the function of the navigation pane?
5. / Are there any other general issues you would like to bring under our attention?

End of test! ;-)

Thank you for taking the time to do this – we really appreciate your feedback!