Curricula Vitae
Douglas C. Peck, Ph.D., M.S.Ed.
September 26, 2016
Address:19721 North Wessex DriveE-mail:
Surprise, Arizona 85387Phone:330-289-1544
DegreesMajor / (Minors / Cognates)InstitutionYear
Ph.D.Sociology / (Computer Science / Statistics)University of Akron 1993
M.S.Ed.Higher Education AdministrationUniversity of Akron1997
M.A.SociologyUniversity of Akron1979
B.A.History of ArtMansfield University2010
B.A.Sociology / (History / Business Administration)University of Akron1972
B.S.Ch.E.Chemical Engineering / (Mathematics)Tri-State College1967
DegreeMajor / (Minors and Supporting Foci)InstitutionStatus
B.F.A.Studio Art – Drawing/PaintingUniversity of Akron80%
.Golden KeyInternational Scholarly Honour Society
.Phi Alpha ThetaHonorary in History
.Alpha Kappa DeltaHonorary in Sociology
.Kappa Delta PiHonorary in Education
.Tau Beta SigmaHonorary in Band
.Omicron Delta KappaHonorary in Scholarship and Leadership
.Dean’s ListBuchtel College of Arts and Sciences (The University of Akron)
.Trustee’s ScholarshipTri-State College
.Biographical entry.Who’s Who in America. 2006 – 2014. NewProvidence, New Jersey.
MarquisWho’s Who.
.Biographical entry.Who’s Who in American Education 2006 - 2007.
New Providence, New Jersey. Marquis Who’s Who.
.Omega Chi Epsilon Award.Trine University. May 3, 2012.
.Nominee. 2012/13 Excel-Stark State College. North Canton, Ohio.
lence in Adjunct Teaching
.Certificate of Faculty Interfraternity Council/Panhellenic Council.
AppreciationThe University of Akron. Spring, 2000.
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.Finalist. Outstanding Part-Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences,
Time Faculty Award.The University of Akron. 1996 - 1997.
Chronology of Faculty Appointments
Regular Faculty Appointments
.Associate Professor. (August 18, 2008 – May 31, 2012). Department of Social Sciences. Stark State College. North Canton, Ohio.
.Visiting Assistant Professor. (January 12, 1998 – May 15, 2000). Department of Sociology. Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences. The University of Akron. Akron, Ohio.
Adjunct Faculty Appointments
.Adjunct Faculty. (October 20, 2014 – present). Behavioral Sciences and Cultural Studies Division. Estrella Mountain Community College. Avondale, Arizona.
.Adjunct Associate Professor. (Spring II, 2014). Trine University – Peoria. Peoria, AZ.
.Adjunct Instructor. (June 1, 2012 - present). Department of Social Sciences. Stark State College. North Canton, Ohio.
.Associate Lecturer. (Spring, 2003). Department of Sociology. Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences. The University of Akron. Akron, Ohio.
.Adjunct Assistant Professor of Sociology. (Spring, 2002). By appointment of Academic Council.Ashland, University. Ashland, Ohio. Made possible my Primary Advisor status for Interdisciplinary Studies majors.
.Adjunct Assistant Professor of Sociology. (May 15, 2000 – May 15, 2001). Department of Sociology. Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences. The University of Akron. Akron, Ohio.
.Ad HocTemporary Graduate Faculty. (January 31, 1998 – December 31, 1999). Department of Sociology. Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences. The University of Akron. Akron, Ohio.
.Ad Hoc Temporary Graduate Faculty. (August 25, 1997 – August 31, 1999). Department of Educational Foundations and Leadership. College of Education. The University of Akron. Akron, Ohio.
.Adjunct Instructor. (1998 and 2006 - 8). Department of Social Sciences. Stark State College of Technology. North Canton, Ohio.
.Lecturer. (Fall Semester, 1995). Department of Sociology. Mount Union College. Alliance, Ohio.
.Regular Auxiliary Faculty. (January, 1994 – December, 1997). Department of Sociology. Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences. The University of Akron. Promotion in grade by unanimous vote of Regular Faculty.
.Temporary Part-time Faculty. (January, 1983 – December, 1993). Department of Sociology. Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences. The University of Akron.
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Courses Taught
Stark State College:
.Sociology (both on-ground and on-line).Dynamics of the Family
.Society and Technology.Cultural Diversity
The University of Akron (Undergraduate):
.History of Sociological Thought.Introduction to Sociology (on ground)
.Contemporary Sociological TheoriesIntroduction to Sociology (on-line) . Work and Occupations . Introduction to Sociology (Honors)
.Research Methods II (Statistical Analysis).Social Problems
.Social Inequality.Juvenile Delinquency
.Sociological Social Psychology.Social Interaction
.Independent Study.Socialization: Child to Adult
.Colloquium in Social Sciences (Honors).Orientation (University College
The University of Akron (Graduate):Mount Union College:
.Social Interaction.Sociology of Organizations
Trine University (Peoria, AZ Campus)Estrella Mountain Community College:
.Principles of Sociology.Introduction to Sociology
.Gender and Society
.Introduction to Sociology - Honors
Areas in Which Primarily Qualified to Instruct
.Introductory Sociology.Research Methods/Analysis
.Sociological Theory.Technology and Society
.Work and Occupations.Educational Psychology
.Sociological Social Psychology.Socialization
.Sociology of Organizations.History of Higher Education
.Social Inequality/Stratification.Industrial Sociology
Research Experience
.Organizational Analyst. Project on Organizational Effectiveness. The Arthritis Foundation of Northeastern Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio. (1989). Sponsors: Geraldine Fine, Chief Professional Officer and Robert Saslaw, Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
.Organizational Analyst. Project on Restructuring the Department of Sociology. Akron, Ohio. (1990). Department of Sociology. Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences. The University of Akron.
Sponsor: Professor R. Frank Falk, Chair, Department of Sociology.
.Research Assistant for Statistical Analysis. Project on Work and Health. Akron, Ohio. (1983). Department of Sociology. Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences. The University of Akron. Sponsor: Professor McKee McClendon, Principal Investigator.
Primary Research Interests
.Social psychology of self and identity, especially as manifested in quality-of-life issues
.Sociology of education, especially in the higher branches
.Complex organizational analysis.Social stratification
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Dissertation Committees, Mentorships and Advisor Roles
.Colleague Mentor. Ms. Bronzie Dabney. Ph.D. Candidate in Education. Walden University.
Doctoral Support Group. Stark State College. 2009 - 2010.
.Advisor. (1997 - 1998). Mr. Patrick White, Department of Sociology. Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences. The University of Akron. Undergraduate Student Paper Competition – North Central Sociological Association. First Place Award.
Occupational Identity and Job Satisfaction of Computer Personnel. Professor R. Frank Falk, Advisor.
Utilizing Structural Functional Analysis to Identify Opportunities for Improved Organizational Effectiveness in the Nonprofit Sector: A Case Study of the Arthritis Foundation of Northeastern Ohio. Professor Brian Pendleton, Advisor.
College of Business Administration. The University of Akron. Akron, Ohio. (1996). Mr. James Inman, Associate Dean for Internal Affairs and Academic Programs, Mentor. Assisted with development of the College’s Self-Study Report leading into application for re-accreditation by the American Association of
Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), development of assessment instruments, and fostering of relationships at external sites for potential employment of interns, cooperative education students and the College’s graduates.
Book Reviews
Sociology for a World in Transition. David Croteau and William Hoynes. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. (pre-publication review board).
Sociology: In Modules. Richard T. Schaefer. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. (pre-publication review board).
Shaping the College Curriculum. Academic Plans in Action by Joan S. Stark and Lisa R. Lattuca. (With Dianne A. Brown-Wright). The Journal of Higher Education. May/June 1998.
Non-Juried Publications
Computers. In Encyclopedia USA. Volume 15. Donald H. Whisenhunt, Editor.
Comte, Auguste. In Encyclopedia USA. Volume 15. Donald H. Whisenhunt, Editor.
‘Computers, Organizational Context and Job Stress.’ Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computers and Society. University of Rochester. Rochester, New York.
Peer and Merit Reviews
Merit Review Panelist. National Science Foundation (Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement Program: Adaptation and Implementation Track). January 22 - 25, 2003. DoubleTree Hotel, Crystal City. Arlington, Virginia.
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Merit Review Panelist. National Science Foundation (Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement Program.). July 23 – 26, 2001. DoubleTree Hotel, Crystal City. Arlington, Virginia.
Peer Reviewer. Social Science Computer Review. North Carolina State University. Raleigh, North Carolina.
Merit Reviewer. National Science Foundation (Small Business Innovation Research Program).
Activities at Scholarly Meetings
Papers Presented:
‘Fifth-Year Followup of a Program Innovation in a Department of Sociology.’ Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association. Troy Marriott Hotel. Troy, Michigan. April 15, 1999.
‘Professional Identity and Job Satisfaction of Computer Personnel.’ Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association. Hyatt Regency Hotel. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. April 23, 1995.
‘Writing an Effective Term Paper in Sociology: Guiding Principles for Helping Undergraduates Achieve Success.’ Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association. Hyatt Regency Hotel. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. April 22, 1995.
‘A Qualitative Approach to the Study of Job Satisfaction.’ Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association. Hyatt Regency Hotel. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. April 21, 1995.
‘Occupational Identity and Job Satisfaction: A Humanist Interpretation of the Work Experience of Computer Professionals.’ Annual Meeting of the Association for Humanist Sociology. Brownestone Hotel. Raleigh, North Carolina. October 28, 1994.
‘Organizing for Effectiveness: An Application of Systems Principles and the Structural Functionalist Paradigm to a Not-for-Profit Organization.’ Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association. Fort Wayne Hilton Hotel. Fort Wayne, Indiana. April 26, 1992.
‘Systems Principles, Functional Analysis, and the Restructuring of a Graduate Degree-Granting Department of Sociology.’ Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association. Hyatt Regency Hotel. Dearborn, Michigan. April 27, 1991.
‘Social Psychological Factors Influencing the Contribution of Professional Computer Personnel to the Production of Computerized Hospital Information Systems: An Overview of Theory and
Concepts.’ Second Annual Graduate Student Conference “Directions in Sociology: New Ways to Think, New Things to Think About.” Northern Illinois University. De Kalb, Illinois.
October 21, 1989.
‘Job Satisfaction Among Computer Professionals and Its Influence on the Perceived Success of an Organization’s Information Strategy: A Theoretical Treatment.’ Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association. Quaker Square Hilton Hotel. Akron, Ohio. April 14, 1989. (Sociological Abstracts reference: 89S20929/NCSA/1989/1454).
‘Business Imperatives and Organizational Restructuring: An Application of the Structural Functionalist Perspective.’ Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association. Quaker Square Hilton Hotel. Akron, Ohio. April 15, 1989.
‘Causal Aspects of Computerization on the Deskilling of Work.’ Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association. Westin Hotel. Cincinnati, Ohio. April 3, 1987. (Sociological Abstracts reference: 8S19325/NCSA/1987/1284).
‘Migration from Decentralized File-based Data Environments to Centralized Information Systems in Complex Organizations: Some Social Implications.’ Annual Meeting of the Society for the History of Technology (held in conjunction with the Four Society Meeting). Hilton Hotel. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. October 25, 1986.
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‘Organizational Environment, Electronic Automation and Stress on the Job: A Mechanism and Some Consequences with Special Emphasis on Gender-based Difference.’ (Invited paper). Focus
on Women and Computing: Facts, Fears, Fantasies, Fallacies. West Virginia University. Morgantown, West Virginia. September 20, 1985.
‘Computers, Organizational Context and Job Stress.’ Conference on Computers and Society. University of Rochester. Rochester, New York. June 21, 1985.
‘Transfer of Function and the Mutual Support of Intergenerational Interests: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Retirement Practices in the United States and Japan.’ Eighth Annual Ohio Student Conference on Aging and Ninth Annual Professional and Scientific Conference on Aging. The Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio. April 26, 1985.
‘The Impact of Computerization on Organizational Effectiveness as Mediated by Psychosocial Stress in the Workplace.’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Sociology. Northern Kentucky University. Highland Heights, Kentucky. October 13, 1984.
Session Organization/Non-Conference Presentations/Panels/Guest Lectures/Other Professional Contributions
Member. Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG) Review Panel for Sociology. Review and approve Sociology courses proposed for TAG compliance by Ohio’s publicly supported institutions of higher education. August 18, 2008 - present.
Presenter. ‘Using the Term Paper as a Vehicle for Student Engagement.’ Best Practices Series, Spring 2010. Stark State College of Technology. North Canton, Ohio. April 20 and 23, 2010.
Guest Lecturer. ‘Some Thoughts on Substance Abuse and Its Possible Link with the Struggle for Identity.’ Ashland University. Ashland, Ohio. Assistant Professor Omar Altalib, Sponsor.
March 18, 2003.
Guest Lecturer. ‘A Symbolic Interactionist Examines Meanings Associated with “Form” and “Material” in Three-Dimensional Design.’ Mary Schiller Myers School of Art. The University of Akron. Akron, Ohio. Dr. Steven Litchfield, Sponsor. December 16, 1999.
Presenter. ‘Videotape Technology in Support of Classroom Instruction.’ 1999-2000 Educational Development Series. Department of Sociology. Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences. The University of Akron. Akron, Ohio. October 20, 1999.
Organizer. Research Paper Session on ‘Evaluation Research.’ Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association. Troy Marriott Hotel. Troy, Michigan. April 15, 1999.
Organizer. Research Paper Session on ‘Applied Sociology.’ Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association. Troy Marriott Hotel. Troy, Michigan. April 15, 1999.
Panelist. ‘Guidelines for Undergraduate Writing Assignments/Syllabus Construction.’ 1998 – 1999 Educational Development Series. Department of Sociology. Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences. The University of Akron. Akron, Ohio. April 7, 1999.
Panelist. ‘Civility in the Classroom.’ 1998 – 1999 Educational Development Series. Department of Sociology. Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences. The University of Akron. Akron, Ohio. November 18, 1999.
Participant and Contributor. Faculty Development Conference. Heines Hill Conference Center. Cuyahoga Valley National Park. November 2, 1996.
Presenter. ‘Structural Functionalism, Systems Theory and Organizational Analysis: A Venture into Applied Sociology.’ 1990 – 1991 Brown Bag Series. Department of Sociology. Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences. The University of Akron. Akron, Ohio. November 14, 1990.
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Member. Local Arrangements Committee. Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association. Akron, Ohio. April 13 – 16, 1989.
Organizer and Panelist. ‘Part-time Teaching of Sociology: Opportunities, Satisfactions, Frustrations.’ Session 29. Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association. Quaker Square Hilton Hotel. Akron, Ohio. April 14, 1989.
Panelist. Session on Applied Sociology. Topic: ‘Observations on Doing Sociology in a Business Setting.’ Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association. Toledo, Ohio.
April 17, 1986.
Round Table Organizer/Discussion Leader. ‘Improving the Image of Sociology in Business and Industry.’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Sociology. Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. Edinboro, Pennsylvania. October 5, 1985.
Chair. Session on developing ‘Positions of the Society: Marketing Sociology.’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Sociology. Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. Edinboro, Pennsylvania. October 6, 1985.
Professional Development: Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, and Other Activities
EDU250 (Teaching and Learning in the Community College). Required course of all Faculty in the Maricopa County Community College District. Estrella Mountain Community College. Spring, 2015.
"Preparing to Teach Hybrid On-line Courses" Workshop. Estrella Mountain Community College.
January 5 - 19, 2015.
“CANVAS Basics” On-line Workshop. Estrella Mountain Community College. Ongoing.
“Active Learning Strategies” Workshop. Estrella Mountain Community College. September 27, 2014.
“Assessment in Action.” Estrella Mountain Community College. September 13, 2014.
Boundary Setting and Crisis Intervention for Faculty and Staff.” Stark State College. January 13, 2011.
Ohio Board of Regents Webinar. “Course Equivalency Management System (CEMS) Update.” October 7, 2010.
Ohio Association of Community Colleges Statewide Symposium. “Social Networking Technologies and Their Implications for Higher Education.” Dublin, Ohio. March 4 – 5, 2010.
“Student Privacy and FERPA. An overview by the Office of the Ohio Attorney General.” Stark State College of Technology. February 18, 2010.
“POWERPOINT 101.” Department of Technology Training Services. Stark State College of Technology.
March 6, 2009.
“EXCEL in Microsoft 2007.”Department of Technology Training Services. Stark State College of Technology. February 27, 2009.
“Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG) Faculty Training Workshop: Utilizing the Course Equivalency Management System (CEMS) as a TAG Review Panel Member.” Ohio Board of Regents. Columbus, Ohio. September 24, 2008.
Chair. “Government/Politics” Environmental Scanning Team, Strategic Planning Process. Stark
State College of Technology. Spring, 2010.
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Member. Distinguished Teaching Award Committee. Stark State College of Technology.
Spring, 2010.
Member. Interview Committee for Sociology and Psychology Instructor Positions. Stark State College of Technology. Summer, 2009.
Chair. Interview Committee for Social Sciences Department Chair. Stark State College of Technology. Spring, 2009.
Chair. Excellence in Teaching Award Selection Committee. Represented the General Studies Division in selecting the College’s ‘Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Member’ for academic year 2008/9. Stark State College of Technology. Spring, 2009.
Chair. Academic Quality Improvement Process (AQIP) Accreditation Systems Portfolio Development for
Category 2 (Accomplishing Other Distinct Objectives). 2008.
Member. Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects (IRB). Stark State College.
August 18, 2008 – September 30, 2010.
Member. Professional Advisory Board. The John J. McKetta Department of Chemical and Bioprocess
Engineering. Trine University.Angola, Indiana. Since 2006.
Class Agent for Class of 1967. ‘Class Agent Program of Tri-State University.’ Tri-State University, Angola, Indiana. Served as communication link pin between the institution and members of the Class of 1967.
Mentor. The TEKE Connection. Tau Kappa Epsilon, Beta-Rho Chapter. The University of Akron. Akron, Ohio. (2001 - 2003).
Chair. ‘Alumni Scholarship Award Program’ Committee. Tau Kappa Epsilon, Beta-Rho Chapter. The University of Akron. Akron, Ohio. (August 12, 1999 – May 31, 2001).
Member. Educational Development Committee. Planned, arranged and executed programs for personal and professional development of Faculty and Graduate students. Department of Sociology. Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences. The University of Akron. Akron, Ohio. (1998 – 2000).
Faculty Advisor. Tau Kappa Epsilon, Beta-Rho Chapter. The University of Akron. Akron, Ohio. (November 15, 1998 – May 31, 2001).
Trustee.Board of Trustees. Tau Kappa Epsilon, Beta-Rho Chapter. The University of Akron. Akron, Ohio. (August, 1998 – May, 2000).
Faculty Member. New Student Orientation Program. The University of Akron. Akron, Ohio. Represented University Faculty at meetings with parents of newly matriculated undergraduates. (1998 – 1999).
Master Teaching Professor. Graduate Student Mentoring Program. Department of Sociology. Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences. The University of Akron. Akron, Ohio. Mentored M.A. and Ph.D. candidates in art and