Creation Ministries International (CMI)

Articles / Videoclips Translation Questionnaire

1.  Date:
2.  Your name:
3.  Your title (e.g. “Mr”, etc.):
4.  Your address:
5.  Your email:
6.  Your phone:
7.  Your website:
8.  Your organisation (name and website):
9.  Your denomination / church:
10.  Do you fully agree with CMI’s Statement of Faith, ?
11.  Which article / videoclip will you translate first?
12.  Translation Language:
13.  Main translator name and email:
14.  First proofreader name and email:
15.  Second proofreader name and email:
16.  Other proofreaders’ names and emails:
17.  May we publish your name as translator?
18.  Are you willing to check (proofread) translations by other CMI translators?
19.  May we share your email address with others (e.g. with other CMI translators)?
20.  Do you have webpage (html, etc.) editing skills?

Thank you!

Now email this completed questionnaire to

Articles Videoclips Translation Questionnaire v170316