Noel Liam Knight
Address:152 Sheridan Park, Geneva, NY
Phone:315 759 8420
Date of Birth:10/10/1985
Biography and Interests
Growing up in a rural area outside of Toowoomba, Queensland on a dairy and beef farm initiated my interest in agriculture. A keen interest in science throughout my education stimulated me to undertake scientific research on plant diseases of cereals, in particular an Honours Project on spot blotch of barley and a PhD study on crown rot of wheat. Throughout these projects I have actively been pursuing two of my major scientific interests, namely molecular biology and plant pathology. My selection to attend the Crawford Fund’s 3rd International Master Class on Soil Borne Pathogens of Wheat, Tunisia highlighted to me the importance of this type of research at not only a local level but also for the worldwide community. The information presented during the workshop and associated field trips provided a useful education on many wheat diseases which I had not encountered. Afurther benefit was the opportunityto discuss the challenges associated with these diseases with the expert teachers and colleagues from many different cultures. During my career to date I have had many different opportunities to learn new skills, obtain money via grant agencies, present my research in presentations and published articles, work with collaborators and teach and supervise students.
The practical aspects of improving our understanding of plant diseases directly affecting farm profitability and food security is a major drive behind my desire to study plant pathology. The process ofscientific enquiryand development of new knowledge are the highlights of performing research in agricultural science. In particular, aspects of plant pathology and biosecurity are rapidly increasing in their importance in terms of maintaining a dependable global food supply.
Curriculum Vitae
2017- present:Post-Doctoral Associate – Cercospora beticola in table beet. EVADE, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Cornell University, Geneva, New York.
2016:Postdoctoral Fellow – Genetic diversity of Pyrenophora teres on barley in South Africa. Centre for Crop Health, Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Toowoomba.
2013- 2016:Vice-Chancellor Postdoctoral Fellow – Enhancing biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in winter cereals. Centre for Crop Health, Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Toowoomba.
2011- 2013:Postdoctoral Research Fellow – Investigation of fungal biomass during crown rot of wheat. Centre for Crop Health, Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Toowoomba.
2012/2014:Demonstrator in charge for Taste of Science laboratory sessions for senior school students. A Mouldy Murder: Biology Workshop. Faculty of Sciences, University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Toowoomba and Fraser Coast.
2011:Demonstrator in charge teaching Cell Biology practical classes at USQ, Faculty of Health, Engineering & Sciences.
2006-2011:Laboratory demonstrating/assisting at USQ Faculty of Sciences in Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry.
2010-2011:Casual employee in the crown rot research and wheat breeding program at the Leslie Research Centre, Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Toowoomba.
2006:Laboratory assistant in the Centre for Systems Biology, USQ.
2004: Casual employee in the wheat breeding program at the Leslie Research Centre, Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Toowoomba.
2015:Plant Physiology– coordinating online resources, assisting in practical sessions and marking assessment pieces, USQ.
2014 & 2015:Cell and Molecular Biology 1–coordinating online resources, creating and delivering tutorial sessionsand marking assessment pieces, USQ.
2014:Biology 2 – lecturer for Plant Evolution and Physiology, coordinating online resources and marking assessment pieces, USQ.
2014:Biology 1 Demonstrator in Charge for residential practical section, USQ.
2013-2014:Led educational sessions for high school students involved with the Primary Industry Centre for Science Education (PICSE) camp workshop. These were focused around plant pathology and DNA technology. This included hosting a PICSE work experience student for a 5 day project in 2013 and 2014. Several other similar sessions for high school students have also been delivered.
2007-2011:PhD, Faculty of Sciences, USQ, Toowoomba. Infection of wheat tissues by Fusarium pseudograminearum.
Funded by an Australian Postgraduate Award Scholarship.
Supervisor: Prof. Mark Sutherland, Director of Centre for Systems Biology, USQ.
2006:Bachelor of Science (Honours) (First Class), Faculty of Sciences USQ, Toowoomba.
Supervisor: Prof. Mark Sutherland.
2006:Certificate in Editing and Proofreading from the Sackville Academy – The Writing School
2003-2005:Bachelor of Biomedical Science (with Distinction), University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba.
1998-2002: High School Certificate from Oakey State High School, Queensland. OP 3 (English, Maths B, IPT, Chemistry, Physics, Biology)
Placed in the top 25 entrants in the 2008 New Scientist Eureka Prize for Science Photography. The work was featured in the 08/09 Australian Museum Eureka Prize for Science photography exhibition.
Encouragement Award in the 2014 USQ Pitch Club Challenge ($500)
Student award in recognition of an outstanding oral presentation at the18th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Plant Pathology Society/4th Asian Conference on Plant Pathology, 26 April – 29 April 2011, Darwin Convention Centre, Darwin, Australia.
Encouragement Award for student paper at the 16th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Plant Pathology Society, 26 – 29 September 2007, Adelaide, Australia.
Highly Commended poster presentation at the 13th Australian Barley Technical Symposium, 26 - 30 August 2007, Esplanade Hotel, Fremantle, Australia.
Co-applicant of a successful application in the 2015 USQ Research Infrastructure Program. Funding of $91 600 was supplied for plant physiology equipment.
Leader of a successful application in the 2014 USQ Research Infrastructure Program. Funding of $194 340 was supplied for controlled environment plant growth chambers and a high humidity fog/dew chamber.
Co-applicant of a successful application in the 2013 USQ Research Infrastructure Program. Funding of $15 929 was supplied for upgrades to a standard fluorescence microscope.
Co-applicant of a successful application in the 2011 USQ Research Infrastructure Program. Funding of $18 000 was supplied for a tissue homogeniser/disruptor.
Recipient of a 2011/2012 Early Career Researcher Program grant from the University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba. ($6500)
Crawford Fund Young Scientist grant recipient. Grant supported travel, accommodation and attendance of the Crawford Fund 2011 Annual Development Conference, ‘The Supermarket Revolution In Food:Good, Bad and Ugly for The World’s Farmers, Consumers and Retailers?’, 15 - 16 August 2011, Parliament House, Canberra, Australia.
Journal Publications – Primary Author
Knight NL, Sutherland MW (2016) Histopathological assessment of Fusarium pseudograminearum colonisation of cereal culms during crown rot infections. Plant Disease100: 252-259. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-04-15-0476-RE
Knight NL, Sutherland MW (2015) Culm discolouration as an indicator of Fusarium pseudograminearum biomass. Australasian Plant Pathology44: 319-326. DOI: 10.1007/s13313-015-0351-x
Knight NL, Sutherland MW (2013) Spread of Fusarium pseudograminearum in wheat seedling tissues from a single inoculation point. Australasian Plant Pathology42: 609-615. DOI: 10.1007/s13313-013-0225-z
Knight NL, Sutherland MW (2012) Histopathological assessment of wheat seedling tissues infected by Fusarium pseudograminearum. Plant Pathology62: 679-687. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2012.02663.x
Knight NL, Martin A, Sutherland MW, Herde DJ (2012) Assessment of infection by Fusarium pseudograminearum in wheat seedling tissues using quantitative PCR and a visual discoloration scale. Plant Disease96: 1661-1669. DOI:10.1094/pdis-12-11-1050-re
Knight, NL and Sutherland, MW (2011) A rapid differential staining technique for Fusarium pseudograminearum in cereal tissues during crown rot infections. Plant Pathology60: 1140-1143. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2011.02462.x.
Knight, NL, Platz, GJ, Lehmensiek, A, Sutherland, MW (2010) An investigation of genetic variation among Australian isolates of Bipolaris sorokiniana from different cereal tissues and comparison of their abilities to cause spot blotch on barley. Australasian Plant Pathology39: 207-216. DOI: 10.1071/AP09082.
Journal Publications – Co-Author
Padmanaban, S, Sutherland, M, Knight, N, Martin, A (2016) Genome inheritance in populations derived from hexaploid/tetraploid and tetraploid/hexaploid wheat crosses. Molecular Breeding 37:48. DOI: 10.1007/s11032-017-0647-3.
Conference Presentations (presenting author underlined)
Knight, NL (2016) Engaging high school students in plant pathology research.18thPostgraduate and Early Career Researcher Group Research Symposium,18 November 2016, Springfield Campus, University of Southern Queensland, Australia. Oral Presentation.
Knight, NL and Sutherland, MW (2016) Crown rot and whiteheads.26th Annual Symposium of the Soilborne Plant Diseases Interest Group of South Africa,20 September – 22 September 2016, Stellenbosch, South Africa.Oral Presentation in the Symposium Discussion Group.
Knight, NL and Sutherland, MW (2015)The crown rot ‘deadhead’ phenomenon in durum wheat.20thAustralasian Plant Pathology Conference, 14 September – 16September 2015, Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia. Poster and Lightning Presentation.
Knight, NL and Sutherland, MW (2014)Fusarium pseudograminearum crown rot: growth patterns in planta. 8th Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium, 10 November –13November 2014, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Oral Presentation.
Sutherland, MW, Knight, NL, Martin A and Percy CD. (2012) The growth of Fusarium pseudograminearum in cereal host tissues. 1st International Crown Rot Workshop for Wheat improvement, 22 October– 23 October 2012, Narrabri, New South Wales, Australia. Oral Presentation.
Sutherland, MW, Knight, NL and Martin A. (2012) The characteristics of resistance to Fusarium crown rot in wheat. The International Conference on Plant Resistance Sustainability, 16 October– 19 October 2012, La Colle-Sur-Loup, France. Oral Presentation.
Knight, NL, Lehmensiek, A, Herde, DJ and Sutherland, MW (2011) Quantitative PCR and histopathological investigations of cereal tissues during infection by the crown rot pathogen Fusarium pseudograminearum. In: The 18th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Plant Pathology Society/4th Asian Conference on Plant Pathology, 26 April – 29 April 2011, Darwin Convention Centre, Darwin, Australia. Oral presentation.
Knight, NL, Lehmensiek, A, Herde, DJ and Sutherland, MW (2010)Histopathological investigation of Fusarium crown rot in wheat. 6th Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium, 9 August –11 August 2010, Twin Waters, Queensland, Australia. Poster.
Knight, NL, Lehmensiek, A, Herde, DJ and Sutherland, MW (2009) Crown rot of wheat: Infection of wheat tissues by Fusarium pseudograminearum. In: The 17th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Plant Pathology Society, 29 September – 1 October 2009, Newcastle City Hall, Newcastle, Australia. Oral presentation.
Knight, NL, Lehmensiek, A, Herde, DJ and Sutherland, MW (2008) Infection of wheat tissues by Fusarium pseudograminearum. In: The 11th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, 24-29 August 2008, Brisbane Convention Centre, Brisbane, Australia. Poster.
Sutherland, MW,Knight, NL, Platz, G and Lehmensiek, A(2008) An investigation of pathotypic variation in Bipolaris sorokiniana (teleomorph Cochliobolussativus), causal agent of spot blotch. In: The 10th International Barley Genetics Symposium, 5-10 April 2008, Alexandria, Egypt. Poster.
Knight, NL, Platz, GJ, Lehmensiek, A, Sutherland, MW (2007) Genetic variation and spot blotch pathogenicity among Australian isolates of Bipolaris sorokiniana on barley. In: The 16th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Plant Pathology Society, 26 – 29 September 2007, Adelaide, Australia. Oral presentation.
Knight, NL, Platz, GJ, Lehmensiek, A, Sutherland, MW (2007) Investigation of genetic variation among Australian isolates of Bipolaris sorokiniana and comparison of their ability to cause spot blotch on barley. In: The 13th Australian Barley Technical Symposium, 26 - 30 August 2007, Esplanade Hotel, Fremantle, Australia. Poster.
Participant in the 16th Fusarium Laboratory Workshop, 21-26th June 2015, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. Sponsored by Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre. Workshop team led by Prof John Leslie (Kansas State University).
Participated as technician and session presenter at the 3rd International Master Class on Soil Borne Pathogens of Wheat, 28 April - 9 May 2008, INRAT, Tunis, Tunisia. Sponsored by the Crawford Fund. Workshop team led by Prof Lester Burgess (University of Sydney) and Dr Julie Nicol (CIMMYT, Turkey).
22nd October – 2nd November 2016
I assisted with research data collection as a volunteer for ‘The Animals Of Malawi In The Majete Wildlife Reserve’ program provided by Earthwatch (12 days). The project was based in the Majete Wildlife Reserve of southern Malawi. The research program focused on ecological monitoring programs, with the aim of documenting changes in important properties of biological communities encompassing a wide variety of species. Camera traps, driving transects and waterhole counts were important aspects of the research, providing valuable data to the reserve management. I also assisted in the collection of materials from spotted hyena dens and recent lion kills for a Masters project. All of this work is part of a larger project making Majete a model for how a reserve can successfully conserve biodiversity andmanage natural resources sustainably for the benefit of the economy and the people of Malawi, while also being financially viable.
31st August – 9th September 2014
I was a volunteer research assistant for the ‘Thinking Like An Elephant in Thailand’ program provided by Earthwatch (10 days). The project was based in the Golden Triangle of northernThailand. The research program focused on the study of elephant behaviour and cognition (intelligence) using captive elephants as participants. I helped the scientists and staff conduct behavioural experiments aimed at better understanding how elephants navigate their physical and social worlds (the study of physical and social cognition). Additionally, I participated in some community outreach with school children aimed at bringing elephants closer to people in Thailand.
6thSeptember - 23rd September 2012
I took part in the ‘Amazon Riverboat Exploration’ offered by Earthwatch as a volunteer research expedition. This involved a 15 day stay on the Samiria River in Peru near Iquitos, part of the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve. My role as a research assistant involved collecting data on the river dolphin’s behaviours, counting water birds and macaws, doing forest transects for monitoring wildlife, catching/identifying/measuring fish and catching/measuring/swabbing frogs. It also included burying turtle eggs in the local conservation project. This project contributes to the management of the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve by supplying data on the abundance, densities and diversity of many important wildlife groups, which helps develop appropriate management plans for wildlife species and community-based wildlife conservation programs. The results have shown the importance of the area for conservation and for the sustainable development of the region. Research results of the project will also be used to help establish new regional protected areas, which would conserve over an additional 1.5 million hectares of Amazonian forest. The research will also help develop an Amazon-wide conservation strategy for wildlife being impacted by global climate change.
Other Relevant Activities
2016:Presented a seminar titled ‘Investigating FusariumCrown Rot: qPCR and Microscopy’ at the Department of Plant Pathology,Stellenbosch University.
2014-present: Co-supervising Masters (1) and PhD students (2).
2015:Presented a seminar titled ‘Investigating Crown Rot: qPCR and Microscopy’ at the Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology,Montana State University.
2014-15:Panel member for selecting and interviewing Postdoctoral Research Fellow applicants at USQ for several positions in Plant Physiology, Plant Pathology and Disease/Immunology projects.
2014-15:Assessing an Honours project and dissertation (1) and sitting on PhD proposal panels (1).
2011-present:Reviewed articles (5) for Plant Pathology, Plant Disease, Canadian Journal of Plant Science, Australasian Plant Pathology and Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection.
2011:Recipient of a Young Researchers Fellowship from the Queensland Committee of the Crawford Fund and attended their National Conference in Canberra. Subsequently a seminar was presented to the QCCF in Brisbane entitled: ‘Fusarium Crown Rot of Cereals – Global Collaborations, Impacts and Discoveries’
Community Involvement
2014-16: Secretary for the University Cricket Club, USQ.
2015/16: Reserve grade captain for the University Cricket Club, USQ.
ProfMark Sutherland
Professor Emeritus, USQ
+61 2 6558 7422
Dr Anke Martin
Senior Research Fellow
Centre for Crop Health, USQ
+61 7 4631 2261