Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
August 01, 2017
Selectmen Present: Wayne Rundlett, Michael Senecal, Raymond Poulin
Present: Stacie Rundlett, Mike Malesky, Marilyn Gorman, Kip Poulin, Brian Rundlett, Gary Agren, Kristen Mitchell, Ron Lindner-Demers, John Demers-Lindner
Mike S. called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
The Board of Selectmen reviewed the minutes from July 17, 2017. Raymond motioned to accept them as written and Wayne 2nd, all were in favor.
Kristen presented appointment papers to the Board of Selectmen to sign for Bobbi-Sue Harrington to be on the Recreation Committee. The board reviewed and signed her appointment paper.
Gary updated the board on work that has been done and work to be done. He stated that the surveyors that did work on the Hancock Pond Rd., were due to have that information to him soon. He reviewed with the board an issue with the stop sign on the Airport Rd. Wayne will look into it and put up a new sign. There was a brief discussion on a rock on Hancock Pond Rd. in the roadway. Gary will address the issue. Gary updated the board on some upcoming time he would be out of town.
Mike M. updated the board on a few abatements that he will be bringing to the board at a future meeting.
Kip discussed the contract for fire coverage of parts of Somerset County with the Board of Selectmen. Mike S. motioned to accept the contract as written, Raymond 2nd and all were in favor. The board members signed the contract. Kip updated the board on some issues with the air pack and regulators that did not pass annual inspection. There was a discussion on options to take care of the issues. Kip informed the board that the department is planning to try and apply for a grant to possibly purchase air packs in the future. He shared with the board that all the trucks are now inspected. The department will be putting up a new flag pole near their Fire Department sign thanks to a donation from a local resident. He also discussed with the board that the new 6 by 6 is almost ready to be put into service and that there are just a few lights that need to be put on it.
The Board of Selectmen reviewed and signed an accounts payable warrant and payroll warrants.
Stacie discussed with the board of a violation of New Portland’s Wireless Communications Ordinance and that it would be presented to the Planning Board at a future meeting once all the documentation has been received.
There were no items by the Public.
Mike S. updated all in attendance the status of the Sand/Salt Shed research. And he also spoke of the AOS meeting that he recently attended.
Meeting adjourned 7:01 p.m.
These minutes were approved by the Board of Selectmen at the August 21st meeting. smr