2011Zeta Chi Omega Call for Nominations

January 2011


The Nominating Committee is preparing for the November electionand weneed your help. Currently, we are soliciting candidatesfor the following positions:

BasileusGrammateusPecunious GrammateusArchivist

Ivy Leaf ReporterPhilacterGraduate AdvisorNominating Committee (5 slots)

If you desire to serve in one of the positions listed above, please complete the attached biographical data form and return it to Soror Darhyl Jasper at the September General Body meeting, via the postal service, or email by September 10, 2011. A copy of the form is on the Zeta Chi Omega website: “members only” section under Chapter Documentsor Soror Darhyl Jasper at:.

Please complete a separate form for each position you are applying. Information on the offices can be found in the ZXΩ Bylaws: Article V, Sections 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 15 and 16; and Article VI Sections 1A, 1C, 1H, 1J, 1K, IU and the Sorority’s “So Now You’re Elected: A Guide to Effective Leadership and Chapter Operations”(p. 1-15) to ensure that you meet the minimum qualifications.

If youcannot serve in a leadership role at this time but would like to recommend a qualified Soror for one of the positions, please contact the Chairman or any Soror listed below by September 10, 2011.

After all candidates have been certified, the Nominating Committee will provide a newsletter, introducing the candidates,which will include their picture and vision statement.

Sorors, qualified candidates are encouraged to provide a two minute presentation to the membership on their vision of the position for which they are seeking prior to the elections. In addition, aspiring officers may pass out and/or mail campaign materials/paraphernalia to chapter members. However, campaign materials/ paraphernalia must be approved by the Nominating Committee prior to distribution to the membership. Subsequent to approval by the Nominating Committee, campaign material may be distributed to the entire membership or not at all. A copy of any material disbursed should also be provided fortheArchives Committee.

The Nominating Committee is looking forward to working with you. We possess an abundance of leadership talent in our Chapter and this is an opportunity for you to step forward.


Soror Darhyl Jasper, Chairman

Nominating Committee

Nominating Committee:

Gloria BellHazel CameronStephanie Harrison HubbardLucretia McClenney

Lydia McLeodLula Lang-JeterRhonda LussLinda Newman

Global Leadership through Timeless Service



Biographical Data -- Candidates (2011)

(Please type or print your information in the spaces provided below)

I. Position sought (Please check only one box)

□ Basileus□ Grammateus□ Pecunious Grammateus□ Philacter

□ Archivist□ Ivy Leaf Reporter□ Graduate Advisor□ Nominating Committee(5 slots)

Name ______Occupation ______

Phone # ______Work phone #______

Address ______Work address ______

Email ______

II. Educational Background
Degree(s)Major Field of StudyCollege/University Year Completed
III. Sorority Experience

Year Initiated_____Chapter Name & Location______

Number of consecutive years in ZXΩ
Chapter Office HeldChapter NameDatesNo. of Terms







Sorority Meetings Attended (Please provide the year and the numbers of meetings within the last 2 years)

Most RecentOther Meetings, Workshops, Training

Boulés ______|______

Regional Conferences ______|______


Leadership Training______|______



Nominating Committee’s Biographical Data of Candidates (2011)

IV. Special Training and Experience Qualifications

(Please include leadership experiences based on membership in other community or civic organizations)

V. Your Vision for Zeta Chi Omega

(Identify three goals and explain in 100 words or less how you plan to implement them for your term of office should you be elected)

Please return the completed form to Soror Darhyl Jasper by September 10, 2011. Ifyou have any questions, please contact a member of the Nominating Committee for answers:

Darhyl Jasper (Chairman)

Gloria BellHazel CameronStephanie Harrison HubbardLucretia McClenney

Lydia McLeodLula Lang-JeterRhonda LussLinda Newman

Global Leadership through Timeless Service