This is a message for parents of scouts who are working on the first 4 ranks: Scout, Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, and 1st Class.
To progress as quickly as possible through the ranks, scouts need to (1) be very active in the troop (meetings and trips); and (2) be sure to get requirements in the handbook signed off as soon as possible after completion.
Troop 387’s goal for younger scouts is to help each scout reach First Class rank within 12-18 months after joining the troop. Statistics show that scouts who do this are much more likely to stay in scouting and reach Eagle rank.
To reach this goal, here are some ways we help them:
Part 1: Each scout will be assigned to each scout an Assistant Scoutmaster who can review the advancement process during upcoming patrol corners during the troop meeting.
Part 2: Help educate parents. This enables parents to encourage their own scouts. For new parents and for scouts, the advancement process can seem confusing. If you have questions, please feel free to contact any of the registered troop leaders.
Here is an explanation of the Advancement Process:
Advancement Process:
1. Scouts are responsible for their own advancement – the scout himself should interact with the adult leaders, and not expect his parents to do this for him.
2. Scouts should bring their BSA Handbook to every meeting and to every campout. When they complete a requirement, they should immediately ask a leader or an older scout to sign off and date the requirement.
3. Periodically, scouts should turn in their handbook to the Advancement Chairman during the meeting.
a.He/she will enter the dates and completed requirements into the troop’s Troopmaster database.
b.The information must be entered before the scout can advance in rank.
c.Once the information is entered into the computer, it protects the scout in case he misplaces his handbook. If the information has not been entered, a scout would need to re-do many requirements.
4. When a scout has completed all requirements for a rank (except for the final two regarding Scout Spirit, and Scoutmaster Conference), he should request a History Report from the Advancement Chairman (Mrs. Williams in 2012).
5. The scout is now ready to schedule a Scoutmaster Conference. Scoutmaster Conferences are usually done at 6:30pm on Monday, either with the Scoutmaster, or with the designated Asst Scoutmaster for that particular scout. The scout is responsible for scheduling his own conference.
6. Once a Scoutmaster Conference has been completed, and signed off, the scout then brings his book to the Advancement Chairman. She will schedule the scout’s Board of Review.
7. Boards of Review are usually held on Mondays during troop meetings. This is a 30-45 minute meeting with 3 registered leaders who have a discussion with the scout about the rank he has just completed, and review the steps needed for the next rank.
8. The three early ranks of Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, and 1st Class ranks and requirements can be worked on and completed simultaneously. However, once completed, each rank must be completed in order, with a separate Scoutmaster Conferences and a separate Board of Review for each rank.