Spring 2015 PHYS-UA 74

Intermediate Experimental Physics II


Professor Peter Nemethy

Office: 707 Meyer


Phone: 8 7747 (outside: 212 998 7747)

Office Hours: by appointment. See me after class to set a time, or make an appointment by e-mail.

Lecture: Mondays 3:304:45pm, Meyer 122

Labs: Tues. 3:30 to 6: 0pm or Wed. 9:15am to 12:15pm, Meyer 221

(Labs start the week of Feb. 2)


9 labs in total, as listed on webpage, with manuals.

Skip magnetic torque and seismometer!

More material:

[Read in particular: ErrorAnalysis.pdf and LabReport.pdf]


●Lab experiments are all set during the whole semester

●There will always be a TA there to help.

●Teams can do experiment together / share data.

●Everyone turns in their own lab report, but indicate your partner(s).

●Lab report is due 1 week after you do the experiment; turn in to your TA.

(1Point penalty - out of 10 - per week late)

●You may do a given experiment at any time during semester, so it doesn't matter when you do a given lab.

●No textbook, but info on the web, lab manuals, and handouts.

For a good grade on a lab report, we want to see:

  1. a well written report that shows you understood the experiment, performed it properly, analyzed data, explained results and conclusions clearly (9/10 points).
  2. identified the limiting factor of the equipment / procedure for the precision of the experiment (largest systematic uncertainty or piece limiting statistics if statistically limited), and suggested thoughtful ways to improve the experiment for a better result. (1/10 point).
  3. Extra credit: tried something interesting not in the lab instructions (safely and without breaking anything!) and tried to understand that effect (+1 point).


Labs and Lab Reports: 25%

Final exam on lecture material: 25%

Lecture topics (tentative):

●Blackbody spectrum, Planck law, SB law, CMB, Hawking radiation

●Bolometer, Wheatstone bridge, Wein law, galvanometer

●FrankHertz effect, Photoelectric effect / work functions, photons, PMTs

●Band gaps, LEDs, photocells

●Speed of light (historical ways to measure)

●Lasers, coherence, basic special relativity, interferometry, LIGO

●Single photon interference, uncertainty principle, Einstein's box

●Waveparticle duality, DeBroglie wavelength, interfering electrons

●Electron magnetic moment (Dirac), g2 measurements, Penning trap, QED corrections

●Cloud chambers (videos), alpha, beta, gamma radiation, muons, stopping power /

ionization, pair production and Compton scattering

●Geiger counters, scintillators, Germanium detectors

●Radiation doses / units, environmental radiation, radiation safety

●Rutherford scattering, crosssection



●Photoelectric effect

●Michelson Interferometer

●Millikan Oil Drop

●Electron Spin Resonance

●Nuclear Spectroscopy


●Two slit interference

●Compton Scattering (New!)