The Village of Clyde Council, in the Province of Alberta, held their regular meeting on Tuesday, July 16 commencing at 7:00 p.m. in Village of Clyde Council Chambers.
Neil OLSON, Deputy Mayor
Christa CLAUSING, Councillor
Doug NYAL, Councilor
IN ATTENDANCE / Kimberly Lemmen, Tori Message - Administrative Assistant, Recording Secretary
Garth & Marion Bancroft – Administration
Tim Bryant - Media - Westlock News
Wendy Patterson – Clyde Auctioneering
Ken Wassing
Pat Bachmier
Stan & Josie Graves
Evan & Arlene McDonald
Lon Tollenaar
CALL TO ORDER / Mayor Dvernichuk called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
ADOPTION OF AMENDED AGENDA / Resolution No.175-2013 / Moved by: C. Clausing
RESOLVED THAT the Amended Agenda for the July 16, 2013 regular meeting of Council be adopted with the following additions and deletions:
  1. Addition to New Business – 8.12 – Noxious Weeds
  2. Addition to New Business – 8.13 – Trapping Gophers and Foxes
  3. Deletion to Delegate – 5.1 - Unavailable

MEETING MINUTES / Resolution No. 176-2013 / Moved by: N. Olson
RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 18, 2013 be adoptedas presented.
  1. Stan Graves would like to know when and where the Cenotaph plaques will be placed. The Cenotaph plaques will be placed in the Village of Clyde Office building when Public Works can fit it into their schedule.
  1. Ken Wassing wanted to know if his sealed bid for the truck was to be opened by administration. Yes all letters have to be opened by administration before they go council. Also brought up the issue of an overpopulation of foxes within the Village. The Village Administration and Public Works is going to deal with this legally.
  1. Lon Tollenaar stated his complaint over the snow removal. Mayor Nat Dvernichuk apologized to Lon Tollenaar on behalf of the Village of Clyde Council.


Delegation #1 – S.Sgt. Dwayne Rawson / Resolution No. 177-2013 / Moved by: C. Clausing
Resolved That Council accepts Staff Sargent Dwayne Rawson’s presentation for information.
Delegation #2 – Dev. App Request / Resolution No. 178-2013 / Moved by: N. Olson
Resolved That Council accepts the variance drawn up by Administration for the Development Application Request for information.
Stantec Engineering Proposal / Resolution No. 179-2013 / Moved by: D. Nyal
Resolved That Council makes a motion to proceed with hiring Stantec Engineering for the study and proposal that was presented at the last Council meeting dated June 18, 2013 for Engineering Services.
Tender for Parked Gravel/Sanding Truck / Resolution No. 180-2013 / Moved by: C. Clausing
Resolved That Council accepts the tender made by Mr. Kenneth Wassing.


Bylaw 2013 – 08; To appoint a Chief Administration Officer / Resolution No. 181-2013 / Moved by: C. Clausing
Resolved That council gives the First Reading of Bylaw 2013-08; to appoint a Chief Administrative Officer.
Bylaw 2013 – 08; To appoint a Chief Administration Officer / Resolution No. 182-2013 / Moved by: N. Olson
Resolved That council gives the Second Reading of Bylaw 2013-08; to appoint a Chief Administrative Officer.
Bylaw 2013 – 08; To appoint a Chief Administration Officer / Resolution No. 183-2013 / Moved by: D. Nyal
Resolved That council gives the unanimous consent for Third Reading of Bylaw 2013-08; to appoint a Chief Administrative Officer.
Bylaw 2013 – 08; To appoint a Chief Administration Officer / Resolution No. 184-2013 / Moved by: D. Nyal
Resolved That council gives the Third Reading of Bylaw 2013-08; to appoint a Chief Administrative Officer.
Appoint Administrative Representative to Viability Review Team / Resolution No. 185-2013 / Moved by: N. Olson
Resolved That Council appoints Garth Bancroft to sit as the Administrative Representative from the Village of Clyde on the Viability Review Team.
Review Grant Funding / Resolution No. 186-2013 / Moved by: D. Nyal
Resolved That Council accepts the review of grant funding for information.
Fire Hall Agreement with County of Westlock / Resolution No. 187-2013 / Moved by: D. Nyal
Resolved That Council accepts the Fire Hall progression report on the Agreement with the County of Westlock as information.
Scanning/Emailing Prices / Resolution No. 188-2013 / Moved by: D. Nyal
Resolved That Council directs Administration to get more information on prices for scanning and emailing and bring to next Council meeting.
Unsightly Premises Policy / Resolution No. 189-2013 / Moved by: N. Olson
Resolved That Council accepts the unsightly premises policy and the information given from the MGA Act as information.
Interest Disclosure Act / Resolution No. 190-2013 / Moved by: N. Olson
Resolved That Council tables the Interest Disclosure Act, and do research for the next Council meeting on August 20, 2013.
TPH Quotes for Repair to Damages to Curb at TELUS Tower / Resolution No. 191-2013 / Moved by: N. Olson
Resolved That Council accepts the quote from TPH for the repair to the curb by the TELUS Tower as information.
Quotes for Zero Turn Mower / Resolution No. 192-2013 / Moved by: N. Dvernichuk
Resolved That Council approves of purchasing the lawn mower from John Deere at the price quoted to Doug Nyal.
Invoice for Destroyed Garbage Box & Heat Tape / Resolution No. 193-2013 / Moved by: D. Nyal
Resolved That Council directs administration to look into this invoice and see if a formal complaint was ever made.
Clifton associates on behalf of Alberta Transportation Request / Resolution No. 194-2013 / Moved by: D. Nyal
Resolved That Council approves of Alberta Transportation proceeding with necessary work.
Noxious Weeds / Resolution No. 195-2013 / Moved by: D. Nyal
Resolved That Council appoints Doug Thorlakson as the Village Weed Inspector.
Trapping Gophers/Foxes / Resolution No. 196-2013 / Moved by: D. Nyal
Resolved That Council approves of using live traps to trap gophers and foxes in the Village.


Mayor Dvernichuk
Westlock Foundation Board / Still looking for new CEO. There was extensive damage to Pembina Lodge, approximately 20 suites, this will cost the foundation around $1 million.
GROWTH Alberta / Requires the use of summer students to help insert information onto their website.
Yellow Regional Library (YRL) / No meeting
Deputy Mayor Olson
Clyde Parks & Play / No meeting
Emergency/Disaster/ Services / The Emergency Disaster Services audit was completed on July 9, the meeting was held in the Village of Clyde Chambers.
Westlock Regional Waste Services Commission / No Meeting
Westlock Regional Water Services Commission / Phase1 & 2 are close to being done, just the clean up now. The Media Tour was on July 16, this was very informative, we toured the complete system both Phase 1 & 2. There will be roughly around $200 000 surplus expected since we came in under budget.
Councilor Clausing
Clyde Parks & Play / No Meeting
Westlock FCSS / Town & County have agreed to fund the bus for seniors and disabled until January, 2014.
Technical Transportation
Committee – Hwy 2 / No Meeting
Councillor Nyal
Joint Services / No Meeting
Clyde Volunteer Fire Department / New members are interested in joining. The Fire Department is disappointed in the delay of the new Fire Hall. The County is going to retender this in the Fall.
Clyde Ag & District Society / Very busy with the 55t games, the ball games for ages 65 and over are hosted in the Village of Clyde from July 26-28.
The Canada Day Celebrations that were done here in the Village went over very well, lots of people.
Resolution No. 197-2013 / Moved by: C. Clausing
RESOLVED That Council accepts all Council Reports as presented.
EMPLOYEE REPORTS / Resolution No. 198-2013 / Moved by: D. Nyal
RESOLVED That Council accepts the proposals from Public Works as information, and to put out a tender for the Blue Dodge Truck.
FINANCIAL REPORTS / Resolution No. 199-2013 / Moved by: N. Olson
That Council accepts the Accounts PayableJune 2013 Cheque Listing (# 6117 –6168); Trial Balance Report to date January 1 -July 11, 2013;ATB MasterCard Purchases May 25 – June 11, 2013; Petty Cash June 8; and Bank Reconciliations May 2013.
CORRESPONDENCE / Resolution No. 200-2013 / Moved by: N. Olson
RESOLVED THAT Council accepts the July 11, 2013 InformationPackage as presented.
IN CAMERA / Resolution No. 201-2013 / Moved by: N. Olson
RESOLVED THAT Council goes into camera at 9:00 pm to discuss personnel issues.
OUT OF CAMERA / Resolution No. 202-2013 / Moved by: N. Olson
RESOLVED THAT Council comes out of camera at 9:15pm.
NEXT MEETING / Next Council MeetingTuesday, August 20, 2013 @ 7:00 pm
ADJOURNMENT / Mayor Dvernichuk adjourned the meeting at 9:25pm.

These minutes approved this 20thday of August2013.

Nat Dvernichuk, Mayor

Tori Message, Recording Secretary

Prepared by Tori Message

Minutes: Village of Clyde Council Meeting July 16, 2013

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