Please review the Housing Authority’s NOFAFunding Requirements

and these instructions beforesubmitting your application.


Applications must include complete answers to all applicable questions AND all required attachments (see section below) to be deemed eligible for funding:

All applications must meet ALL of the QualificationCriteria found in theHousing Authority’s NOFA“Overview and Funding Guidelines”, posted on the Department of Housing website as part of this NOFA.


Applicants must use this funding application. All responses to questions should be typed, single-spaced, using not less than 11 point font, on the Word versionof the application using 1 inch margins. Please keep your responses brief while still adequately answering the questions. Please do not double-side your application, change the order of the questions or change the formatting. Place Attachments and supplemental materials at the end, after the application form.

Do not have applications bound. Please use only clips or binders with tabs to indicate sections.

Complete the entire application. Your application will be reviewed on the basis of the information you provide. Supplemental materials must be kept to a minimum. Attachments and supplemental materials must be on 8 1/2 x 11-inch paper (except for items noted in checklist that may be on 8 ½ x 14-inch paper). Larger sized paper and excessive supplemental materials will not be reproduced for review by the review committee and staff.


A resolution from the Board of Directors that authorizes the submittal of the application must be attached. Applications from non-profit agencies will not be eligible for funding consideration without a Board of Directors resolution.

The IRS Letter of Determination must be attached to the application for all non-profit agencies applying for funding. You will not be eligible for funding consideration unless non-profit status has been obtained and verified.

Evidence of Developer Experience (see Developer Experience Qualification Criteria in Housing Authority NOFA Funding Requirements)

Evidence of Site Control

Site location map.

A Development Financial Proforma must be attached to the application, including a Sources & Uses by development phase, itemized Development Budget, and assumptions related to Tax Credit financing (if applicable).

Financing Commitment letters – if any.

Evidence that Jurisdiction is granting the Project cost-saving or other development incentives – if any.

30-Yr Cash Flow Projection for the project.

Financial statements for the last two years, the most recent completed final audit report, andan IRS Form 990 from the most current tax year must be attached to the application. (Note: NOT required if these items have been submitted to the County Housing Department in conjunction with another funding application this year)


Preliminary Title Report


Environmental clearance/reports

Architectural – site plans and/or drawings

Contractors cost breakdown

HUD Section 3 Plan, if available.

Supplemental Information about key project parties experience/capacity (Developer, Property Manager, Services Provider(s)


All applications must contain all required information and be submitted to the San Mateo County Department of Housing by Thursday, October 2, 2014, before 4:00 p.m. to be considered eligible for Housing Authorityfunding.

Submit 1hard copyoriginal with a complete set of attachments – all unbound – to the San Mateo County Department of Housing,264 Harbor Blvd, Building A, Belmont, California 94002.

Submit 1 electronic copy of your application on a CD-ROM or similar format.

ContactJanet Stoneat the San Mateo County Department of Housing, at (650) 802-3396or by email at if you have any questions about the application form or submission requirements.

San Mateo County AHF – Application Instructions for Permanent Multifamily Affordable Rental Housing 8/30/13

County of San Mateo Housing Authority NOFA (8/5/14)



Application Summary Sheet

Applicant: Legal Name of Organization/Legal EntityProject Name

Organization Executive Director/CEO Name, Title & Email address
Contact Person (if other than ED/CEO) Name, Title & Email address

Mailing Address of Organization

TelephoneEmailOrganization website address

Date: ______Tax ID #:

Requested: $ Total Development Cost: $

Type of Project:

Multifamily New-Construction Affordable Rental Housing Project in PRE-PLANNING Stage of Development

Multifamily New-Construction Affordable Rental Housing Project in PLANNING

Stage of Development

(DOH Only) Date and Time Received

Project Summary

Name of Project:

Project Location/Address:

Jurisdiction withPlanning Entitlements authority:

(Check all Uses of the Requested Funds that apply)
Site Acquisition

Offsite Improvements


Predevelopment (e.g. Architecture, Engineering, Permits, Legal, Consultants, etc.)
Construction – Direct Hard Costs

Construction – Indirect Costs
Relocation (Occupants or Businesses)

Total # of Units: Total # of Affordable Units:

Total Development Cost:$Funds Requested:$

Summary Project Description:

This section will be incorporated into the staff reports provided to the Housing and Community Development Committee and the Board of Supervisors.
Descriptions MUST BE75 words or less.

I.Detailed ProjectDescription
Please provide a concise narrative, not to exceed 4 pages in total, addressing all of the following:

A. Brief description of the type of housing proposed, including any project amenities, and target population(s) to be served

B. Proximity to public transit options, shopping and other neighborhood services, and whether the site is located in a walkable area.

C. Description of the resident services that will be provided to the entire development

D. Description of any supportive housing units and supportive housing services that will be provided to targeted populations, including the organizations that will be providing the services

E. Please specify how you will address accessibility in terms of units and the project overall

F. Please specify how you intend to incorporate Green Building materials/ methodology into your project

G. Status of needed local approvals and planning entitlements

H. Status of anticipated or approved financing commitments

I. Do you propose that an entity other than the applicant will execute the loan documents for the funds requested in this application? If so, please describe

J. If the project will use a tax credit limited partnership to finance the project, please describe the organizational structure of the partnership and the roles of various partners or other related organizations.

II.Project Schedule
Include all major milestones such as land acquisition, planning approvals, Density Bonus approval,environmental approval(s),Design Review approval, financing approvals, schematic design, design development, construction documents, construction phase, initial occupancy, and, if applicable, assignment of the project to a limited partnership or other entity. Specify tentative dates for closing the proposed loan and first request for funds, as well as when Construction financing and Permanent financing will close.
Please provide realistic dates for completion of activities and expenditure of funds. These dates will be included in the Developer Funding Agreement and will be revised only with the consent of the Department of Housing.

III.Funds Expended by Development Activity

Please provide an estimate of the amount of Housing Authority funds that will be spent for the following:

1.Predevelopment phase:

2.Site acquisition:

3.Construction phase:

IV.Development Team (if any entities are unknown at this time, state “Unknown”)

1. Developer:Name:
City, State, Zip:
Contact Person:
Telephone: Email Address:
Nonprofit For-Profit CHDO

2. Partners or Name:

Related EntitiesAddress:
City, State, Zip:
Contact Person:

Telephone: ______Email:
Nonprofit For-Profit CHDO
City, State, Zip:
Contact Person:

Telephone: Email Address:
Nonprofit For-Profit CHDO

3. Architect:Name:
City, State, Zip:
Contact Person:
Telephone: Email Address:

4. GeneralName:

City, State, Zip:
Contact Person:
Telephone: License No.

5. PropertyName:

City, State, Zip:
Contact Person:
Telephone: Email Address:

5. Resident


City, State, Zip:
Contact Person:
Telephone: Email Address:

6. Supportive


Provider (if


City, State, Zip:
Contact Person:
Telephone: Email Address:

V.Experience and Capacity of Key Parties

Briefly describe the experience and capacity of key project parties, including the Developer, Property Manager, and Service Provider(s). If desired, you may attach supplemental materials providing additional information about the key parties’ experience/capacity.

Attach evidence that Developer meets the Developer Experience threshold criteria as described in Sec. V. (B.) of the NOFA Funding Requirements.

VI.Section 3 Requirements

Briefly describe whether Developer meets the Section 3 requirements of the Housing & Urban Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701u) (Section 3) by having either: (a) a Section 3 plan, or (b) a history of meeting Section 3 requirements.

Attach evidence of Section 3 plan, if available.

VII.Site/ Entitlements/ RelocationInformation

1.Number of parcels, Address(es) and Assessor’s parcel number(s):

Census Tract:

Attach current Preliminary Title Report, if available.

2.Total acreage:

3.Total number of housing units proposed:

4.Status of Site Control: Identify the applicant’s form of site control (whether ownership, purchase agreement, lease, or option agreement), the dates of any key expectations (e.g. when a purchase agreement expires) and the applicant’s current access to each parcel.

AttachEvidence of Site Control document(s).

5.What is the current use of the site?

6.Is the site, or any part of it, within a 100-year floodplain?
List FIRM Map number:

7.If applying for funds to acquire the site, attach a copy of a current appraisal, if available*.
(* The appraised value must fully secure the County’s loan(s). In addition, the total purchase price may not exceed the “reasonable cost” for the property.)

8.a.Which jurisdiction(s) must approve the project?

b.What local approvals and entitlements will be required to develop the proposed project?

Attachevidence, if any, of jurisdictioncommitment to grant the Project one or more cost-saving incentives, such as fee reductions or waivers, by-right zoning, density bonus, parking requirement reduction, or other such cost-saving incentive.

9.a.Will the project involve demolition of existing structures or relocation of residential or business occupants?

If yes, explain status of these activities:
b.If relocation of residents is necessary, is there replacement housing available? Please explain

Attach reduced set of site plan and elevations, if available. (Printed on sheets not larger than 8 ½” X 14” in size)

VIII.Project Tenancy and Rent Description / Affordability Period

1.Proposed Tenancy for housing projects:

Project Tenancy / SRO / Studio / 1 BR / 2 BR / 3 BR / 4BR
Average Square Feet Per Unit:
How many of the total units will be targeted to the following (total may exceed 100%):
Special Needs Population
Resident Manager
Other (specify: _ )
Non Income-restricted

2. Estimated Monthly Rent Levels before deduction of utility allowances:

Income Category / SRO
Units / Rent
/ Studio
Units / Rent
/ 1 BR
Units / Rent / 2 BR
Units / Rent / 3 BR
Units / Rent
of AMI
of AMI
of AMI
of AMI
of AMI
of AMI
of AMI
of AMI
of AMI
of AMI
Manager’s Unit
Estimated Utility Allowance for Affordable Units
  1. What is the proposed length of affordability for the affordable units? ______Years*
  1. Do any of your other anticipated funding sources impose affordability restrictions?

Yes_____ No______

Please describe these other affordability restrictions

IX.Development Budget

Estimated Predevelopment and Construction Financing Sources:

Lender / Amount / Interest Rate/Term / Use(s) / Commitment Status
Total Amount:

Estimated Permanent Financing Sources:

Lender / Amount / Interest Rate/Term / Use(s) / Commitment Status
Total Amount:

Attach a Development Financial Proforma, including itemized development budget, Major Categories of Sources and Uses Table by development phase, etc..

Attach copies of financing commitment letters.

X.Operating Budget

Attach a 30-year operating budget and cash flow projection that shows estimated project income, operating expenses, reserves, debt service and distributions.


Attach the following items. Please check box if attached.

* 1.Corporate Borrowing Resolution authorizing submission of this funding application (check one):

 Nonprofit For-Profit

* 2.IRS 501 (c)(3) Determination letter (non-profits only)

* 3.Evidence of Developer Experience (see Sec. V. (B.) in the Housing Authority NOFA Funding Requirements document)

* 4.Evidence of Site Control.

* 5.Site Location Map.

* 6.Development Financial Proforma (Major categories of Sources & Uses by

Development phase, Itemized Development Budget, Tax Credit assumptions.)

(ok if 8-1/2” x 14”)

* 7.Financing Commitment Letters, if any.

* 8.Evidence, if any, of Jurisdiction commitment to grant the Project one or more cost-saving incentives, such as fee reductions or waivers, by-right zoning, density bonus, parking requirement reduction, or other such cost-saving incentive.

* 9.30-Year Cash Flow Projection for Project (ok if 8-1/2” x 14”)

* 10.a) Borrower's Financial Statements for last two (2) years; b) most recent completed final audit report available; c) IRS Form 990 for most recent tax year.

(Note: NOT required if these items have been submitted to the County Housing

Department in conjunction with another funding application this year)

11.Preliminary Title Report.


13.Environmental Clearances/Reports.

14.Architectural: Site Plan and Elevations, Schematic Drawing. (ok if 8-1/2” x 14”)

15.Contractor's Cost Breakdown.

16.HUD Section 3 Plan, if available.

17.Supplemental Information about Experience/Capacity of Key Project Parties

(Developer, Property Manager, Services Provider(s).


Housing Authority of the County of San Mateo – 8/7/14 NOFA –Page 1 of 10