Adding a General Post (Consent Form)

OMIC Web Site Owner’s Manual

Prepared by: Robert Widi

Date: 2/22/13

Revised: n/a

Procedure: Adding and editing content uploaded to the OMIC online calendar of seminars and events.

Background: The home page of the web site has a large featured advertisement banner. The banner rotates slowly through four different ad panes. The Ad panes feature any news OMIC would like to highlight for visitors to the site. Generally, one pane is devoted to sales and news about the company (i.e. dividends, accomplishments, awards, invitation to join, etc). Another pane is devoted to general invitation to learn about OMIC’s cooperative ventures with state and subspecialty societies, or OMIC Partners. A third pane is devoted promoting upcoming seminars and events, usually the upcoming OMIC-CV seminar(s) on the OMIC Calendar.

Scope: This procedure is followed when OMIC wishes to add content to the web site calendar.

Primary: Web Site Administrator

Back-up 1: IT staff

Back-up 2: Sales and Marketing staff

Procedure (Steps):

Step 1: Sign in to OMIC Web Site dashboard:

Step 2: On the main dashboard, you will see “Pages” in the left side menu bar (under “Links”).

Step 3: Choose “All Pages” which will appear as a sub menu when you click on the Pages button.

Step 4: Look (or search) for the page titled “Home” and click on it to open the editor for the page, or click “edit” in the toolbar that appears directly under the title (in the lists of pages).

Step 5: You will see the four ad panes in the text area of the page. Click on the pane you want to change so that the small editor boxes are visible around the border of the pane image. Do NOT move or delete the image, only click it to activate the small boxes around the border of the image. (See below for instructions on how to create a pane using graphic software).

Step 6: Choose the small camera and music note icon next to the words “Upload/Insert” directly above the text body area and the toolbar.

Step 7: The “Add Media” box will appear with four tabs, titled “From Computer” “From URL” “Gallery” and “Media Library”. From the “From Computer” tab, browse your computer to search for the image file that will replace the pane you have highlighted in step 5.

Step 8: Upload image. In this process, make sure to delete the Title of the image. Leave Alt text, Caption, and Description boxes empty. If there will be a link you want to include when the image appears in the home page, delete the default “Link URL” and paste in the URL you wish to include. This size should be the Full Size (980x400).

Step 9: Choose to “Insert into Post”. The new image should now be in the same spot as the old image it replaced. If the Add Media box does not automatically disappear, you can choose to exit by clicking the “x” box in the upper right corner of the box.

Step 10: Make sure the image is located immediately adjacent to other images and is placed consistent with the other images. If so, click the “Update” button in the right sidebar. Do NOT do this unless all looks good with the images as it could be difficult to fix after page is updated.


The graphic design of the Home page ad panes should be to 980x400 px spec. Robert Widi has created template for panes. Font used for header is ITC book and . Font used for sub is .