Work Instruction
Functional Area: Grants Management / Add Investigator
Use this procedure to add a new Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator or Primary Investigator to the GM Investigator Table.
As shown in the Trigger section above.
Menu Path
Use the following menu path to begin this transaction:
  • Enter ZAGM in the Command field to access the Grants Management Table Maintenance folder.
  • Select Grants Management Table Maintenance Grant Investigator Table to go the Change View “Contact Table”: Overview screen.
Transaction Code
Business Process Information
The Principal Investigator is the individual designated by UC to direct the project or activity being supported by the grant. He or she is responsible and accountable to UC and the Sponsor for the proper conduct of the project or activity. A Co-Investigator shares this responsibility with the Principal Investigator.
Some grants at UC have multiple projects or tasks that are assigned to more than one Grant Investigator, each of whom controls a part of the total grant budget. The Primary Investigator is responsible for the entire project including all tasks and all budgets.
Grant Investigator names are entered on the Grant Master Record for informational and reporting purposes.
Helpful Hints
  • The R/O/C column in the field description tables below defines whether the field is required (R), optional (O), or conditional (C).
  • On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.

Work Instruction
Functional Area: Grants Management / Add Investigator
1. / Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Change View "Contacts Table": Overview

2. / Click .
New Entries: Details of Added Entries

3. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
/ Although the system will allow you to leave fields blank be sure to fill in all fields on this screen so that the grant master records will have complete data.
4. / Click .
New Entries: Details of Added Entries (2)

5. / Click .
/ The system displays the message, "Data was saved".
Change View "Contacts Table": Overview (2)

6. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Go To
Delete an entry / Step 7
Exit this transaction / Step 13
7. / Highlight an entry to delete it.
Change View "Contacts Table": Overview

8. / Click .
Change View "Contacts Table": Overview (3)

9. / Click .
/ The system displays the message, "Number of deleted entries: 1".
Change View "Contacts Table": Overview (4)

10. / You can edit the name of an entry by clicking the name and typing over the original entry.
/ The system displays the message, "Data was saved".
11. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Last Name / Required / Last name
Change the last name to Coyote III.
12. / Click .
Change View "Contacts Table": Overview (5)

13. / Click to return to the SAP Easy Access Screen.
/ The system displays the message, "Data was saved".
14. / You have completed this transaction.
Ver: / GM_ZTGM_PI_Add Investigator_GrantsMasterDataCust_0.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/11
Work Instruction
Functional Area: Grants Management / Add Investigator
You have entered a new Grant Investigator on the GM Investigator table, deleted a name from the table and edited a name on the table.
Ver: / GM_ZTGM_PI_Add Investigator_GrantsMasterDataCust_0.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/11