Pending Lot Registration Number

Addendum to FS721 / FS721A
Natural Stand and Seed Orchard Cone Collection Reports
Additional information required under Appendix 1 of the Chief Forester’s Standards for Seed Use.

General Information about lot

1. Registration sought: (select one):

a. lot collected from a natural stand within BC ___

b. lot collected from a superior provenance ___
c. lot collected from untested parent trees within BC___

d. lot collected from tested parent trees within BC___

e. custom lot___

f. lot collected from a natural stand outside of BC___

g. lot collected from parent trees outside of BC___

Cone storage and processing, seed processing and interim storage for seedlots

1. Printed name and address (or Client No./Acronym and Location Code, if available) of facility at which the cones containing the seeds were stored:


2. If applicable, dates on which the processing of the cones and seed was carried out.

______to ______

3. Printed name and address (or Client No./Acronym and Location Code, if available) of facility at which the seedlot was stored prior to registration:


4. Dates on which the seedlot was stored at the facility referred to in #3
______to ______

Lots collected from natural stands

1. Radius of collection area (km)______

2. Collection Latitude (seconds)______

3. Collection Longitude (seconds)______

4. Is the collection all from within the same SPZYes ___No ___
5. Is the collection all from within the same BGCYes ___No ___

6. If superior provenance, does the collection area meet the criteria set out in Appendix 5? Yes ___No ___

7. If collected from a stand located outside of BC, does the collection area meet the criteria set out in
Table 6.1 of Appendix 6? Yes ___No ___

Collections from parent trees

1. Does the lot consist of seed or vegetative material multiplied through the application of biotechnological processes or subject to genetic modification? Yes ___ No ___

Pending Lot Registration Number

2. If the above is ‘Yes’ confirm field testing/evaluation were completed and describe the methodology.


3. Methodology used to determine the female and male gametic contribution of each parent tree.


4. Was pollen contamination present in the seed orchard? Yes ___No ___

5. If above is ‘Yes’, enter proportion of contaminant pollen (%). ______

6. Methodology used to determine the proportion of contaminant pollen.


7. Was the lot produced through controlled crosses? Yes ___No ___

8. If the lot was collected from parent trees located outside of BC, does the collection meet the criteria set out in Table 6.2 of Appendix 6? Yes ___ No ___

I hereby declare that the information provided in this application is true and correct, and that I am the owner of the lot or have been authorized by the owner(s) of the lot to submit this application.

Signature of applicant: ______

Date of signature: ______

Printed name, address (or Client No./Acronym and Location Code, if available) and phone number of applicant:



Printed name, address, (or Client No./Acronym and Location Code, if available) and phone number of lot owner(s), if different than applicant






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