Andrew Robinson Elementary

Pre-K Supply List


School Uniform T-Shirt Packet - $30 CASH. Please order by July 30.

1 Backpack (No Wheels)

2 Bottles of hand sanitizer

4 Bottles of hand soap

Change of clothes- Please write your child’s name inside all clothing and place in a plastic bag.

5 Glue sticks

2 Boxes of Puff’s tissues

1 Crib sheet

1 Can of Lysol spray

2 Lysol Wipes (Large)

2 Hand Wipes

1 Box of gallon Ziploc bags

1 Box of quart size Ziploc bags

Daily snacks

Andrew Robinson

Kindergarten Supply List


School Uniform T-Shirt Packet $30 CASH. Please order by July 30.

Backpack (NO WHEELS)

6 plastic folders with pockets and prongs

3 bottles of hand sanitizer

2 steno pads (6x9 top spiraled)

2 marbled composition books (PRIMARY RULED)

5 boxes of crayons

2 packs of pencils

1 pencil box

4 boxes of facial tissue

6 glue sticks

1 package of printer paper/ 1 package of card stock

2 boxes of gallon size Ziplock Bags

4 bottles of antibacterial soap

2 containers of Clorox Wipes

2 cans of Lysol Spray

2 packs of index cards

2 packs of regular pink erasers (rectangular shaped)

The following items need to be replaced each grading period: crayons, glue sticks, hand soap, Clorox Wipes and facial tissue.

Andrew Robinson Elementary School

1st Grade Supply List

Please send all items packaged and unlabeled.

·  School Uniform T-Shirt Packet $30 CASH. Please order by July 30.

·  Backpack (No Wheels)

·  Steno pads (1 per child)

·  Notebook paper wide rule (3 packs)

·  24 count crayola crayons (4 pack)

·  Black marble composition books (2)

·  Blue marble composition books (2)

·  Green marble composition books (2)

·  Solid colored, wide ruled spiral notebooks (2, please no prints or patterns)

·  Glue Sticks (6)

·  Solid colored, 2 plastic pocket folders with prongs (2)

·  1 plastic pencil box (optional)

·  Pink rectangle erasers (4)

·  4 packages of plain, number 2 pencils

·  2 large bottle of hand sanitizer

·  2 large bottle of hand soap

·  Lysol or Clorox sanitizing wipes (2)

·  Tissue box (4)

·  4 packages of index cards (any size)

Andrew Robinson Elementary School

2nd Grade Supply List

2013 - 2014

Student Supplies

Ø  School Uniform T-Shirt Packet $30 CASH. Please order by July 30.

Ø  1 Backpack (No Wheels)

Ø  4 glue sticks

Ø  1 pack of 24 crayons

Ø  1 pack of colored pencils

Ø  1 package of pencil erasers

Ø  1 pencil pouch

Ø  1 steno pad

Ø  2 packages of #2 pencils

Ø  (6) 2 pocket, 3 pronged folders

Ø  4 packages of Wide Ruled notebook paper

Ø  4 black and white composition books - Needed on

the 1St day

Classroom Items Needed

Ø  Hand Sanitizer (40 oz.)

Ø  Antibacterial soap (Large Bottle or Refill size)

Ø  2 Boxes of Kleenex tissues

Ø  Ziploc bags (sandwich size)

Please do NOT send pencil boxes, trapper keepers, or spiral notebooks. The student work area does not provide enough space for these items. Also, please do NOT send backpacks on wheels for safety reasons.

Andrew Robinson Elementary

Third Grade Supply List


·  School Uniform T-Shirt Packet ($30 CASH. Please order by July 30.)

·  Backpack (No Wheels)

·  6 Plastic Folders with Pockets and Prongs (3 for reading/writing and 3 for Math/Science)

·  1 large bottle of Hand Sanitizer

·  1 Steno Pad (6” x 9”)

·  6 Composition Notebooks (black and white)

·  3 Boxes of Pencils (no mechanical)

·  2 Boxes of Tissue

·  1 Pencil pouch (cloth); no pencil boxes

·  1 package of printer paper

·  4 packs of wide-ruled notebook paper

·  4 packs of colorful sticky notes

·  1 pack of colored pencils

·  4 glue sticks

·  1 pair of scissors

·  1 container of Clorox wipes

·  1 bottle of Antibacterial liquid soap

·  1 Box of 2 gallon size freezer Ziploc bags

NO trapper keepers, large notebooks, pencil boxes, rolling backpacks please. Paper and pencils need to be replenished regularly.

**The following items run out quickly in the stores, so it’s a good idea to start purchasing them early.**

·  Plastic Folders

·  Steno Pads

·  Composition Notebooks

·  Hand Sanitizer

Andrew Robinson Elementary School

4th Grade Supply List

2013 – 2014

·  School Uniform T-Shirt Packet $30 CASH. Please order by July 30.

·  Backpack (No Wheels)

·  Steno pads (3)

·  Composition books (4)

·  Loose Leaf Notebook paper (4packs)

·  1 (25) pack of sheet protectors

·  Pencils (2 boxes to start)

·  Folders without prongs/with pockets (1 each, red, yellow, blue, green and orange)

·  Hand sanitizer (1 large bottle)

·  Box of tissues (1box)

·  Crayons 24count (1 box)

·  (1) 1-in Binder

·  Dividers (2 Packs of 8)

·  Post-it Notes (3 packs)

·  1 pack of red pens

·  1 pack of expo (dry erase) markers

·  1 Protractor

Andrew Robinson Elementary

Fifth Grade Supply List


·  School Uniform T-Shirt Packet $30 CASH. Please order by July 30.

·  1 Backpack (No Wheels)

·  4 Plastic Folders with Pockets and Prongs

·  (2) 3-Ring 1 inch Binder

·  1 large Bottles of Hand Sanitizer (1 for each quarter)

·  2 Steno Pad (6" x 9")

·  8 Composition Notebooks (black and white)

·  1 Box of Colored pencils

·  3 Boxes of Pencils (no mechanical)

·  1 Box of Tissue

·  1 Pencil Box

·  4 glue sticks

·  1 packages of printer paper

·  3 packs of notebook paper

·  1 pair of scissors

·  1 pack of red pens

·  1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags

·  2 bottles of antibacterial soap