Meals may be provided to student-athletes (regardless of team or scholarship) incidental to participation during the following circumstances.


Home Competition

·  Actual meals at discretion beginning the evening before through release following competition

·  No per diem

·  1 additional meal or up to $15 cash upon release; not both

Away-from-Home Competition

·  Option #1

o  Actual meals or per diem (3 per day); per diem is identical for all S-As; no double-dipping

o  Additional pregame or postgame meal; not both

o  If not providing actual pregame or postgame meal, may provide up to $15 cash in lieu of postgame meal

·  Option #2

o  Actual meals at discretion from reporting (e.g., for team travel departure) until return to campus plus up to $15 upon release

§  If S-A doesn’t return with team, discretionary meals until departure from team and up to $15 upon release

Vacation Periods

Vacation Period – Academic Year

·  Room and board may be provided to S-As remaining on-campus during an official vacation period (e.g., fall break) when they are required to participate in practice or competition

·  Actual meals or per diem (3 per day); per diem is identical for all S-As; no double-dipping

·  A 4th meal (but not cash) may be provided to meet the nutritional needs of S-A’s

·  Male practice players may not receive room or board

·  S-As living at home (e.g., with local family/guardian) may not receive room and board except to allow participation in team meals incidental to practice activities

Vacation Period – Between Terms (e.g., summer vacation)

·  Same as above plus:

o  S-As returning to campus following season-ending competition may receive room and board for not more than 48-hours upon their return.

Preseason Practice

·  Room and board may be provided to S-As reporting for practice prior to the start of the academic year (e.g., fall sports), including incoming freshmen/transfers provided they’ve been accepted for admission

·  Actual meals or per diem plus a 4th actual meal

Other – Includes meals missed due to practice activities

Training Table Meal

·  Actual meal limited to 1 per day during the academic year

·  Meal is charged to S-A (responsibility of staff or Nutrition to coordinate)

o  If S-A has Meal Plan = 1 swipe

o  If S-A doesn’t have Meal Plan

§  If full GIA off-campus, Business Office deducts 1 meal from meal check

§  If partial or no GIA, cost of meal charged to student account

Occasional Meal

·  Typically limited to 2 per month per S-A

·  Approval on Occasional Meal Form

o  Approved forms must be included with staff expense report for reimbursement

Exceptions to Student-Athlete Meal Legislation

Student-athletes may be provided:

·  Fruits, nuts and bagels at any time

·  A snack may be provided the evening before a contest

·  Nutritional supplements at any time (e.g., Gatorade, energy bars)

·  A meal during institutional committee service (e.g., SAAC)

·  Meals with PSAs during their official visit when serving as the student host

·  Meals provided by the parent of a teammate – do not require an occasional meal form

·  A closed dining hall after practice is NOT an exception!

Important Reminders

Prospective Student-Athletes

A prospective student-athlete remains a PSA until they (1) register, enroll full-time and attend classes during a regular term, (2) participate in preseason practice or competition occurring before the first class day, or (3) register, enroll and attend class during the summer bridge program.

·  PSAs, their parents, guardians and student host may receive meals only during the official visit

·  Other persons accompanying a PSA must pay the cost of a meal (e.g., siblings)

Family of Student-Athletes

An institution may provide:

·  Reasonable Refreshments to the family (e.g., parents, legal guardians, relatives) of a student-athlete during an educational meeting or celebratory event and on occasion for other reasons

o  Snacks, appetizers, drinks; not a sit-down meal

o  Must charge for non-relatives (e.g., friends, boyfriends, girlfriends)

·  A complimentary admission to an institutional awards banquet anytime for the spouse and children of a student-athlete. On one occasion during the final year of a S-A’s eligibility, institution may provide complimentary admissions to the parents or legal guardians of the S-A to attend an institutional awards banquet at which the S-A is honored.

Athletics Compliance Office | | 574.631.9647 | @IrishCompliance

Jill Bodensteiner, Associate Athletics Director Jen Vining-Smith, Assistant Athletics Director

(574) 631-6721, (574) 631-3248,

Brent Moberg, Director of Compliance Heidi Uebelhor, Director of Compliance

(574) 631-3041, (574) 631-2237,

Cyndi Sykes, Administrative Assistant Alex Stone, Intern

(574) 631-9647, (574) 631-2215,

University of Notre Dame ­ 113 Joyce Center ­ Notre Dame, IN 46556 ­ 574.631.9647 ­