Wednesday, April 4

8:00 - 11:00 am

Tennessee D

Advocacy Boot Camp


LauriThompson, Tennessee State Library and Archives

Advocacy Boot Camp urges attendees to re-think advocacy: to re-define the library community and expand the way we have been advocating for libraries. This program will help library communities prepare to advocate for libraries as fundamental building blocks to democracy. In this joint effort of ALA's Office for Library Advocacy and the Office for Intellectual Freedom, we'll explore some of the brutal facts about our current environment, celebrate our assets, and offer practical tips to reclaim a moral sanction for the work we do, and the support our communities deserve.

8:00 - 11:00 am

Tennessee E

Get Organized and Be All In


MariaSochor, Tennessee Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped

Heather Fach, TN Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

It's hard to be all in when you're overwhelmed by the sheer volume of incoming emails, papers, and assignments! Join us for a hands-on workshop: you'll learn how to tame the email monster (even if you have thousands of messages in your inbox), make sense of the piles of papers on your desk, and get a handle on the big picture of your multiple projects and work commitments. We'll walk you through the process of building a time management system that works when the going gets rough. Set yourself up to be fully engaged at this conference by getting your day-to-day chaos under control. Bring your piles of papers and a laptop if possible, and get ready to experience clarity and calm!

8:00 - 11:00 am

Tennessee E

Get Organized and Be All In


MariaSochor, Tennessee Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped

Heather Fach, TN Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

It's hard to be all in when you're overwhelmed by the sheer volume of incoming emails, papers, and assignments! Join us for a hands-on workshop: you'll learn how to tame the email monster (even if you have thousands of messages in your inbox), make sense of the piles of papers on your desk, and get a handle on the big picture of your multiple projects and work commitments. We'll walk you through the process of building a time management system that works when the going gets rough. Set yourself up to be fully engaged at this conference by getting your day-to-day chaos under control. Bring your piles of papers and a laptop if possible, and get ready to experience clarity and calm!

1:00 - 4:00 pm

Tennessee D

New Ideas in Teen Services: Everything We Learned at the YALSA Symposium


KateSmith, Tennessee State Library and Archives

Whitney Nelson, Assistant Director at Holston River Regional Library, Johnson City, TN

Kate Greene Smith and Whitney Nelson attended the 2017 YALSA Symposium in Louisville, KY, in November, and they are sharing everything they learned with you. From creating fabulous volunteer programs, to the 5 Laws of Library Programs for Teens, to coding and technology for teens, they will bring you "all in" to the symposium, even if you weren't able to attend.

Thursday, April 5

1:00 - 4:00 pm

Tennessee E

Emergency Response Training


JillRael, Stones River Regional Library

James Williams, TN Bureau of Investigation Training Division

The Public Library Section invites attendees to participate in a half-day training with the TBI to learn how to prepare for active shooter and other emergency situations within the library. While vital to the safety of our staffs and patrons, this type of training is often overlooked or otherwise unavailable. James Williams of the Training Division of the TN Bureau of Investigation will lead us in an interactive training on preparing and dealing with the unpleasant yet necessary realities of today's library.

8:00 - 8:50 am

Tennessee D

All In: Getting Real about Children's/YA Books and Self-Censorship


CindyWelch, School of Information Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

How do we really handle difficult subjects in children's and young adult books and materials? This session is intended to be an open conversation between practitioners about handling difficult or challenging materials. We will brainstorm ways to deal with and overcome reluctance to add the materials to collections, and to find the audiences for these crucial materials.

8:00 - 8:50 am

Tennessee E

Financial Best Practices for Public Libraries or How not to get fired over money


CynthiaJulian-Simmons, Millard Oakley Public Library

Michelle Barnes Obion Public Library

Two public library directors will speak of what they have learned about best practices for handling the library's funds for good audits, including a tale of dealing with the experience of catching an employee embezzling money.

8:00 - 8:50 am

Directors Row 6

We're All In This Together: How to draw students back to the Library


FrankiePerry, University of Memphis Libraries - Circulation Dept

In today's digitalized working-world, most of us, especially academic librarians realize that digital resources are an integral part of student life. Academic libraries have made a digital transformation in order to help the students succeed. So, how do you get students who use the school's digital resources to return to the library? This presentation will allow participants an opportunity to discuss and share information about how to leverage resources, technology, current trends, and to inspire this laptop generation to return to the library to build a cohesive library community.

1:10 - 2:00 pm

Tennessee D

All Together Now: Multi-generational Library Programming


JenciSpradlin, Jackson-Madison County Public Library

Jessi Rieger, Teen Librarian, Jackson-Madison County Library Jenci Spradlin, Adult Services Librarian Jennifer Kilburn, Children's Librarian, Jackson-Madison County Library

Designing library programs with multi-generational appeal not only provides flexibility in staffing, but can help boost exposure and promotion efforts by offering the community programs that can be experienced by all ages. Learn how the Jackson-Madison County Library leverages popular library programs such as Blind Date with a Book, Book Tastings, The Big Read, and summer programs by creating thematic frameworks which can be easily modified for children, teens, and adults alike.

1:10 - 2:00 pm

Tennessee E

Positive Organizational Shenanigans: From Interview Through Retirement - Crafting Team Victories Driven By Kindness


ChristinaRiedel, Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library

Building a solid operational foundation for your library should be created in concert with your teammates at every level in mind. Crafting internal training systems that are consistent, informative and engaging from the interview process to the day a teammate retires is one of the most important things you can do for your library. The values of your organization should be deeply imbedded in this training program. Job descriptions should clearly define the scope of the position, expectations for performances and required interpersonal skills. Developing core competencies by leveraging the expertise of your team members is crucial. This training is a how-to of the above with humor.

1:10 - 2:00 pm

Directors Row 6

NEDtalks: Lightning Talks in the Library


BrannenVarner, University of Memphis

Ashley Roach-Freiman, Lisa Sikkink (both University of Memphis McWherter Library)

A play on TEDtalks, NEDtalks was created and implemented by two faculty and two staff members at the University of Memphis' Ned R. McWherter Library. Our goal is to provide a platform for scholars of all levels to share their scholarship, re-establish McWherter Library as a research hub within the community, and create more opportunities for the community to interact with the library. We will discuss our collaboration, task delegation strategies, lessons learned from the first two events, and opportunities in the future.

1:10 - 2:00 pm

Southeast Ballroom A

"All in" for linked data: How a Library's Technical Services Department Can Prepare for the Transition


GeorgiaBaskett, Paul Meek Library, University of Tennessee at Martin

For years library catalogers said “RDA is coming.†Now RDA is here and catalogers and their colleagues in the library's Technical Services Department are preparing for something called “linked data.†What are we talking about? What will this mean for catalogers and those who use library catalogs? Suggestions for preparing a small library such as the University of Tennessee at Martin's Paul Meek Library for this transition will be presented.

1:10 - 2:00 pm

Southeast Ballroom B

L.I.F.E -- Leisure is for Everyone--Including People with Visual Disabilities


RuthHemphill, Tennessee Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped

members of Tennessee Council of the Blind

Members of the Tennessee Council of the Blind's "Not Quite Ready for Prime Time" players will perform an original skit discussing how people with visual disabilities perform the same leisure activities (and some adventurous ones!) as people who are fully sighted. In addition, they will discuss how they use their public libraries, and why they don't

1:10 - 2:00 pm

Southeast Ballroom C

Cancelled - Working to Fill


2:10 - 3:00 pm

Tennessee D

#Adulting: How to be a Real Adult or Fake It 'Til You Make It


ChelseaTarwater, Blount County Public Library

Nikki Denton (Blount County Public Library)

Our presentation will focus on a program that we call #Adulting, a workshop for teens and young adults (and adults that want to learn to be adultier) that covers some of the basics of getting older and taking on the new responsibilities that come with being a Real Adult Human. We'll discuss the workshop that we hosted during our Summer Reading Program at Blount County Public Library, which featured a panel of adults sharing their wisdom, financial advice, healthy food demonstrations, and a game that simulated a basic month in the life of someone attempting to both pay rent and have a social life. We will also discuss other possibilities for this program in the future and how you can implement it for patrons at your library!

2:10 - 3:00 pm

Tennessee E

Is Your Staff "All In?"


DinahHarris, Jackson-Madison County Library

Would you like to have a staff that is “All In?” One director shares her experiences in developing a staff who have a heart for service and a mindset of teamwork.

2:10 - 3:00 pm

Directors Row 6

Oral History Made Easy: Build a Digital Library of Oral History to save your local stories!


SharonEdwards, TLA-Legislative Monitor

Every community has its own special story and local history—histories that are at risk of being lost as the only memory holders age and pass away. However, you can preserve local histories easily by creating a digital library of Oral History for free, (or at a low cost.) This presentation will introduce you to Omeka, a free digital collections platform, and show you, step-by-step, how to create a Digital Library of Oral History: from recording an interview to the final Digital Library. We will even discuss how you can build an Oral History campaign, library events, and earned media around the creation and launch of your digital library of Oral History. Help save the stories in your community before there's no one around to remember them.

2:10 - 3:00 pm

Southeast Ballroom A

Streamlining Digital Collections: Getting the Most out of your Microfilm


AllisonGriffey, Tennessee State Library and Archives

Jennifer Randles, Tennessee State Library and Archives

This session will introduce attendees to the newly-published Record of Ex-Soldiers in World War I, Tennessee Counties, 1917-1919 collection on the Tennessee Virtual Archive. This collection of 130,000 service abstracts fills a gap left by the 1973 National Personnel Records Center fire, which destroyed the majority of Army personnel records between 1912 to 1960. The searchable microfilmed images with minimal metadata increase the amount of informational records available to patrons and represent a shift in thinking about digital collections. Allison will explain the collection's history and research applications, and Jennifer will discuss the workflow and technical aspects that made it possible to launch this collection with minimal fuss.

2:10 - 3:00 pm

Southeast Ballroom B

UT iSchool Research Forum


This annual session highlights the UT iSchool's (School of Information Sciences) student research that is relevant to our state's practitioners. This session is an opportunity to meet our practitioner colleagues of the future.

2:10 - 3:00 pm

Southeast Ballroom C

The Hidden Power of Story Time: How You Can Change a Child's Life


MarshaGallardo, Spring Hill Public Library

possibly Marcela Espejo

Why Kids should interrupt your story, why you should sing without a CD, why you should avoid cut and paste. Tap into the powerful influence you have a so many children's lives and validate their childhood and build their confidence. Recommended Books, Interactive Songs, Open-ended projects

3:10 - 4:00 pm

Tennessee D

Social Workers in Libraries


NancyRoark, TSLA/Holston River Regional Library

Heather Duby, Sullivan County Library Director, Katy Welborn, ETSU student

Can social workers be successful in small and mid-sized public libraries? Over the past three years, public libraries in upper East Tennessee have developed a partnership with the Social Work department at East Tennessee State University. Social work interns have worked with the homeless and other underserved groups, providing social services in a library setting. Every year, there are different challenges and clientele. Learn more about ways to utilize social work professionals in your library.

3:10 - 4:00 pm

Tennessee E

Low Cost / No Cost Programming


LauriThompson, Tennessee State Library & Archives

Kate Greene Smith / Tennessee State Library & Archives

One of the many hats worn by librarians is program coordinator. Sometimes, looking at an empty calendar is harder than looking at a blank page. At TSLA we see tons of great programs, and program ideas. Some ideas are so expensive they require grant money to run, but most are low or no cost programs that any library can sponsor. Join Kate Greene Smith and Lauri Thompson from Planning and Development at the Tennessee State Library and Archives as they share some of the many resources and ideas available to re-energize your programming. And, since we feel your budgetary pain, all ideas will be low cost, or no cost.

3:10 - 4:00 pm

Directors Row 6

#readtigersread: Peer Reading Conversations at an Academic Library


JamesRodgers, University of Memphis

Brannen Varner (Universit of Memphis), Lisa Sikkink (Universit of Memphis)

In the Fall of 2017, the University of Memphis McWherter Library initiated a project to engage with users as members of a nascent peer community of readers. Via an interactive display in the library during Welcome Week, visitors to the library were encouraged to “share†their favorite book. Subsequent steps include creating additional interactive programming and creating a browsing collection. The project sought to: encourage reading as both an intellectual and a recreational activity; collect information about the reading interest and behavior of our library users; encourage the interaction and growth of the peer community of readers through engagement with the library; collect information to better serve them through our collections.

3:10 - 4:00 pm

Southeast Ballroom A

All In The Catalog: Expanding Access Only and Open Access Coverage


CaitlinHarrington, University of Memphis Libraries

Rachel Scott, University of Memphis Libraries

University of Memphis Libraries did not previously provide catalog access to open access and access-only serial titles. However, a recent knowledgebase change provided an opportunity to add over 100,000 previously excluded serials records to the database. Join to discuss the decisions made, long-term challenges, and benefits of expanding access.

3:10 - 4:00 pm

Southeast Ballroom B

Career Transitions within the Library and Information Science profession: Advice and strategies for professional librarians


AnneReever Osborne, Buffalo River Regional Library -Tennessee State Library and Archives

Caitlyn Haley, Red River Regional Library, Amanda Yother, Falling Water River Regional Library, Mary Carpenter, Obion River Regional Library

Graduates from Library and Information Science programs often have chosen a specific library career path to pursue. Sometimes they stay within that career path. Many times information professionals find themselves working in their chosen field but in a different type of library setting than originally planned. How does an MLS graduate navigate the transition into a different type of library? This session will provide an opportunity to learn from experiences and strategies employed by current TN librarians as they moved from archives to public; academic to public; medical to public and public to academic to state regional library.

3:10 - 4:00 pm

Southeast Ballroom C

Junior Volunteer Program


TamaraHammer, Dickson County Public Library and Lifelong Learning Center

Junior Volunteer program has evolved over the years creating young library advocates who have completed seven years of the program. Watch their interviews and see their pictures. D.C.P.L. has an average of thirty active volunteers during the summer months. Discuss how to promote the program, volunteer mandatory training, and their special events. Building partners with school librarians and educators to recruit teens. How can their service hours be turned into creating a portfolio for clubs, employment, and college entrance.

4:10 - 5:00 pm

Tennessee D

Running a Library Comic Convention


ElizabethKozlowski, White House Public Library

Have you ever thought about running a library comic convention? Are you unsure what a library con even is? Then come to this session and we will go over everything it takes to host a library comic convention, what it is and how it can bring in new patrons. You will learn advertising methods, program ideas, how to find workshop presenters, vendors, scheduling and more!

4:10 - 5:00 pm

Tennessee E

A Professor, a Librarian, and a Vendor: Collection Development Trends from Three Perspectives
