Name of district: New Way Academy
Address: 5048 E. Oak St
City: Phoenix
Zip code: 85008
Type of intern candidates your district is willing to accept (check all that apply):
Name of district contact for school psychology internship: Lauren Brown
Phone: 6026296850
In which parts of the internship fair will your district participate (check all that apply):
- 9:00-10:00 AM Meet-n-Greet
- 10:00-12:00 PM Interviews
- 1:00-3:00 PM Interviews
Is the internship funded: Yes
If so, what is the typical salary: N/A
How many interns do you anticipate hiring this year: 1
How are interns in your district placed: Placed with an experienced school psychologist
Please briefly describe what experiences an intern in your district would receive: This is an opportunity for students to intern in a private non profit school for students with learning differences. New Way Academy was just voted by Phoenix Business Journal as the number 5 best place to work in the small business category. It is an amazing opportunity to learn about special education, and work with both privately placed and district placed students. An intern would have the opportunity not only to work closely with an onsite school psychologist, but be able to work with speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, a school counselor, fabulous teachers and a very supportive administrative team. The intern would have the opportunity to provide assessments, sit in on testing conferences with outside psychologists, observe classes, provide social/emotional curriculum in classes, provide counseling, and provide support to students, parents and teachers.
Please describe how supervision is provided to interns in your district: The school psychologist is onsite. The intern would be able to observe each area before beginning to practice on their own. Additionally, report writing support would be available. In addition to direct supervision, the intern would have the opportunity to meet with the supervisor as needed.
Will the supervisor(s) provide 2 hours of direct supervision for every 40 hours worked: Yes
How many hours do interns typically accumulate throughout the year: 1500
What other information should intern candidates know about your district or internship experience that is not listed here? N/A
Are there at least two licensed doctoral psychologists on staff in the event that a doctoral candidate wishes to receive supervision consistent with a future pursuit of licensure: No
Do you require students to apply to the district ahead of time: No
If so please provide directions for students on where to apply (physical address/email address/website) and what portfolio materials to submit: