‘Acts of caring’: applied drama, puppetry, medical simulation and ‘sympathetic presence’ in Person-Centred Nursing

Matt Jennings, Lecturer in Drama, School of Creative Arts, Ulster University,

Pat Deeny, Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing, Ulster University

The practices and principles of Nursing are associated with kindness, respect and compassion (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2016).Nursing pedagogypromotes these attributes asnecessary for therapeutic practice (McCormack and McCance, 2016). Such values resonate with a relational‘ethics of care’,as described by Noddings (2013) and Held (2005). However, Nursescan struggle to maintain these qualities in the workplace,in the context of‘mechanistic’ paradigms of care (De Zulueta, 2013), inadequate staffing levelsand challenges to patient safety(Louch et al, 2016).

Models such as Person-Centred Nursing (PCN) have emerged as frameworks for improvement(McCormack and McCance, 2016).One key feature of PCN is the concept of ‘sympathetic presence’, wherebya nurse actively responds to the physical and emotional state of a patient ‘in the moment’ (McCormack and McCance, 2016). However, the keychallenge is to develop ‘sympathetic presence’ into a set oftransferable skills.

Since 2013, students and staff ofNursing and Drama degree programmes at Ulster University (UU) have been usingapplied drama and actor trainingtechniquesto enhance ‘role play’practice forMental Health and Adult Nursing students. Evidence suggests that Nursing studentshave advanced theirself-awarenessand communication skills, demonstrating an improved understanding of ‘sympathetic presence’ and its value within the nurse-patient relationship (Deeny and Jennings 2016).

More recently, this intervention has incorporated the application of puppetry to medical simulation. Karen Torley (Banyan Puppet Theatre) has been working with Nursing and Drama students and staff to explore the use of puppetry techniques to animate medical mannequins.In approaching the mannequin ‘care-fully’ - through awareness and connection of breath and touch - the object attains a sense of agency, withinan intimate ‘aesthetics of care’ (Thompson 2015). Usingpuppetry within medical simulation,health professionals can practise humanising an object, in order to avoid objectifying humans.

Key Words: Applied Puppetry, Empathy, Sympathetic Presence, Patient-Centred Care, Care Ethics, Applied Drama, Aesthetics of Care, Pedagogy.


De Zulueta,P. ( 2013) Compassion in 21st century medicine: Is it sustainable? Clinical Ethics, 8(4). 119-128.

Held, V. (2005) The Ethics of Care: Personal, Political and Global. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Jennings, M and Deeny, P., (2016)Development of an interactive model of creative play and critical reflection to advance ‘sympathetic presence’ in Nursing practice: a case of interdisciplinary pedagogy with Nursing and Drama.Performing Care Research Symposium, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama (London), December 15th 2016

Louch, G., O'Hara, J., Gardner, P. and O'Connor, D.B. (2016) The daily relationships between staffing, safety perceptions and personality in hospital nursing: A longitudinal on-line diary study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 59, 27-37.

McCormack,B and McCance,T.(Eds) (2016) Person-centred Practice in Nursing and Health. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.

Noddings, N. (2013) Caring: A Relational Approach to Ethics and Moral Education. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Nursing and Midwifery Council (2015) The Code: Professional Standards of Practice and Behaviour for Nurses and Midwives. London: NMC

O’Neill, K (2013) (ed.) Patient-centred Leadership; rediscovering our purpose. London: King’s Fund

Thompson, J. (2015) Towards an aesthetics of care. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance. 20(4): 430-441