Please complete this page with the details of all of your sessions/events. Include the date, time, title and requested continuing education points of each session and event. Point calculations for the approved sessions are as follows: increments of 15 minutes equal .25 credit hours. A one (1) hour session would qualify for one (1) CE credit hour/point. A maximum amount of 7 CE points per day (unless you can provide a valid reason why more than 7 points should be awarded); breaks are not included in point calculation.

Activity Organizer:- Association of Fundraising Professionals

Title of Activity:- 2013 AFP International Conference

Names of Presenter(s):- Multiple

Dates and Location:- 7-9 April, 2013 – San Diego, CA USA


Date: Sunday, 7 April, 2013

Session: 9:00[am] – 10:15[am] (1.25pts)

- [What the World’s Best Managers Do Differently]

Date: Monday, 8 April, 2013

Session1: 8:00 [am] – 9:15[am] (1.25 pts)

- [SC4: Training Your Board Members to Personally Ask for Contributions]

- [AT6: Funder Vs Fundraiser – the ultimate challenge]

- [AC9:Your One Page Guaranteed to Work if Your Donors and You Execute the Plan with Good Copy, Stories and Design]

- [MKT1:Engaging the Next Generation Donor]

- [SC5: The Case Statement: Getting Your Story Right]

- [MKT5: The Whole Sponsorship Enchilada: From Packaging Strategically to the Perfect Pitch ]

- [DS12: Diversity and Inclusion: Paths to Increased Revenue and Collaboration]

- [CD8: You Can Grow Future Donors and Fundraisers with Your Local High School Students]

- [AT5: Accountability and Ethics Can Make or Break Your Organization]

- [CD9: Getting Involved in the ACFRE Process ] **

- [SC3: Social Media Analytics: How to Get Results for Planned Gifts]

- [MKT2: Don’t Just Communicate, Integrate!: The Power of Integrating Marketing Communications]

- [SC17:Developing a Multichannel Planned Giving Marketing Plan]

- [DS24:You’re the One That I Want: Engaging Your Donors to Become their Favorite Cause]

- [CD4: Taking the Leap and Going Out on your Own: Thoughts and Ideas on Entering the World of Consulting]

- [AC5:50 Asks in 50 weeks: How to sky rocket your Small Development Shop Results]

Session 2: 1:15[pm] – 2:30 [pm] (1.25pts)

- [AT2: Firing Lousy Board Members]

- [MI14: How to Build (and How Not to) a Fundraising Management Dashboard]

- [MKT12: A Bag of Tricks for a Better Nonprofit Website]

- [AC10: Build the Gap Between Mass Direct Mail Premiums and Relationship Building]

- [MKT4: Size Doesn’t Count. Participation Does]

- [SC6: The Case Statement: Getting Your Story Right]

- [MI11: A Crisis in Value-Our World is Built on Trust]

- [AC7: How to Renew 90% of Your Donors Every Year: The Secrets of Monthly Giving Sustainer Programs]

- [MI21: Cupcakes vs. The Wedding Cake: How to Marry your Ask to your Overall Fundraising Objectives]

- [MKT10: Making Your Website and Social Media a Valuable Fundraising Tool]

- [MI19: Non-Profit Innovation: What’s Working and Why]

- [DS7: Building Donor Loyalty: What’s New in our Thinking]

- [AC2: You are Never Too Small for Sponsorship]

- [DS3: Nonprofit Capacity Boost-Surefire Strategies for Securing Pro bono and In-kind Resources for your Organization]

- [SC1: The Pitch and the Presentation]

- [MI17: CDO Confidential: What CDOs Want You To Know (But are Afraid to Tell)]

- [CD1: The “Five Tool” Fundraiser]

Session 3: 2:45[pm] – 4:00[pm] (1.25pts)

- [MI8: Restructuring Your development Shop for Efficient use of Resources]

- [MI12: Good to Great]

- [DS18Moves Management Made Easy]

- [DS19: A Resurgent Asia:Its Implication on Global Fundraising and Philanthropy]

- [DS14:Regular Giving: How to Maximize Returns with Trigger Communications]

- [DS13: Reframing Fundraising: A Changing Landscape]

- [MI10: Applied ethics: Creating an Ethical Dialogue in Your Organization]

- [SC12: Ready? Set? Go! Set Up Your Development Office for a Successful Campaign]

- [MI6: Piercing the Veil: Engaging Your Board in High-Impact Fundraising]

- [MKT11: Using Social Media to turn Slactivists to Superheroes]

- [DS17: Diversity Session-Harnessing the Still Untapped Potential of Diverse Donors]

- [AT1: Authentic Leadership: Leading Courageously in Challenging Times]

- [AC3: Select, Plan and Execute Events That Work for Your Organization]

- [CD2: Engineering Your Nonprofit Career]**

- [MI5: In Pursuit of a Culture of Philanthropy: Building & Expanding Capacity]

- [DS11:Friction! It’s What’s Killing Your Online Donations]

- [DS1: From Awkward to Awesome: The Beginner’s Guide to Building Relationships]

Session 4: 4:15[pm] – 5:30 [pm] (1.25pts)

- [Distinguished Speaker Series: Leadership is a Feeling]

Date: Tuesday, 9 April, 2013

Session 5: 8:00 [am] – 9:15[am] (1.25pts)

- [DC5: Finding a Clear and Exciting Fundraising Proposition]

- [MI15: Going Global-Opportunities & Challenges: the Why and How to Break Into New International Fundraising Markets]

- [MKT13: Better Nonprofit Websites: 52 Tweaks in 52 Weeks]

- [MKT8: How to develop Effective Public Mobilization and Fundraising Concepts for New Media]

- [MKT17:Fundraising with Social Media]

- [SC11: No More Excuses!-Simple Successful planned Giving for People Not Sure They Can Do It]

- [MI9: No Bored Members: Equipping Board Members to be Successful, Enthusiastic Fundraisers]

- [AC8: How to Use Your Fundraising Event to connect with People in Power]

- [SC10: Transformational Gifts: Using philanthropic Planning to Partner with Prospects and Advisors]

- [AT4: Ethics in Fundraising]

- [AC11: Special Events Beyond an Annual Gala and Golf Tournaments: Know When to Sunset Old Events, Expand Successful Events and Sunset Mature Events]

- [DS4: Measuring Donor engagement: the Key to Continuing Contributions]

- [DS20: Building Donor Loyalty: What’s New in Our Thinking]

- [MKT3: Engagement Marketing: How Nonprofits Win in a Socially Connected World]

- [MI16: What in the World!? The Latest and Greatest in Fundraising from Around the World]

- [CD6: What Can You Learn From The Next Generation and What Can They Learn From You?]

- [MI1: Fundraising in Hard Times: Ethical Behavior and Traps for the Unwary]

Session 6: 9:30[am] – 10:45[am] (1.25pts)

- [DS6: Looking After Your Supporters-Great Stewardship in Action]

- [SC14: Cutting Edge Face-To-Face Fundraising From Around the World ]

- [MKT9: How to develop Effective Public Mobilization and Fundraising Concepts for New Media]

- [MKT14: Does Social Media Make Cents? An Expert Panel in Social Media Fundraising]

- [MKT9: How to Develop Effective Public Mobilization and Fundraising Concepts for New Media]

- [CD5:The Diverse Fundraiser: Doing the Right Things…Right. Make Being Different Pay Off!]

- [MI18: The Leadership Triangle]

- [MKT7: Six Social Media and Marketing Tactics Nonprofits Can Learn from Food Trucks]

- [MKT16Donors, Engagement and the Metrics that Matter]

- [MKT6: A Journey Inside your Donor’s Brain]

- [AT3: Managing Staff as if They Were Donors: Using What We Know About Donor Behavior to Bring Out the Best in Staff]

- [MI20: The Ask: Engaging Volunteers from Diverse Worlds and Communities]

- [MI4: Breaking Down the Barriers Within Your Organization to Raise More Funds]

- [DS2: Does your Phone weigh 500lbs? Strategies Tips and Information on How to Talk to Your Donors on the Phone and Raise More Money]

- [MI2: Small Shop Success: Building Your Development Dream Team]

- [SC7: 10 Ways to improve Your Fundraising Strategy with Prospect Research]

- [AC4: Doing the Right Things..Right…Annually!]

- [DS9: How to fast Track Your Donor relations Program with oral History DVDs]

Session 7: 12:45[pm] – 2:00[pm] (1.25pts)

- [SC16: Peer to Peer Fundraising : Why It’s Rocking the Acquisition World and Creating Super Engaged Donors]

- [MI13: Lost in Translation?]

- [MKT15: Next Gen Donors: Website and Fundraising Best Practices to Engage Millennial Donors Online ]

- [SC13: The Pitch & Presentation]

- [DS23: Changing Generational Cohorts in the 21st Century]

- [DS21:Reframing Funding: A Changing Landscape]

- [SC15:Moving Women's Philanthropic Leadership Forward ]

- [DS21: Reframing Funding: A Changing Landscape]

- [SC9: Planned Giving Trigger: Scientific Findings on the Factors that Yield Gifts]

- [DS16: Navigating Foundation Trends: What Philanthropy Insiders Predict]

- [MI17: Beyond Boundaries: Innovative Strategy for Regional Fundraising]

- [MI22: Different Economy, Different Funding Climate, Different Expectations: A Conversation among Nonprofit Leaders]

- [CD7: Entretejendo la Etica En Tu Vida Professonal (Weaving ethics into Your Professional Life]

- [DS8: What the Major Donors Want From Nonprofits Today: Latest Research on How Major Donors are Changing and What To Do About It]

- [DS10: Beyond data Getting to Know Your Donors]

- [AC6: Learn to say “NO” and Other Uncommon Skills In Annual Fundraising]

Total Number of Contact Hours Attended


(Number of contact hours = number of Education points)

** = Asterisked sessions are applicable as non-fundraising related (NFR) education. A maximum of ten (10) NFR hours may be listed on an Initial Certification Application, and, a maximum of five (5) NFR hours may be listed on a Recertification Application