Chairman's Report

Firstly, it is with deep sadness that I refer to the recent death of Euan Ferguson a founder of the Kinross-shire Partnership in 1998 who served with distinction as a director until a few years ago and twice as chairman. Amongst his many contributions to the local community, Euan was closely involved in the original strategic plan for the Kinross town centre regeneration which ultimately came to fruition to such broad acclaim last year. The Kinross-shire Partnership would not be in the strong position it is now were it not for Euan’s foresight and faithful long service. On behalf of the board I wish to express our sincere appreciation of all he did.

The aims of the Partnership are to act as a catalyst in the identification, promotion and encouragement of -

economic development


environmental improvement

community recreation

Over the past 12 months we have:

Run the popular winter series of business breakfasts

Sponsored the fleet of mobility scooters for free use on the heritage trail

Maintained the Loch Leven Tourism Forum and hosted a Destination Promotion Conference at Tullibole Castle

Completed an assessment of the prospects for Aero Space Kinross, created its separate legal entity, engaged its team of trustees and administrators and passed the baton to them.

Initiated plans and sought funding for the installation of interactive visitor information touchscreens at Loch Leven’s Larder, RSPB and the Pier Kinross.

The Partnership is run on an entirely voluntary basis by a board which currently comprises 6 directors, the 4 PKC Ward Cllrs, the PKC Capacity Builder, the Chair of Kinross CC, two volunteers and ourAdministrator. We also continue to enjoy the general support of Kinross CC, Historic Scotland, RSPB, SNH, TRACKS and Visit Scotland.

I wish to record my sincere thanks to them all.

Full details of who we are and what we do will be found on our website: .

At this time last year, we were nervous about the prospects for continued financial support from Perth & Kinross Council. Indeed, as our accounts for the year to 31st October 2015 show only too starkly, our funding had not come through by the time we reached our year end. Furthermore, our request for support for a membership scheme with a modest annual subscription fell on deaf ears. However, I am pleased (and relieved) to advise that a grant to cover our running costs was forthcoming from PKC during November. We are currently looking for someone to take on the fundraising and grants administration role so if you are interested or know of anyone who could fulfil this key role please let me know.

On the community recreation front, I again applaud both Tracey Ramsey and her PKC colleagues at the Campus and the team at KLEO for all the social events they are running to such great effect on our community.

Particular thanks to Karen Grunwell, our administrator, who has calmly kept our busy schedule of meetings ticking over and meticulously organised and recorded. I also want to acknowledge with grateful thanks the book-keeping service provided by Kirsty Cassells over recent years, and to thank Kelly Smith for taking up the reins at the start of our new financial year.

I am very pleased to confirm that Andrew Scott (of the award winning Heaven Scent) has recently taken over the chair of the Loch Leven Tourism Forum. Andrew is brim-full of fresh ideas, energy and enthusiasm and I am sure he will do a great job for the benefit of our tourism partners.

On behalf of the board I wish to express our thanks to The Green Hotel for again making their premises available tonight and for Partnership meetings over the past year.

Finally, sincere thanks to attendees for coming here tonight and to all who have helped with the work of the Kinross-shire Partnership over the past 12 months.

Alisdair Stewart

