101 Days of Prayer for a Peaceful Referendum

Background to the Initiative:

The upcoming referendum vote for unity orsecessionin Southern Sudan will be a new moment in the history of Sudan. Voting will take place on January 9, 2011. As the country moves towards the referendum, we can anticipate a time of increased anxiety as the people of Southern Sudan prepare to make this enormously important decision. Campaigns have begun, organizations are being mobilized, the Referendum Committee has been formed and many different opinions are being expressed on newspapers, TV and national and local radio.
Differing opinions and spirited discussions of controversial topics are always very healthy in any society as long as such exchanges are held in a peaceful manner. However as a post-conflict country with a long history of war, Sudan’s familiarity with peace is relatively limited.
Description of the Project
Each year September 21 is celebrated worldwide as the UN International Day of Peace and similar celebrations take place on January 1- the World Day of Peace celebrated by the Catholic Church. Sr. Cathy Arata SSND, Director of Solidarity with Southern Sudan’s Pastoral Services noted that the time span between those two important dates is exactly 101 days.She approached both Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the Sudan Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SCBC) to propose that this period of time should be dedicated to a campaign of prayer and activities for peacefor all of Sudan.

This is how this collaborative initiative was born…………and now the 101 Days of Prayer will hopefully spread to many parts of the world as Christians and people of many faiths join in this hope-filled act of solidarity with the people of Sudan.

This is an important time to teach people how to be peace builders, to reinforce the importance of peace in all our communities and to prepare the people of Southern Sudan for the referendum. We can do that by praying and acting for peace on both local and global levels and by helping to deepen our personal commitment to becoming an advocate for peace.
The campaign, “101 Days for Peace in Sudan” seeks to create a sacred space for prayer and religious, educational and cultural activities carried out throughout the 9 dioceses of Sudan. The theme for the campaign is: “Change your Heart, Change the World”.
Many “referendum campaigns” have begun, or will begin within the next few weeks. What is unique about the 101 Days for Peace in Sudan is its focus on prayer, acknowledging that peace is a gift from God and that each person has the responsibility to prepare for this gift at an individual as well as at a community level.

What is being planned in Sudan?

Planning for the campaign began in May when a consultative group was formed to generate ideas and to organize activities. The bishops endorsed the campaign at their plenary session in July. 7,000 posters, 8,100 reflection booklets and more than 100,000 prayer cards in various languageshave been produced and distributed to all the dioceses. The reflection booklets have weekly themes and daily quotes related to peace. The booklets are tools for clergy, religious, catechists, teachers, leaders of parish groups to use. The seven radio stations of the Catholic Radio Network will have one pre recorded 15 minute meditation per week and a two hour live program each week. Each radio station will begin the day by praying the Prayer for a Peaceful Referendum and reading the daily quotation.

What can we do throughout the World?

•We can make the 101 Days of Prayer for a Peaceful Referendum known far and wide – though our networks of friends, colleagues, parishes, JPIC groups etc.

•We can say the special 101 Day Prayer for Peace

•We can check the themes and quotations suggested for each week and for each day

• We can advocate on behalf of Southern Sudan, asking the UN and our own governmental representatives to ensure that the referendum is allowed to proceed and that it is fairly conducted.

• We can hold peace building events in our own part of the world with a special focus onSudan.

Concluding Thoughts:
Catholic Social Teaching lists “peace” as one of its guiding principles. Our Christian faith calls us to be reconcilers and peace builders. The 101 Days campaign is based on the desire to build peace and to become peace-makers. The US Bishops in their 1983 Pastoral Letter “The Challenge of Peace” remind us that“Peacemaking is not an optional commitment; it is a requirement of our faith. We are called to be peacemakers, not by some movement, but by our Lord Jesus.(Art. 56)” Pope John Paul II wrote the following in his encyclical “On the Development of Peoples” “Peace is something that is built up day after day, in the pursuit of an order intended by God, which implies a more perfect form of justice among all people.” Let us respond to this call, let us continue the work of peace and justice, knowing that we are being true to our vocation as Christians.