Activity:Chuckwagon Derby @ Camp Carpenter

Permission Slip to be returned by: April 3, 2008 (Troop Meeting)

Activity Location:Chuckwagon Derby

Activity Dates: April 11-13, 2008

Drop Off:Date: Friday,April 11
Location: Parking log of CampCarpenter
Drop-off Time: 6pm [Bring Bag Lunch for Saturday]
Pick Up:Date: Sunday, April 13
Pickup Location: Parking log of CampCarpenter
Pick-up Time: 10am
Cost of Cancellation after Deadline: $12

Special Instructions & Information: [Bring Bag Lunch for Saturday] The adult and scout leadership will create the menu for the new scout patrols and have the scouts cook their own food. The existing patrols will create their own menus assign a grub master and follow the normal routine. For emergency contact information, we are organizing the roster to find out which adults will be overnight at the camp. At time of drop off, find out who the lead adult will be and get their phone number.


Activity:Chuckwagon Derby @ Camp Carpenter

Permission Slip to be returned by April 3, 2008

As the parent or legal guardian of ______, I hereby give my permission for this child to participate in an outing with Troop 414. (Name of Scout)

I understand that if the scout cancels after the outing signup cutoff date, then he will be responsible for direct costs incurred by the troop on his behalf ($20) including meals ($2.50 per meal).

I give permission to the leaders of the above unit to render first aid, should the need arise. In the event of an emergency, I also give permission to the physician, selected by the adult leader in charge, to hospitalize, secure proper anesthesia, order injection, or secure other medical treatment, as needed.

I further agree to hold the above named unit and its leaders blameless for any accidents that might occur during this outing except for clear acts of negligence or non-adherence to BSA policies and guidelines.

In case of emergency, I can be reached by phone at ______or ______.

If I cannot be reached, please contact ______at ______.


(Parent / Guardian Signature)(Date)

[Adults attending – check the meals and the time you will be present. ]

Adult Meal and attendance planning: Check for each meal that applies.

Sat. B-fast ____Lunch ____Supper ____

Sun B-fast ____

Notes: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


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