Chapter 9 Intelligence 2007

Topic: Test Construction

Why use psychological tests?

A) diagnosis

B) Measurement of differences between people

C) Measurement of changes in people over time

D) Measurement of job performance, etc.

Test Reliability & Validity

Test Reliability – The test produces the same result each time.

Test Validity – The test measures that which it purports to measure.

Tests may be reliable (give example) Without being valid.

TOPIC: Measurement of Intelligence

Define Intelligence: Operational definition “That which the IQ test measures”

Most IQ tests are designed so that raw scores are converted into standard scores with 100 being taken as the “average.”

Thus, the IQ curve below is a amalgam of various sub-scores that are “normalized” using the standard deviation. The MEAN IQ score corresponds to 0 Z or Zero sigma. Note the transformation in the figure below.

Basic types of intelligence – Perhaps there are hundreds of kinds of separate intelligence but here are ones that are often used on IQ tests such as the WAIS. No single IQ test measures all types of intelligence

EXAMPLE OF WAIS — Intelligence on the WAIS is considered to be due to two major factors VERBAL intelligence and PERFORMANCE Intelligence

VERBAL (consists of the following sub-categories)





digit span


PERFORMANCE SCORE (consists of the following sub-categories)

digit symbol

picture completion

block design

picture arrangement

object assembly

Here is the data form I used to test the IQ of a Black Valparaiso University professor in 1965 as part of the requirements for my undergraduate Tests & Measurements course. He was very good friend of mine. He had an apartment on campus and he and a group of us were active in the then highly controversial (even revolutionary) Negro Civil Rights Movement. At the time, there was talk among some Whites of simply “getting rid of “ those @#$%## trouble makers -- and that included getting rid of Whites that were on the side of the Negroes. There was an active Klux Klux Clan in Porter County, Indiana where the University was located.

Go over the meaning & use of the types of intelligence.

Why different IQ tests are used.

Limitations of IQ testing in regard to “proving” differences in racial or ethnic intelligence.