Invitation to Tender

A Sustainable Business Model for Brecon Jazz – Scoping & Feasibility Study in Two Phases


  1. This document invites consultants or consortia to submit proposals to undertake a two phase scoping and feasibility study into developing a sustainable business model for the future of a Brecon Jazz festival
  2. The deadline for receipt of proposals is 24thJune 2016. The work undertaken by the appointed contractor is expected to take 5-6 months (dependent on securing additional funding) and should be completed by the end of December 2016 at the latest.


The Brecon Jazz Festival held its first event in 1984 and over the last 33 years it has on three occasions had to overcome financial difficulties. For the last four years it has been run by Orchard with significant grant funding from the Arts Council of Wales (ACW). Orchard announced that it was pulling out of running the festival in 2016 because it didn’t provide a return for their investment. And ACW told stakeholders it was no longer prepared to support the festival in its current format to the same extent as in previous years.

There have been a number of factors that have contributed to this situation but key was that the official Brecon Jazz Festival picked up all the costs for staging the Festival weekend in Brecon e.g. cleaning the streets, policing and the marketing to attract visitors to Brecon. However over the last seven years the Brecon Fringe which is not a constituted organisation has grown to such an extent that in 2015 over 120 mainly free concerts were staged in pubs and venues around the town. The Fringe has competed with and diverted paying customers from Brecon Jazz Concerts thereby the main festival has not generated enough income to cover the costs and investment, which are necessary to make the festival sustainable.

The stakeholders are planning an interim festival this year whilst the feasibility study is undertaken to identify a sustainable business model to secure a longer-term future for the jazz festival in Brecon.

Theatr Brycheiniog and the Friends of Brecon Jazz are introducing a Youth Jazz Showcase for new emerging young jazz groups, youth music development and activities for children and families including street/outdoor entertainment both on the canal-side and at various town centre locations. Brecon Jazz club are staging concerts, dance, exhibition, workshops and film at the Guildhall, Castle Hotel & other venues. Brecon Cathedral will host two concerts.
The Brief

Proposals are invited from individuals or consortia with an astute understanding of the Jazz Festival scene in Wales and the UK to undertake a Scoping /Feasibility study into a future direction for Brecon Jazz. Due to funding considerations the study needs to be undertaken in two phases.

Phase One - Scoping

  • Objectively and rationally uncover the strengths and weaknesses of a Jazz Festival in Brecon
  • Identify the opportunities and threats
  • The potential for new audience development and community engagement
  • Assess the quality of customer experience required
  • Consider options for future direction, benefits & costs analysis
  • Identify best option and a sustainable business case
  • Prepare and submit an application to the Arts Council of Wales & Powys County Council to secure funding to undertake Phase Two

Phase Two - Feasibility

  • Undertake consultation and a detailed appraisal of the preferred option
  • Determine the artistic ambition and prepare three year business plan to include aims and objectives
  • Identify the resources and governancestructure required to implement the proposal, to include evaluation and risk management
  • The two main criteria to judge feasibility are economic; whether suitable funding can be found and the value to be gained from such an event.

The principal aims for the Scoping & Feasibility Study are:

  1. To develop further understanding of the current jazz scene in Wales and the UK
  2. To investigate the future for partnerships with local authorities, creative & educational organisations and other potential stakeholders
  3. To consider a positioning that is distinctive and relevant
  4. To develop options for a sustainable business model for the delivery of the festival, undertake consultation and a detailed appraisal of the preferred option including costs, benefits and risk management
  5. To develop the artistic ambition and supporting 3 year business plan for the preferred option
  6. To indicate the scale of investment required and the likely return on the investment.

The Scoping & Feasibility Study should take account of the following:

  1. Research and all research undertaken to date
  2. This years interim event ‘ the Brecon Jazz Weekend 2016 and the introduction of the Young Musicians Showcase
  3. The Brecon Fringe Festival
  4. Current jazz festivals & events in Wales
  5. Current infrastructure
  6. Current practice in the UK and some international case studies
  7. The feasibility of the proposal and how it will be sustainable


The main outputsfor Phase One willbe a Scoping Study report to Brecon Town Council / Arts Council of Wales (ACW) / Powys County Council (PCC) andsecuring funding from ACW & PCC to undertake Phase Two.

Thereport should contain an executive summary, key recommendations, methodology employed, analysis of feasibility, options appraisal, identify the preferred option and outline the sustainable business case. The successful contractor may be required to deliver presentations on the Report’s findings.


Phase One – Scoping Study

£3,000 to include all travel and expenses (VAT is not payable)


The project will be administered by Fiona Williams, Town Clerk, Brecon Town Council and managed by: Mary Philips, Brecon Town Council, supported by Elizabeth Jeffreys, Brecon Beacons Marketing Coordination Group

The Brecon Jazz Feasibility Study Steering/ Advisory Group will oversee the process and will consist of one representative from each of the following:

  • Brecon Town Council – Mary Philips
  • ACW– Suzanne Griffith-Rees
  • Powys County Council _ Lucy Bevan
  • Theatr Brycheiniog – Martyn Green
  • Friends of Brecon Jazz& Chair Stakeholder Group – Sean Williams
  • Brecon Jazz Club – Roger Cannon
  • Brecon Cathedral – Paul Shackerley
  • Brecon Chamber of Trade – Sarah Lewis
  • Brecon Beacons Marketing Coordination Group – Elizabeth Jeffreys

The Tender

The tender proposals must clearly identify:

  • The scope of the two phases of the project
  • The background and rationale for the proposal
  • A work-plan and methodology
  • Relevant material on the expertise and experience of the consultant / consortia including C V’s of all key personnel to be involved
  • Confirmation of the proposed project timetable and start date
  • Full contact details for all correspondence
  • Number of days required and daily rate
  • Two references

Anticipated Schedule

Deadline for Tenders / 24June 2016

Selection / By 29June 2016
1st Meeting / To be agreed

Mid-study meeting / 31 August 2016
Feasibility study submitted
/ 28 October 2016

Deadline for expressions of interest: 12 mid-day 24thJune 2016

Interviews for shortlisted applicants – Wednesday 29th June 2016

Address to which they must be sent:

The Town Clerk

Brecon Town Council

The Guildhall,





Criteria for Assessment

  • Understanding of the aims of the project
  • Suitability of proposed methodology
  • Quality and feasibility of work-plan
  • Relevance of the previous experience
  • Value for money

Enquiries to:

Elizabeth Jeffreys: Mobile: 07870 610068

Mary Philips: obile 07885 511085