Monday 29th June 2015, 7pm
Fletchers Lea, Ware Priory, High Street, Ware, SG12 9AL



Jan Stock (Wodson Park & Chairperson), Valdis Belinis (Herts Wheelers & Treasurer), Michal Siewniak (Broxbourne & East Herts CVS & Vice Chair), Lynsay Evans (Secretary), Marianne McWhinnie (EHC), John Manitara (CHILD UK), Angela Aldam (Bishops’ Stortford Canoe Club), Christine Neyndorff (HSP), Margaret Carrier (Hertford Swimming Club), Janet Warrington (Special Olympics East Herts), Matt Goodchild (Bury Rangers FC), Margaret and Robert Waddingham (Ware Joggers), Jez Cox (Hertfordshire Year of Cycling), Daniel Burford (Active Newham), Brian Jackson (Herts CTC & Dane End Junior Badminton), Joe Liggett (EHC), Margaret Cassey (Special Olympics Bishop’s Stortford), Malcolm Chapman (Eastern Region Roller Speed Association)


Gary Aldam (Bishop’s Stortford Canoe Club), Jan Wood (North East Herts SSP), Mekhola Ray (EHC), Debbie Evans (Hertford & Ware SSP), Mike Lewis (Hertford Town YFC), Chris Yearley (Everyone Active - SLM), Paul Widdicombe (Herts Badminton Assoc.), Councillor Eric Buckmaster (EHC), Councillor Linda Haysey (EHC)

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed as true and correct and were proposed by John Manitara and seconded by Michal Siewniak.

Presentation of Summary of Achievements 2014/2015 (separate attachment)

Jan Stock summarised Active East Herts’ achievements as identified in the 2014/15 Action Plan. It has been a very successful and productive year and Jan thanked the committee for their continued support in driving the Action Plan forward. The following key achievements were highlighted:

1)  Engagement with sports clubs has been improved through our website, social media, and volunteer workshops however, interest in the Sports Summit has waned.

2)  MOVE Week – the event has provided a platform to engage with the community in a range of sporting activities. Impact has been measured through an analysis and video of the 2014 event and has helped to attract funding towards the 2015 event.

Michal Siewniak reported that planning is well underway for the 2015 event taking place from 21st – 27th September 2015. The focus of this year’s event will be on families and young adults with the emphasis on organising bigger events that would appeal to a larger audience. There will be a number of taster sessions such as water polo, disability sport (session to launch the new Special Olympics East Herts Bishop’s Stortford sports club) and other larger events such as a family bike ride and a football tournament. Popular activities from previous years (health walks, a family badminton competition) will feature once again. We have linked in with local partners such as Panshanger Park Run and Hertfordshire Age UK’s Healthwise programme to deliver additional activities for all ages.

3)  School Games – the sporting success at the Games throughout the year has been a credit to the three School Games Organisers in the district. The involvement of their well-motivated sports leaders was recognised as a huge asset to the three Partnerships.

4)  Moving Mums - £25K granted towards the delivery and coordination of this project to increase female participation due to commence in September 2015. Jane Parker will be seconded from HSP to coordinate the project which will include activities such as beginner running, Breeze cycle rides, Back to Netball and tennis.

5)  50+ activities – Supported EHC with Community Sport Activation Fund (CSAF) bid to increase participation for the over 50s. Application submitted in April 2015 with decision due in July 2015. Engagement with Age UK Hertfordshire Healthwise programme to run two sessions (Hertford and Bishop’s Stortford) commencing in MOVE Week. The 10 week programme is aimed at older adults with early dementia, depression and isolation.

6)  Special Olympics East Herts – The launch of Bishop’s Stortford Special Olympics East Herts will take place in MOVE Week. Margaret Cassey will be leading on this new initiative. The taster session will signpost individuals to activities taking place in Bishop’s Stortford e.g. swimming, cycling, horse riding and ten pin bowling.

7)  Grants – Sports clubs grants continue to be provided. EHC PEx awards have increased considerably with interest from a wider range of sports and more first time applicants. The England Athletics grant continues to help develop local running and athletics clubs through coaching qualifications and club support programme.

8)  Jan Stock and Joe Liggett will be holding a number of focus groups for sports clubs in September to better understand what clubs are currently doing, what their vision is for the future and what we can do to support them.

Jan Stock advised that the 2015/16 Action Plan would be circulated to the committee for comment along with minutes and Constitution. Progress of the Action Plan would be reviewed at the quarterly AEH Executive Committee meetings.

Presentation of Financial Report 2014-2015 (separate attachment)

The AEH Treasurer’s Report was presented by Valdis Belinis who reported the healthy balance of £24,521.93. This was mainly attributed to grants from England Athletics and Awards for All, with expenditure committed to both these project in the forthcoming year. Valdis highlighted the continued support of the Herts Sports Partnership in 2015 of £1K towards increasing participation and £500 towards primary school sport. East Herts Council continue their support with £5K as part of a Service Level Agreement.

The report was proposed by John Manitara and seconded by Janet Warrington.

Proposed amendment to the Constitution (separate attachment)

Jan Stock presented the proposed amendment to the Constitution (3a). The aim to increase participation would be measured at a district level, through locally led projects such as MOVE Week and Moving Mums, rather than referencing Sport England’s national Active People Survey (APS). Christine Neyndorff highlighted that participation had decreased nationally but Hertfordshire remained static due to the ageing population. This should be viewed as an achievement. The Constitution would be revised and circulated for final agreement along with the latest APS.

Election of Officers and Executive Committee

The following Officers were re-elected for a third term:

Chair – Jan Stock

Vice Chair – Michal Siewniak

Treasurer – Valdis Belinis

Secretary –Lynsay Evans (Interim)

The Executive Committee remains as below with the addition of Councillor Eric Buckmaster, Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing (EHC) who replaces Councillor Linda Haysey (Leader of the Council, EHC).

Angela and Gary Aldam (Bishop’s Stortford Canoe Club); Claire Peet (Birchwood SSP); Valdis Belinis (Treasurer & Herts Wheelers); Tony and Dawn Best (Waggoners Country Dance); Sean Curran (Buntingford Cougars Youth FC); Debbie Evans (Hertford & Ware SSP; Jan Wood (NE Herts SSP);, Marianne McWhinnie (EHC); Margaret Carrier (Hertford SC); Christine Neyndorff (HSP); Jan Stock (Chairperson & Wodson Park); Michal Siewniak (Vice Chairperson & CVS); Janet Warrington (Hoddesdon SC and Tri Club); Jan Wing (Ware Skate Park Scheme); Mike Lewis (Hertford Town Youth FC), Lynsay Evans (Secretary); Dr Petra Simic (Clinical Commissioning Group), Chris Yearley, General Manager, Everyone Active Hartham, Tashmina Hoque, District Co-ordinator, Pro-Action Herts and John Manitara, CEO, CHILD UK.

Any Other Business

There were no matters arising under Any Other Business and the meeting was closed. Jan Stock thanked everyone for attending and looked forward to meeting clubs in September to see how AEH can support them.

An inspiring presentation by Jez Cox, Hertfordshire Year of Cycling Manager followed. The Year of Cycling is a Hertfordshire County Council initiative funded by Public Health. The year ran from May 2014 to May 2015 and aims to inspire people to get out, ride their bikes and have fun! Jez is currently delivering the Summer of Cycling, a series of events which are taking place across the county and will work on a legacy programme to support others in delivering sustainable events and programmes.

Please note Executive Committee Meeting dates for 2015/16:

Monday 21st September 2015, 7pm – Bishops Stortford Canoe Club

Wednesday 16th December 2015, 7pm – venue to be confirmed*

Monday 14th March 2016, 7pm – venue to be confirmed*

The date of the AGM will be Wednesday 22nd June 2016, 7pm – Fletchers Lea, The Priory, Ware

*A request was made to all AEH clubs to host committee meetings and to contact Lynsay Evans if interested.