Overview: This document explains the standard operating procedure for the use of Smartsheets for accurate tracking of vehicle inventory.
Accessing Smartsheet
Step 1: The DSP should provide the email IDs of people who will be the POCs for the Vehicle Audit Process. On receiving these email IDs, the DSP Management Team will provide access to Smartsheets only to these people. Please send your POCs to .
Step 2: DSP Management Team at Amazon will invite a DSP Point of Contact to Smartsheets Vehicle Tracking Information. There is one sheet for every DSP. Upon invitation, the DSP POC will receive an email to edit Smartsheets. See a sample screenshot of the email below.
Step 3: Click on the name of the sheet in blue. That will take you to the Smartsheet tool. If you are a first time user of Smartsheets and have never created any account, you will be asked to create a password. Your email ID that was used to invite you will serve as the login. A screenshot for a first time user is attached below.
If you have used Smartsheets before and you already have an account, it will simply ask you to enter your login information. See screen shot below.
Step 4: After you login into Smartsheet
a)if you are a first time user you will see an introductory video titled “Welcome to Smartsheet” which you have the option to skip.
b)if you are a registered user, it will directly take you to the vehicle information sheet that was shared with you.
Submitting Vehicle Information
Step 5: The vehicle information template remains the same from the last when we gathered data in the December 2015 – January 2016 timeframe. Also, all the information you submitted has been pre-uploaded into Smartsheets. For the vehicle audit, you need to delete the rows for vehicles that you have stopped using for AMZL and fill in new rows with the vehicles that you have started using since the last time you submitted data. Smartsheets works similar to Microsoft Excel so you should have minimal trouble in updating your sheet. Note that we have built one sheet per DSP. Your sheet should have information for all the stations that you operate in.
Step 6: Vehicle Images – As part of AMZL branding effort, you are required to submit 3 images of every vehicle that you use to service AMZL account. The images will clearly show the two sides and the back of the vehicle. In order to upload these images to Smartsheet,
a)For every row that has information on only one vehicle, go to the left of the sheet to find a column with a clipping sign meant for attachments (See screenshots below).
b)Click on the plus sign on the intersection of this column and the row for which you would like to upload pictures.
c)A box will pop up that will enable you to upload attachments. Click on “Attach”, then choose the location where your image is stored. You have the option to upload images from your computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, etc.
d)You can choose multiple images in one go or choose one image at a time. Make sure you upload 3 images for every vehicle.
Refer to the link below in case you face any trouble.
Note: Before you upload the images, please make sure that you follow the naming convention for these files. The naming convention is:
For example,
Also, please ensure that the each file is not more than 1 MB. You can use this website to reduce your file size (
Step 7: After you are done updating the sheet and uploading all the pictures, please send an email tating that you have completed the vehicle audit for a particular month.