Summary of GOES-R Meeting
March 15, 2005
Present: Mark DeMaria, Milija Zupanski, Dusanka Zupanski, Manajit Sengupta, Don Hillger, Louie Grasso, Jack Dostalek, Dan Lindsey, John Knaff, Dave Watson, Kevin Micke, Hiro Gosden, Dan Bikos, Kathy Fryer
Mark reported that the GOES-R Review went well. The next year’s funding has been approved and we have tentative approval for FY06, FY07, and FY08.
The GOES-R technical advisory committee requested that RAMMB/CIRA provide a three-year plan for the next phase of the project (FY06-FY08), which is due by the end of March. Mark explained that he wanted to include 7 topics in the plan and that each topic would have project member as a focal point. The person designated as the focal point would have other appropriate members to assist in the writing of a paragraph describing future research and development. In the future, the GOES-R quarterly reports would have a format similar to the three-year plan. Focal points would also be designated to write input for the quarterly reports.
1)Synthetic data studies
a)Louie will be the focal point with help from Manajit. Included in the plan will be:
i)All ABI channels 3.9 µm and higher.
ii)Simulations of MSG IR channels, matched up with ABI channels (for tropical cyclone applications).
iii)Louie’s resolution (science) studies.
iv)Testing of new retrievals on synthetic data.
2)PCI Prototype products, including a real time web page
a)Don will be the focal point with help from Bernie and Dave. Included in the plan will be:
i)Fog, dust, volcanic ash products, developed from more that 1 case. Testing will be done to evaluatethese products.
ii)Develop GOES-R online to present data in real time.
3)Data base management
a)Deb will be the focal point with help from Hiro, Kevin, Dan L., and Kathy. Included in the plan will be:
i)Expansion of storage management.
ii)Organization of incoming data.
iii)GOES-R science page with links to OSD and other ORA GOES-R pages, formatted with the 7 topics in the 3-year plan.
4)Severe weather products
a)Dan L. will be the focal point with help from Jack, Dan B., and Louie Included in the plan will be:
i)R. Petersen’s nowcasting method. He has offered to come to CIRA to demonstrate this method.
ii)Lightning mapper - Steve Goodman from MSFC will work with us.
iii)Mesoscale applications (Jack).
iv)Potential collaboration with Bob Rabin to get regional reanalysis from 1979 to approx. 2004.
v)Dan Lindsey’s ongoing work with cloud top structure.
5)Tropical cyclone products
a)Mark will be the focal point with help from Ray and John K. Included in the plan will be:
i)Sounder applications (retrievals).
ii)Evaluation of AIRS data.
iii)Ray’s 2 km Dvorak project.
iv)MSG data set, ozone channel (John K.), look at new channels, case studies from next year’s hurricane season.
6)Ensemble – MLEF
a)Dusanka will be the focal point with help from Milija. Included in the plan will be:
i)Development techniques for information content starting with AIRS and applying the techniques to the NCEP model.
ii)Use of the community radiative transfer model or our own (enhanced NCEP model).
a)Bernie will be the focal point with help from Dan B., Jeff, and Dan L. Included in the plan will be:
i)Coordination with SHyMet, VISIT, and WMO to develop training tools.
ii)Initiating an AWIPS proving ground.
iii)Louie’s “John Doe” model.
Deadline for sending 3-year plan to Paul Menzel:March 31
Deadline for sending input of focal points to Kathy:March 25